Hello all, I'm brand new here, and very glad to see there's a 30+ club!
All sorts of info about me (possibly more than you want to know):
I'm 32, turning 33 very soon, and my DH is 33. We've been married 10 1/2 years now. We spent a year TTC and finally became pregnant last year, but it ended in a very early MC. Doctors discovered that I had a serious condition that caused the MC, a uterine AVM (arterioventricular malformation). One of the major arteries around my uterus had attached itself to a vein and was shunting high-pressure blood into the vein, rather than ending in capillaries as it normally would. Veins aren't built to take this type of pressure, so they expand and then blow out, much like an aneurysm. What happened wasn't a regular MC, rather a MC followed by bleeding that refused to stop for weeks and was, at times, so heavy I couldn't even believe there was that much blood inside me. It took weeks to be diagnosed, and in the meantime I was rushed to the ER several times bleeding very badly. I've never been so scared.
Once diagnosed, I was in hospital for a while, had embolization surgery (incredibly painful - I was on morphine and oxycodone for a week) and was sure I'd never be able to have a baby. Everything I've read says it's nearly impossible to carry a pregnancy to term after having embolization surgery for a uterine AVM but my gyno, who is one of the best in the country (one of the perks of having a rare condition is you get to see the fancy docs), insists I'll be fine and can try any time. Multiple ultrasounds and an MRI have confirmed that I have two minor AVMs still (they regrow sometimes) but apparently they're not severe enough to cause problems. The last one didn't cause an issue until I got pregnant and had increased blood volume and pressure, so we'll see...
For a year now I've had nothing but nightmares of waking up in pools of blood, losing my uterus, being pregnant and losing the baby -- the events leading up to the surgery were pretty traumatic and I guess this is the fallout from that. Despite this, I'm finally willing to try again.
Day 1 was December 1st, so I suppose that puts me into the 2ww period now - AF is due December 27th. Here's hoping she takes a holiday this Christmas!