Hi, im new so i thought id start of by introducing myself. Im 37 and by partner is 34. We've been together for over 4 years and started ttc in june. I can very much relate to many of the postings here as i myself desperately want a baby, preferably yesterday, lol! But seriously, i too catch myself thinking less than generous thoughts when seeing other women pregant or with walking around with prams... i know its not nice but when it seems the whole world is having such an easy time with something you long for more than anything, its difficult not to a bit envious and/or jealous....
my sister in law just had her second baby in less than two years and she's only a year younger than me. it also doesnt help that upon hearing your age everyone says " oh, you better get on with it" !!!?? like i planned to be where i am right now.
needless to say, i know time is running out which i think greatly adds to the frustraration of it all. I have told my partner that if i dont get pregant before january we will go and see the doctor and start down the road of tests etc. i am not looking forward to it, which im sure many of you can well understand-making a baby shouldnt have to be some ardeous and impersonal process but as i cannot conceive of not having children its an option i am wholly embracing....