TTC 30s/40s Club

Welcome Shumie!!!! Looks like you and I are both TTC #4!!!!
Hi there,

I am 30+ :winkwink:, well actually to make you all feel either better or aghast, I am 45!

Please can I come and play here, as you all seem to be well in the swing of things. A little about myself I think would be a good idea: I will be 46 next May and have spent my life so far, traveling and building up a career and meeting 3 x time wasting boyfriends. I have just got married last September to my best friend and soul mate (cliche I know, but it's true) and am the happiest I have EVER been in a relationship. Husband has 2 boys from a previous marriage who live with their Mum and come to visit every now and then and, after much soul searching and research, we have decided to try to 'make one of our own'.

We are both very fit people and really into our sport and my doctor and practice nurse can't see any reason why I shouldn't go all out to try. So, the plan so far has been to come off my POP last Oct 31 and I got my 1st AF without the pill on 26 November. It has been recommended to me to let my system get back to normal and take a folic acid supplement for 3 months and then off we go. :dance:

If I am honest, I want to go for it THIS MONTH and have already checked my fertile time etc., you know the way you do!! Oh and the date the baby would be born, oh and the Chinese website that can predict whether it will be a boy or a girl. Enough, enough. I'm stopping all that right now.

The temptation to just go for it is unbelievable, but joining this website has taught me a valuable lesson in that it is NOT that easy to conceive and it's important not to count chickens before they're hatched.

My heart goes out to all of you who have been trying for so long and sincerely wish you good luck with your ttc. Let's hope we can share some wonderful stories in the not so far off future.

Hi Tishimouse,

welcome to the site, sounds like your raring to go and I hope that you have a good result. I'm 35 and ttc for the first time fir about 1 year now. You are right, it dosent happen straight away, well not for everyone anyways! Take care and good luck to you!:dust:
Hello again,

Wow, look at the title change! I'm touched and very grateful that you want to make me feel at home.

I'm looking forward to chatting on here.
Welcome! I'm sure you'll enjoy it here, everyone's great.

I'm 34 (rapidly approaching 35!) and am married to Mark. We have a beautiful 3 year daughter (unplanned pregnancy). We have been TTC #2 since March this year with no joy. We did conceive in July but miscarried in September. No joy since then with the last two cycles.

I am beginning to get very depressed with TTC. Age is not on my side and unless we have any luck early next year I think we will resign ourselves to the fact that it was just not meant to be.

There is no point speaking to our GP because they will obviously advise nothing is wrong because of previous (successful & unsuccessful) pregnancies and to "keep trying". I don't think we have got the strength or energy to keep trying and deal with the disappointment each month for much longer.

Would love to hear how others in similar situations cope.

Look forward to chatting with you all soon x
Hello Lou,

Firstly, welcome to you (I'm new too and just getting to know a few people on the forums).

I'm not in the same position as you, but in a way, wish I was. Now, that came as a surprise to you I bet. The reason I say that and I hope this make you feel better about your situation, is because you are, in my opinion, still very young. :kiss:

I wish I was 35 and ttc. I'm 45 and ttc baby #1 and will be 46 next May 2008. It's only my first month trying, so I haven't experienced the anguish and heartache that you have, but I do empathise with you as it cannot be easy and heaven knows, there may be similar experience ahead for me. When I throw in the towel, it will have to be forever and will mean no children at all for me.

I'm telling you this in the hope that you will somehow get the strength to carry on trying with a refreshed outlook. I've only started studying how conception actually takes place (you know what I mean all the info on ovulation, CD's, OPK's etc) and boy is it complicated. No matter how much I read, it seems to all boil down to one thing ... TIMING! If your timing is off, that's that months chance down the swanny. And even if your timing is right, there is only a 20-25% chance of the sperm meeting the egg. It's enough to mash any sane persons brain. :wacko:

My heart goes out to you in relation to your MC. What a terrible experience and so difficult to put into perspective. The only positive thing I can think of here is that you know it's possible for you both to conceive. So, please take heart honey and keep trying in a relaxed and loving way. Share your experiences here and read other people's stories as there is always someone like yourself, whatever the experience is.

Here is my sincerest wish of wonderful baby dust for you and your loved one. Best of luck :dust:

By the way, I've been sharing this website I found with everyone - Let me know what you think.


Hello to you all.

I am 39 years old and currently 10 weeks pregnant. I will be 40 when this baby is born if all goes to plan.

I have had 9 miscarriages in the past and lost our darling daughter who was stillborn at 25 weeks on 6th January 2006.

I have a 19 year old son.
Hi ElliesMum, so sorry about everything and really hoping all goes well for you this time.

Hi to all

I am new but posted a couple of times, didn't see this wonderful group.

I am 37 1/2 (the half makes a difference!!), not really been ttc, only for the last few cycles. I had a ms in March, a blighted ovum which was hard, when I found out I was pregnant, it was only 2 weeks to enjoy it before it all went belly up. Disappointing and upsetting doesn't even come close. Anyway, had a werid cycle this last month, I actually came on on the 28th day which has only happened years ago when I was on the pill, the reason going on the pill was to regulate my periods as I could go anything from 6 - 8 weeks! Very annoying.

Anyway this last period was weird, very short but still normal, I'm never really heavy except for one day, and this time just one day but only 3 days in total, but this time I had no symptoms before hand, no cramps, no pains, no sore bbs, very strange and it only really lasted 3 days. NOW I have sore bbs, nips are fine, slight headaches, (slight dizziness last week but not this week) and all yesterday very bad pains around my left kidney area. Oh it was bad. Fine today though. Don't really expect bfp, although always hoping. It was around this time last year I got pregnant although I didn't find out till I was 7 weeks.

So that's me, not much to tell really, hoping and praying that I can become a mum, I hope and pray we all can.


I'm new to this bit and could use any support thats here!

I am 39 and have been ttc since April 07. But there is a little more to it than that.

I have 2 daughters 21 & 19, my husband has son and a daughter 16 & 17. In June last year we had a mmc and 2 weeks later we concieved Jacob. Jacob was born sleeping at 37 weeks on March 21 this year, terribly tangled in a very long umbilical cord.

We have been trying to dull the ache ever since. Although in the past things have always happened quickly now they arent and the panic has set in. I have seen a vile consultant who made me lose all hope but we sought a 2nd opinion and the new consultant is wonderful, she understands my panic and has precribed clomid. AF has arrived although early which is very odd, and still very light but today is cd1, so I start the drugs tomorrow.

I'd like to stay if you'll have me

Welcome everyone! You'll enjoy it here -everyone's great!

baby dust to all!

I'm new to this bit and could use any support thats here!

I am 39 and have been ttc since April 07. But there is a little more to it than that.

I have 2 daughters 21 & 19, my husband has son and a daughter 16 & 17. In June last year we had a mmc and 2 weeks later we concieved Jacob. Jacob was born sleeping at 37 weeks on March 21 this year, terribly tangled in a very long umbilical cord.

We have been trying to dull the ache ever since. Although in the past things have always happened quickly now they arent and the panic has set in. I have seen a vile consultant who made me lose all hope but we sought a 2nd opinion and the new consultant is wonderful, she understands my panic and has precribed clomid. AF has arrived although early which is very odd, and still very light but today is cd1, so I start the drugs tomorrow.

I'd like to stay if you'll have me



Good luck :dust:
Hi I'm Tasha and ttc number 3.

I have a daughter age 11 and a son age 8 from a previous marriage. My husband has no children so this would be his first!!

AF due today and had a very faint positive test this afternoon - however - feeling very periody and had some slight pinkish discharge. So maybe a chemical pregnancy that will result in AF soon. Am going to test tomorrow morning with FMU and see what I find.

Am 36 and a half by the way!
Wow, I haven't been on the site for a few days and look what happens, our little 30+ totally expands. Awesome!!! :hugs:
Last Thursday I finally got my IUD out!!!! YAY I am in the game:happydance:
I should have had AF a few days before I had it taken out, but since I had an IUD I did not always have an AF. Plus I have always had wacky cycles that could be 4-8 weeks anyhow.
So anyhow I got it out on Thursday, on Thurs afternoon I started cramping and bleeding (icky brown) and this happened for about 3 days. Could be AF, could be from removal...who knows. So on top of that Sat and Sun I had extreme egg white!!! It was as though someone cracked an egg in my panties (sorry TMI).
Does it sound like I had ovulated?
Anybody else go thru this?
If it was OV we BD on Sun :)
Thanks all I can't wait to get to know you better :):headspin:
Good morning

I am still confused! I had spotting (v v v minor) sunday (cd 27 which is very early for me!) night, again monday afternoon, a little more tuesday (tmi but still no need to use anything, more when I wipe really). So counted tuesday as cd 1 had the required blood test, and started the clomid (1st time ever) last night BUT AF Still hasnt arrived and this is completely alien to me. Normally she shows up, causes her misery and goes in 3 days! I'd love to think it was implantation but I doubt it and its in theory still too early to test. But if it is will taking clomid cause any damage does anyone know?

Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh HELP!

Hi Florence,
I don't know alot about Clomid so I am no help there. But I do know that a test can't hurt anyone. :test:Test and good luck :dust:
Hello all, I'm brand new here, and very glad to see there's a 30+ club!

All sorts of info about me (possibly more than you want to know):
I'm 32, turning 33 very soon, and my DH is 33. We've been married 10 1/2 years now. We spent a year TTC and finally became pregnant last year, but it ended in a very early MC. Doctors discovered that I had a serious condition that caused the MC, a uterine AVM (arterioventricular malformation). One of the major arteries around my uterus had attached itself to a vein and was shunting high-pressure blood into the vein, rather than ending in capillaries as it normally would. Veins aren't built to take this type of pressure, so they expand and then blow out, much like an aneurysm. What happened wasn't a regular MC, rather a MC followed by bleeding that refused to stop for weeks and was, at times, so heavy I couldn't even believe there was that much blood inside me. It took weeks to be diagnosed, and in the meantime I was rushed to the ER several times bleeding very badly. I've never been so scared.

Once diagnosed, I was in hospital for a while, had embolization surgery (incredibly painful - I was on morphine and oxycodone for a week) and was sure I'd never be able to have a baby. Everything I've read says it's nearly impossible to carry a pregnancy to term after having embolization surgery for a uterine AVM but my gyno, who is one of the best in the country (one of the perks of having a rare condition is you get to see the fancy docs), insists I'll be fine and can try any time. Multiple ultrasounds and an MRI have confirmed that I have two minor AVMs still (they regrow sometimes) but apparently they're not severe enough to cause problems. The last one didn't cause an issue until I got pregnant and had increased blood volume and pressure, so we'll see...

For a year now I've had nothing but nightmares of waking up in pools of blood, losing my uterus, being pregnant and losing the baby -- the events leading up to the surgery were pretty traumatic and I guess this is the fallout from that. Despite this, I'm finally willing to try again.

Day 1 was December 1st, so I suppose that puts me into the 2ww period now - AF is due December 27th. Here's hoping she takes a holiday this Christmas! :D
i guess i am in the club too...32 years old my husband almost 30 ! with being married for 10 years this past October 2007! TTC starting this month:)
Good luck to all!
:hugs:Welcome Hope22 and Miel :):hugs:
Good luck on your 2ww Hope22!!!
Hi, I'm Christina. Just turned 31 years old in November 2007. TTC my first child. I was previously on birth control pills for years, but went off in June 2006. It took a few months for my cycle to get somewhat normalized after going off (irregular, missed some). Now it is regular. I went off the pill in June 2006 knowing that it could take some time for me to get preggers after being on it for so long, but we weren't actively trying or charting at that time. I would say we've been "TRYING" for the past 5 months. It is very frustrating because we want this so badly. I have hypothyroidism/hashimotos so sometimes I worry that I won't be able to conceive at all - though I know chances are we will eventually. Every night when I go to bed I pray for a baby...

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