TTC 3 years - general chit chat

Ah no, I'm sorry about the spotting. That just sucks giant balls.

I hope they come up with a good plan for you.

I would love for us to get pregnant around the same time, we could do the whole thing together ❤
Hello there, I have been a lurker for quite a while and thought I'd officially join in here. My OH and I have been TTC # 1 for almost 3 years now as well. After all of our tests we have been labeled unexplained infertility, though he does have lower sperm counts. We're just starting to work more closely with a fertility specialist, they placed me on femara, which I have used for two cycles now, just to increase our chances. No problems ovulating. Only thing is, this last cycle it made me spot for 8 days straight before stopping, then my actual cycle started. So this cycle we're going to go back to the old fashioned way and see if anything changes. Thought I'd pop in join you ladies though if that's alright? Best of luck!
Hey @mandu10 you're more than welcome to come and join us. We do talk a lot of rubbish mind :rofl:.

You've been trying about the same time we have. I'm also TTC #1. We've had our first appointment with the fertility specialist, we have our second appointment next week. We've been told to try AI to start with, as we have ejaculation issues. Hopefully we can get pregnant after a few cycles of AI, to save real medical intervention.

Sounds like the femara messed your hormones up. So are you going to not take that this month? I've not had any hormonal treatment yet, I'm not sure I need it. I was on BCP for 20+ years, it took a long time for my body to level out.

Welcome to the party :dust:
Hey @mandu10 you're more than welcome to come and join us. We do talk a lot of rubbish mind :rofl:.

You've been trying about the same time we have. I'm also TTC #1. We've had our first appointment with the fertility specialist, we have our second appointment next week. We've been told to try AI to start with, as we have ejaculation issues. Hopefully we can get pregnant after a few cycles of AI, to save real medical intervention.

Sounds like the femara messed your hormones up. So are you going to not take that this month? I've not had any hormonal treatment yet, I'm not sure I need it. I was on BCP for 20+ years, it took a long time for my body to level out.

Welcome to the party :dust:
Thanks for the response! I will not be taking it this month, no. Sine I wasn't having any problems ovulating to begin with and we were just taking to try and increase our chances, I'd rather just keep my hormones on the right track. I'm only on CD 3 right now, so we'll see if this month is more normal for me. We are thinking about saving for IVF, as it would be all out of pocket. Have tried one IUI with no success and will try a few more, as they are much cheaper than IVF, though reading statistics it sounds that it doesn't increase chances all that much, but we're willing to try anything!

Hope the AI works for you soon! With the COVID on the rise we might end up just waiting it out until next year anyway at this point. They're talking about closing things down again to only essentials, and I'm inclined to agree. Scary world out there right now.
Welcome Mandu

I hope Covid doesnt put that much of a break on your ttc. FX!!

Nix: I am cd2 and just a ball of blah. All I want to do is stare at a wall and eat buttery biscuits.

I havent been online much either. Just need a reboot.

I hope you are doing well.
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@mandu10 if everything was fine before taking I'd definitely stop it then. We are just starting out fertility treatment so IUI hasn't been offered. I live in the UK so we get some treatment for free on our national health service. I'm sure IUI is the next step for us. I'm not sure how many we will get. We'll also get one round of IVF free. We only get this because we don't yet have any children. People with children don't qualify sadly. I think IUI has the same success rate as set doesn't it? It just save the swimmers some time energy because they don't have to swim so far and work so hard.

This covid business is pretty scary isn't it?! Where I live, there isn't many cases at all, but in the North of the country they shutting things down again. I'm not sure it will ever completely go away

@FTale bless you hon. Take some time and re-coop, I'll still be here after. Big hugs
@FTale I completely understand having to take time away from being online. I go through phases of being here and taking time away. Hope it helps.

@Nixnax IUI does seem to have the same success rates as just DTD on it's own, but after a while, it's nice to try something new. Having the spermies in just the right spot to make it easier (hopefully) is worth a shot. My fertility specialist told me it's OK to take this month off, and when I'm ready maybe we'll try a cycle with a trigger shot. Apparently my FSH is just over the limit at 11, meaning my body might be working harder to ovulate, then the spotting means my lining was thinning too soon, making it near impossible to implant. I just had this retested this past month, previously it had been OK. Apparently the trigger can increase your bodies natural progesterone, which might decrease the spotting as well. We also may try progesterone suppositories, just to give it our all. She's letting us choose how we want to proceed, which is nice, not a lot of pressure yet.

When are you seeing the specialist? I'm glad you get to have help with IUI and IVF and I really hope it works for you!
Haha yep, getting the spermies in the right place is a good place to start. We've only just started that :haha:. I think IUI would be our best shot.

I very never spot before AF but I did last cycle. From 9DPO. only a tiny amount. I can't remember what my FSH level was, it was quite some time ago. I think it it was retested in last lot of bloods, along with ovarian reserve. I should find that out on Tuesday. I may ask about progesterone because my LP is only 12 days, perhaps my progesterone doesn't hang around long enough.

Thats nice not having the pressure. Its kind of the same with us. Doing the baby making with AI, sex has become fun again, its not a job anymore.

We have a telephone consultation on Tuesday. Because of covid, its all be over the phone so far (except for bloods).

the fruatrating thing about getting it for free is that you have to try for 2 years first to qualify, there are also other caveats, you can't smoke (for obvious reasons), your bmi has to be under 30 and you and your partner can't already have children. (My poor friend doesn't qualify because her husband has a daughter from his previous relationship, it breaks her heart). If I could afford to go private, I would have done so much sooner.

I hope all goes well with your treatment as well.
Hugs you two!!! I hope this cycle is a positive one for you.

Ovulation time comes around so quick. I agree to be relaxed about it and enjoy yourselves. However you get the spermies in there. I've been struggling with ttcing onward even with IVF. I have been doing anything but thinking about ttc. Its been a good break. I have a zoom meeting in the morning with my doc instead of an in person one on Tuesday. I have no idea what will happen but will let you know. What I do know is nothing will be happening till October or November. I found out during a routine question call to the office. I was floored. I thought it would be sooner. I had no idea when I sat down 2 months ago for my first appt that they didn't even have any IVF appts available. They were booked out months......months...I had my cry. And now I'm just numb and starting to look at life a bit differently.

Of course I still smile big at the thought of having one more lil one but I'm starting to think more on all the other things I could be giving my time and desires to. Like learning how to make a good sushi roll....LOL....seriously I get rice everywhere.

For now, I'm still here though and praying for all of us to have our babydust prayers answered.

Have a good one and fx !!
Awwww ftale, that really sucks. That's not too far away, you'll be surprised how quick it'll come round. I REALLY hope you get pregnant before it, that would be lush. Not thinking about it may be the secret to doing it. So many just give up then fall pregnant. Biggest hugs to you.

Well I'm CD12 today, opk still not quite positive, but we just AI'd. It can't hurt. I've had this really strange itchy skin from my front all round my side and my back on the left side. I think I'm going to ovulate from that side. My skin feels numb when i scratch. Its so odd, its so blooming itchy. Its been like it since my opks started gearing up. Strange :shrug:

We have our telephone consultation tomorrow. DH can't make it as he's working 200 miles away tomorrow. He was supposed to be in our city but they put him on a different job. Hope the doctor doesn't mind that its just me.

Try not to let the news bother you too much lovely
@Nixnax Good go on tossing in some swimmers just in case. I know I like to. Totally bum that he can't be there but not worries. The doctors in general want to speak to the females. Get good in sight on what you are feeling. The male portion does count but it mostly comes down to blood and semen tests. Less invasive really. And plus, the docs often see one partner more than the other its just reality with needing to work.

Thank you for the support. I am so tuckered out with the battle of work, ivf, home life. I can barely keep my eyes open and I had for cups of weak coffee. But coffee none the less.

I get a call from the ivf office tomorrow and a lady there will explain everything in detail. She was just so busy today and will be tomorrow but I gave her free range to call me anytime. She is so sweet. But if I had the choice I would go elsewhere, Nix because I feel the doctor should explain things better not just leave it to some one else to explain what he usually does. Honestly I had to bustle with my ivf friends on my one of my cell apps to figure out what to do. THEY helped me decide based off both of their experiences and us all knowing what I've been through over the come up with my protocol. Seriously. They need to be paid the consult not the Doctor.

I paid for my IVF up front today. And It won't happen till October or November really because its going to be a FET.

But like you said, I really am gonna be not trying till then. If it happens I will crap bricks of complete shock....LOL

Will be nice to cheer you on and really think your body signaling you that is getting ready to O with itching is some thing to mention to the doctor. I don't itch just get bowel and tummy distrubances before the giant O pain.

How dark are your O sticks?
@mandu10 very good to see you have a doc that isn't putting a lot of pressure on you. I've heard your FSH can change from month to month. I don't know why really but even my doc told me as long as my FSH is 10 or below he is ok with doing IVF non aggressively. Mine is killer low and that makes me wonder really. I'm old but everything looks normal on paper except...I can't get pregnant. I kid with Nix that my body kills all the sperm and eggs. I'm so allergic to everying. Will have to try and remember to bring that up to the office when I speak with them tomorrow. Its such a norm I'm afraid I will forget.

I hope your break this cycle is a good one. I'm on break too. I'm so excited to not pee on sticks and wonder if my hubby will be home for O time....I could Of course if he is home and wants to bother with trying I will. But after all these years...I'm good. Maybe next cycle I will get curious but not this one. I just want to pop my vitamins and not track any bbt.

I am on a daily walk a mile routine with some other ladies. I just do aerobic walk videos by Leslie Sansome in my bedroom before I do anything else in the morning. But since I so work from home I can get a bit busy if I don't work out super early when I first wake up.

Ok, I'm blabbing. Hope you are doing ok. Keep us posted on your break.....I need to quit eating waffles....killing my work out goals..haha

You two are hilarious, nice to have people to just shoot the breeze with.
@FTale The IVF date will be here before you know, just like @Nixnax said. Who knows, maybe you will fall before because you're letting your guard down a bit. I say eat the waffles and do an extra walk ;).

@Nixnax Maybe doing a few months of the AI will really help turn things around for you and you'll catch soon! Is your OPK darkening?

Having a break is doing me some good mentally. I spotted again yesterday on CD 8, which was weird, but I cared a lot less. Just a random one day of it. I don't temp because I'm an awful sleeper and they're never accurate, caused way too much stress. Did just find out my mom fell yesterday, smacked her head and broke her shoulder. Thankfully she doesn't need surgery, at this time, but she lives over 2000 miles away on the other side of the country and has quite a few health problems. Going to have to coordinate how to get her help as the virus is rampant where she is right now.
Hey ladies,

@mandu10 oh my gosh, I hope your mom is OK. Bless her. Hope the bleeding stops for you.

@FTale nice work on the exercise, its great for mental health. It will have you get through these next few months.

AFM - Well the good news is that I have a singing positive opk today. Also had my appt today. All looks good. My AMH is 16.5, she was happy with that. She couldn't tell me DHs results. But I have to go in for an ultrasound tomorrow, to look at my tubes, lining etc. Just happened to be good timing.

The bad news.... DH can't do his thing today.... doesn't want to... I know what the itch is... I have shingles... just what I need right now.
Hey ladies,

I had my scan today. My left ovary had a 16mm follicle and my right had a 20mm one that was ready to be released. She was showing me all my eggs in there. She's booked me in for a dye xray to check my tubes next cycle. OH's SA were pretty good. He has 90 million which is way above average and mobility is good. His malformation rate was higher. He has only 3% when it should be 4%. But because his numbers are so high, they arent worried at all.

When I got home I could feel i was ovulating so asked him to do his business and he did. Thank god. So managed to get one last one in there.
@Nixnax So great your numbers are all so great! That's excellent news! Shingles though? Ouch! That stuff is not fun. Not. At. All. Hope the dye scan goes well, but maybe you'll catch before then and not even need it! Fingers crossed!

Mom unfortunately has pneumonia now, it's not looking good. Hopefully she improves soon though. I'm going to acupuncture tomorrow though, bit of self care. I absolutely love it. Completely calms me.
@mandu10 thank you. Shingles is not fun at all, its starting to get really sore.

Oh no your poor mom. Wishing her a speedy recovery. I've not tried acupuncture before, I'm a bit scared of it, does it hurt?
@mandu10 Oh no! My goodness she has to be in loads of pain. I hope they have her on some good meds. Cant stand that she is so far away but my mom is too. Sending many prayers for her healing. No time is a good time for injury but now is the absolute just makes me want to punch Covid.

Keep chilling out and dont worry about temps until you are ready to chart and opk amongst other fertility stalking methods. Hope the bleeding stops soon.Hugs

@Nixnax Congrats on having a magnificent AMH. I have never seen one so high before. Your hubby's low normal sperm unfortunately has to be the only kicker to keeping the infertility going BUT with the large amount of swimmers you may need IUI to get to the good ones so they arent fighting with the crazy ones. I suspect the same of my hubby's. Everything is just right enough till thwy are not too concerned but I think too many of his dudes are swimming in circles or hibernating messing it up for the true workers.

It was awesome to see your ovaries eh?? 16 and a 20...and you got a positive opk like at least 16 hours or so before your scan and normally the egg should release before it gets to 23. So you should be well on your way to fertilizing if it hasnt happened already.

Cant wait to hear your lining results. FX!!!

Afm: Just poking along. Getting ready to start work and feed all the pets. The kiddo can feed Cats apparently are sharing and eye infection. Kitten have it to big cat now kitten is fine while big cat is oozing aliens from his right eye. Keeping them apart till the big guy is better.

Practicing at home schooling for next week when classes start. Daughter will be with me in my office while I work she will be in class. She likes the company feels like a class room I guess.

I am 4 days from the big O according to my chart. I feel alright. Not temping or anything so will get the pain and then that will be it. We might dtd but no hard core plans of it. Just feeling calm about not having any stresses aside from work to deal with. And with my husband not having a libido ovulation will most likely come and go unless I get hit with the frisky monster ‍♀️ Wait an see I

Well off to my duties in a bit. Will be back later Hugs
Got curious, went wee on a stick....positive for surge??? Cd9 :shock: took 3 was so in shock

Guess I will O tomorrow?

Got curious, went wee on a stick....positive for surge??? Cd9 :shock: took 3 was so in shock

Guess I will O tomorrow?

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oh wow!!!! Those are very positive! lol I love that you took 3. I would have done the same thing. I'm on CD 11, still very negative on my OPKs but truly enjoyed my acupuncture today, so that helps. You better get busy, is CD 9 pretty early for you?

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