TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

congrats, that looks really promising to have a line :) hope it's a good one for you :)

you can buy those dip sticks tests for peanuts on Ebay, something like £3 for 20, either type of test too. ebay member fertilityplan I get mine from
Got back from work, had a 1am swim and a naughty glass of something (1st time in months!) and then came to check that I wasn't imagining your BFP, Glowie! Tears came to my eyes when I saw the link you had found for me, even in the middle of your excitement. All you ladies are such great friends, it's really touching.
For the 1st time in months I don't even know what day I'm on, I shall be O-ing without OH here and am possibly facing IVF again - I couldn't survive any of it without you guys x
Reb, there is seriously nothing wrong with having the odd glass of wine here of there....I have...all week!!! Obviously once you find out it's different but I'm not a big drinker at all and was tee-total for years and years. I think it's nice to be able to do 'normal' things otherwise every little thing that passes you lips is a constant reminder of TTC and I don't think that's a good thing when we have so many other things to obsess about anyway!!!

I suppose finding you that link is because I want it to happen for ALL you felt weird last time being the only one. This is an emotional journey and I want to be able to share it with you guys because we've made such good bonds :hugs:

I'm just praying this one sticks [-o<[-o<[-o<
Glowie,-am so so happy for u Hun,stick beanie stick,:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:Llbean,hubby takes the macca powder ,half a teaspoon a day in a cherry yoghurt,def helps,:hugs::hugs::hugs:
Glowie,could u maybe just fon your doc in the morning and explain wots going on and possibly request an hcg blood test to check your levels ,then have them rechecked again at the end of the week,say u are going on hols and u want to be sure before u go away so that u are extra careful while away ,just a suggestion,:):) iknow if I were in your shoes I would be the same ,this way u wont have to wait for ever,good luck lovely,keeping u in my prayers,:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Desperado, SO nice to see you! I hope you're recovering and loads of hugs xxx
Ditto Desperado..I was so sorry to hear about your sad news, hope you're doing ok x
well girls im two days late today so we'll see whats going on by another 8 days if i get that far, dont think i will somehow tho as i have very mild cramping pains at the top of my legs now although i've had nothing but hot flushes yesterday and today and a bit of lightheadedness and god the spots i have them on my chin my lower back and the top of my bum ( sorry ) but i never get spots let alone there !!!!!! and i keep waking up at 7 am whereas i would normally sleep in til 10 am lol so we will have to see i dont have anything esle no blood , no other coloured dischardge at all just white so i dont know mybe the bleed is on its way :( oh well onwards to another month of trying we didnt try this month dont even know when of if i ov'd i wasnt interested had enough from last cycle so didnt bother checking anything and well we just dtd when we fancied it so this is probably nothing xx
Spoomie and Reb s thanks so much,u girls are so kind,after a good talk with hubby ,we have decided to try again next month,am mad I know but I just can't give up on my dream ,love and hugs to you both,:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
We were supposed to start actively trying to conceive #2 over the next month going forward. I am concerned because my cycle lengths have been changing and today I woke up to AF and she was not due for another week or so. I ovulated on CD 12 and had a LP of 5 days so this cyle was only 17 days!! What is going on with my cycle? I do weekly acupuncture so I am printing out my charts to discuss with my practitoner. I just had a colopscopy(sp) biopsy done to my cervix on the 8th but I do not think that would affect my cycle. This cylce and the one prior my ovulation came and went so fast I was not able to track it with my monitors. My LP went from 11-12 days to 10 last cyle and now 5!

I hope this does not mean I am out. I really want to get pregnant in the next 6 months or so but each time I think my hormones are getting regulated, they throw me for another loop! I do not take any supplements just the acupuncture. I really do not want to take supplements or Chinese Herbs but I may not have an option.

well girls im two days late today so we'll see whats going on by another 8 days if i get that far, dont think i will somehow tho as i have very mild cramping pains at the top of my legs now although i've had nothing but hot flushes yesterday and today and a bit of lightheadedness and god the spots i have them on my chin my lower back and the top of my bum ( sorry ) but i never get spots let alone there !!!!!! and i keep waking up at 7 am whereas i would normally sleep in til 10 am lol so we will have to see i dont have anything esle no blood , no other coloured dischardge at all just white so i dont know mybe the bleed is on its way :( oh well onwards to another month of trying we didnt try this month dont even know when of if i ov'd i wasnt interested had enough from last cycle so didnt bother checking anything and well we just dtd when we fancied it so this is probably nothing xx

Inkd, I really hope it's SOMETHING as opposed to nothing! x
Despie - good luck and glad you're not beaten x
Ink - keeping my fingers crossed
Dymediva - that's a really short LP - have you had your progesterone tested? Might be worth a shot. I really doubt that the colposcopy would have had any effect on your cycle - mine certainly didn't.
I WANT TO GO HOME! Being away for a month is shite. x
We were supposed to start actively trying to conceive #2 over the next month going forward. I am concerned because my cycle lengths have been changing and today I woke up to AF and she was not due for another week or so. I ovulated on CD 12 and had a LP of 5 days so this cyle was only 17 days!! What is going on with my cycle? I do weekly acupuncture so I am printing out my charts to discuss with my practitoner. I just had a colopscopy(sp) biopsy done to my cervix on the 8th but I do not think that would affect my cycle. This cylce and the one prior my ovulation came and went so fast I was not able to track it with my monitors. My LP went from 11-12 days to 10 last cyle and now 5!

I hope this does not mean I am out. I really want to get pregnant in the next 6 months or so but each time I think my hormones are getting regulated, they throw me for another loop! I do not take any supplements just the acupuncture. I really do not want to take supplements or Chinese Herbs but I may not have an option.


Hi Dyme Diva

I don't know much but surely the procedure couldn't have helped?! Hopefully it was a freak couple of cycles and you will regulate naturally this cycle. Would be interesting to hear what your practitioner thinks about it. I get the impression that they are often quite keen to use herbs in conjunction with acupuncture but resist if you don't feel comfortable. A cautionary note from me concerning herbal medicine: after my mc last November I was recommended to visit a Western herbalist and did so for the 6 months following the mc. Despite the fact that my cycles had always been regular before the mc I felt it would only help to balance my hormones. Unfortunately it seemed to have the opposite effect, my FP and LP fluctuated and shortened and I have failed to get pregnant on it. I decided to give it up last month and had my most normal cycle since. Coincidence? I feel that I have wasted 6 months and have stopped taking the tinctures. Will try to do this on my own with little more than EPO and a pre-natal vitamin! I hope you find some answers and that you get back to a healthy LP this cycle x
Inkd...that would be awesome...if we all get BFPs now we can all be bump buddies...with G too!!!
Morning ladies, have been lurking a little but trying to stay away - but I can't!!

Saw a story on the telly this morning of a couple that had tried 15 cycles of IVF and experienced 6 losses with that and then went national looking for an egg donor. They found one and this morning they went on telly to give us an update - she is 3 months pregnant conceived NATURALLY. They will still continue the process with the egg donor and if they are successful with embryos donate them to someone else. I think they should perhaps have waited to tell their story though as they are only today going for the 12 week u/s. I hope we are updated on their progress as this is pretty inspiring assuming all is well at the NT and Morph scans.

Desperado welcome back to the fold, I am so so so very sorry to see you back here, we have sufffered so many losses in here lately it must surely be time for some more good news. We do have our lovely graduates that come back and update us which is wonderful as it keeps us fumbling around in the dark hoping for the light to reach us that we can see in the distance. You are not mad at all - if wanting a child was a proven madness then the world would be full of mental helath hospitals and more peole on the inside than the out!!!

Glowie I am sending every sticky vibe I can muster up for you. Do you have another digital to use next week if you can't get bloods done as that will keep going up in the interim. I waited until we had gone from 1-2 to 2-3 before going to the doc. Don't know if it is honestly worth spending the money on an ultrasound as it could have an adverse effect. In that I mean it can't change anything and even at 8 weeks in my case a heartbeat meant shit all. Maybe it is better to just go along in a positive belief that everything is all right and whatever will be will be etc. Don't know if that is making sense etc but I hope you know what I mean.

Spoomie twinny love you as always and yes everyone was right in what they were saying to me. Maybe this cycle is just a one off or maybe my body is still settling down from the pregnancy etc. I did have one other annov cycle according to FFFFF back in March the first cycle after I think it was, I kept changing the setting to see if I could get cross hairs and could only get them on research settings so it is possible I maybe having a few annov's and it is better to know now than later and we can be aggressive with some stims.

Am ordering our maca on line today and hubby and I will both be doing it.

Hugs ladies and thank you for being so wonderful and supportive.
We were supposed to start actively trying to conceive #2 over the next month going forward. I am concerned because my cycle lengths have been changing and today I woke up to AF and she was not due for another week or so. I ovulated on CD 12 and had a LP of 5 days so this cyle was only 17 days!! What is going on with my cycle? I do weekly acupuncture so I am printing out my charts to discuss with my practitoner. I just had a colopscopy(sp) biopsy done to my cervix on the 8th but I do not think that would affect my cycle. This cylce and the one prior my ovulation came and went so fast I was not able to track it with my monitors. My LP went from 11-12 days to 10 last cyle and now 5!

I hope this does not mean I am out. I really want to get pregnant in the next 6 months or so but each time I think my hormones are getting regulated, they throw me for another loop! I do not take any supplements just the acupuncture. I really do not want to take supplements or Chinese Herbs but I may not have an option.


Hi Dyme Diva

I don't know much but surely the procedure couldn't have helped?! Hopefully it was a freak couple of cycles and you will regulate naturally this cycle. Would be interesting to hear what your practitioner thinks about it. I get the impression that they are often quite keen to use herbs in conjunction with acupuncture but resist if you don't feel comfortable. A cautionary note from me concerning herbal medicine: after my mc last November I was recommended to visit a Western herbalist and did so for the 6 months following the mc. Despite the fact that my cycles had always been regular before the mc I felt it would only help to balance my hormones. Unfortunately it seemed to have the opposite effect, my FP and LP fluctuated and shortened and I have failed to get pregnant on it. I decided to give it up last month and had my most normal cycle since. Coincidence? I feel that I have wasted 6 months and have stopped taking the tinctures. Will try to do this on my own with little more than EPO and a pre-natal vitamin! I hope you find some answers and that you get back to a healthy LP this cycle x

I am not doing herbs but I am not opposed to them. I've tried soy, EPO and Royal Jelly and they did not negatively impact my cycles. I O'd quite well with them as a matter of fact. I took them all at different times not together. I reall wanted to conceive without the added boosters but with 42 looming over me in 2012 I may not have that option. :dohh: I think my eggs are sluggish and may need the little push out the ovary. I'll discuss this with my practitioner on Friday and decide how to go. I have been going for a few months and wanted to give it a few more months before throwing in the towel on the practice. Thanks for the feedback, it gives me something more to consider.

Bless you my Twinny, love you too. You sound better. It's a crappy rollercoaster, we know, but still we have to keep striving. Limitations? If you'd asked me 5 years ago I didn't really notice that there were any! I was supremely fit, personally happy and professionally fulfilled, and felt that I was striding through life. I'd give almost anything to feel that confident and optimistic these days, there must be a real knack to growing older and not being rocked by life's obstacles - don't think I have it! HOWEVER, I'm ordering the Maca tomorrow from my usual vitamin place - that way I'll be doing everything that Glowie has told me to do, therefore, success MUST follow!!!

Good advice for Glowie. If I think about it, I believe that seeing the hb on our early scan made things worse in the end because as you say, it really means nothing, but what it does do is lead you to believe that all will be well. I hope I don't sound too depressing Glowie, I really don't mean to. You are so amazingly positive, maybe just concentrate on being content in the joy of being pregnant, a blood test/scan won't alter the outcome. Easier said than done, I know.
Despie welcome back :hugs: and go you!! for keeping going and trying again...I don't blame you :winkwink:

Miss C/Spoomie - I think at the moment I am still in shock and really looking for the tests to get darker. I have got utter paranoia that the BFN test I did a couple of days after ovulation was a fluke and maybe I've still got leftover HCG :wacko: saying that though all my symptoms pretty much went within a week or so..especially the boobs and saucer nipples and that's back again big time :wacko:
Then I keep thinking...what if something for left over from the D&C and it's growing and making HCG...I know that sounds freaky but I've heard of people having to go for a 2nd D&C because of retained tissue.
God I dunno :nope: I'm freaking myself out really. I have got another digital test I can take in a week or so, that's if AF doesn't arrive.
I might see if I can get my bloods done next week...just to make sure because at this point even though I've got 5 or so +HPT's I still don't feel confident at all...anything could wrong as I'm only 11dpo tested super early.

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