TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

Aw, Glowie - gorgeous bump!!
Heavenly - sorry to hear about your woes. I don't really have any advice for you - if you can't go private, there's no way the NHS will help as they write you off at 39. Good luck with your decisions.
Spoomie - glad things went so well with the 1st day! How lovely x
LLBean - I posted on your thread. YIPPEEEE!
Pmcd17 and Sam - good luck with the 2ww, fingers hugely crossed x
Sam - our plan is to wait until October and maybe IVF then, but we're not sure if we're going to as our chances of success are so low and chances of miscarriage so high...tricky one. After that, I shall be bowing out one way or another.
Hey everyone. I need some advice. Not having a good day. :nope:

I am 45, been TTC for 4 years (OH is 35). He had a test 2 years ago and everything was fine, I had a blood test 2 years ago and my FSH was 7.4, a very good level and everything else was fine. Doc said I was in extremely good nic for my age. I use the ClearBlue Fertility Monitor and I do ovulate most months.

2 years on, my GP just wants me to accept it's never going to happen because of my age. I wanted to have more tests but it's obvious she won't refer me because of my age as she said I would have to pay. But she said she feels I would be wasting my money as it's probably down to my age. Probably? I would like to know if there is something I can do! I feel like society just chucks you on the scrap heap when you get to a certain age. I have no children.

I then had another blood test a couple of weeks ago, which says FSH 17.0 now! That has really depressed me. :nope:My oestradiol level is normal.

I know my only option is going private but we can't afford IVF treatment, we may be able to stretch to a couple of tests and a couple of consultations, which would be better than nothing. I need to feel I have done all I can. My friend recommends a really good fertility specialist locally but obviously he is private. What do you suggest? I feel I am at a loss.

I would check online to see if there is a way to lower your FSH. I went to the specialist in my Insurance group and he said that I was on the downslide towards Meno and that I couldn't get pregnant! Guess what I'm pregnant. I know that some clinics have payment plans that might be agreeable to your budget. I would check it out. There are several ladies who are 45 and doing it naturally. Two years ago when I went to OBGYN, I was 41 and I told him I know that I getting too old to have a baby and he said nonsense, I just delivered a healthy baby to a 45 year old. He delt with women who were over 40. Chin up girl and start looking at some possibilities... Good luck!:flower:
OMG!! Garnet - have you tested? That sounds like a :holly: to me....!!!!!
OMG!! Garnet - have you tested? That sounds like a :holly: to me....!!!!!

Yes I did test and sweated for few seconds because the lines weren't filling in. Then they came in. I took 68mg of Clomid Days 5-9, Used Instead cup, and preseed. I also BD every night 3 nights before ovulation and ovulation day. Hope this help someone else...:hugs:
I hadn't been on this thread long before I got my BFP. But I've been TTC for 10+ months.

At this point I've miscarried and have scheduled my D&C for tomorrow at noon . In addition I've scheduled a tubal ligation as my TTC journey has come to an end. The stats for pregnancy and m/c rates for 41-42 are depressing to say the least. Since I fall in this range, this is the best choice for me and my family. In all regards, I count myself to be extremely lucky to have 2 wonderful daughters and a loving husband.

By no means was this decision easy. Way back in 2010 I gave myself until September 2011 to get pregnant. Since things have ended this way I wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support and wish each of you the best of luck! I've enjoyed reading your posts and getting to know each of you just a little bit along the way! I don't plan to participate regularly on this board but I'll be around for the next couple of weeks to cheer you on! Good luck everyone.

We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have ~ Frederick Keonig.
I hadn't been on this thread long before I got my BFP. But I've been TTC for 10+ months.

At this point I've miscarried and have scheduled my D&C for tomorrow at noon . In addition I've scheduled a tubal ligation as my TTC journey has come to an end. The stats for pregnancy and m/c rates for 41-42 are depressing to say the least. Since I fall in this range, this is the best choice for me and my family. In all regards, I count myself to be extremely lucky to have 2 wonderful daughters and a loving husband.

By no means was this decision easy. Way back in 2010 I gave myself until September 2011 to get pregnant. Since things have ended this way I wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support and wish each of you the best of luck! I've enjoyed reading your posts and getting to know each of you just a little bit along the way! I don't plan to participate regularly on this board but I'll be around for the next couple of weeks to cheer you on! Good luck everyone.

We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have ~ Frederick Keonig. sorry to hear about the mc! :cry:

:hugs::hugs::hugs: and thanks always for your support
Elizabeth - I've been stalking your journal and I am so excited for you! The RE that I saw in Nov recommended IVF whihc neither DH or I wanted to spend that kind of $$ when we already have 2 that need to go to college. So I am really happy for you and I wish you all the best of luck this Friday!

Thanks for all your support as well! I can't wait to read what happens next!
Elizabeth - I've been stalking your journal and I am so excited for you! The RE that I saw in Nov recommended IVF whihc neither DH or I wanted to spend that kind of $$ when we already have 2 that need to go to college. So I am really happy for you and I wish you all the best of luck this Friday!

Thanks for all your support as well! I can't wait to read what happens next!

you are so sweet. Thank you!
so sorry jennjenn, that is a hard reality to come to. My entire journey in life has been having a family, I did not finish college, nor have a career, I was a stay at home mom, and have devoted my entire life to my kids.

When the time came for my age to catch up to me, it hit me like a ton of bricks when I realized a huge chapter in my life, the only one I had really known had come to an end..

I hope you find happiness in your life and it already sounds like you have a positive attitude about your 2 blessings and your husband. Good luck to you.

As for me, I realize I am the oldest person on this site, and most of the women here trying are the same age as my son. This last cycle, knowing I got a positive, then having my AF a day later, at 7 dpo was a bit shocking. I know it is still a slimly possible chance of me even carrying a baby past conception. and I still long to try one more time BUT.. I have almost completed my bachelors degree and am trying to begin a new chapter in my life.

I hope I can continue on with my path, enjoy my wonderful kids and learn to have different aspirations!
Thanks for listening
I hadn't been on this thread long before I got my BFP. But I've been TTC for 10+ months.

At this point I've miscarried and have scheduled my D&C for tomorrow at noon . In addition I've scheduled a tubal ligation as my TTC journey has come to an end. The stats for pregnancy and m/c rates for 41-42 are depressing to say the least. Since I fall in this range, this is the best choice for me and my family. In all regards, I count myself to be extremely lucky to have 2 wonderful daughters and a loving husband.

By no means was this decision easy. Way back in 2010 I gave myself until September 2011 to get pregnant. Since things have ended this way I wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support and wish each of you the best of luck! I've enjoyed reading your posts and getting to know each of you just a little bit along the way! I don't plan to participate regularly on this board but I'll be around for the next couple of weeks to cheer you on! Good luck everyone.

We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have ~ Frederick Keonig.

Dear Jennjenn,
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss and admire you hugely for your brave decision. I hope that all goes well for your operation and lots of hugs x
Hey everyone. I need some advice. Not having a good day. :nope:

I am 45, been TTC for 4 years (OH is 35). He had a test 2 years ago and everything was fine, I had a blood test 2 years ago and my FSH was 7.4, a very good level and everything else was fine. Doc said I was in extremely good nic for my age. I use the ClearBlue Fertility Monitor and I do ovulate most months.

2 years on, my GP just wants me to accept it's never going to happen because of my age. I wanted to have more tests but it's obvious she won't refer me because of my age as she said I would have to pay. But she said she feels I would be wasting my money as it's probably down to my age. Probably? I would like to know if there is something I can do! I feel like society just chucks you on the scrap heap when you get to a certain age. I have no children.

I then had another blood test a couple of weeks ago, which says FSH 17.0 now! That has really depressed me. :nope:My oestradiol level is normal.

I know my only option is going private but we can't afford IVF treatment, we may be able to stretch to a couple of tests and a couple of consultations, which would be better than nothing. I need to feel I have done all I can. My friend recommends a really good fertility specialist locally but obviously he is private. What do you suggest? I feel I am at a loss.

I would check online to see if there is a way to lower your FSH. I went to the specialist in my Insurance group and he said that I was on the downslide towards Meno and that I couldn't get pregnant! Guess what I'm pregnant. I know that some clinics have payment plans that might be agreeable to your budget. I would check it out. There are several ladies who are 45 and doing it naturally. Two years ago when I went to OBGYN, I was 41 and I told him I know that I getting too old to have a baby and he said nonsense, I just delivered a healthy baby to a 45 year old. He delt with women who were over 40. Chin up girl and start looking at some possibilities... Good luck!:flower:

First of all, thanks to all for replying. :hugs:

JennJen - thinking of you. xx

Garnet - I didn't realise there were clinic with payment plans, that is something I never thought of! Could you PM me some details?

I am going to look into lowering my FSH, I know stress, diet, exercise are all factors. I have just finished my period and it is time again to use my ClearBlue Fertility Monitor and see if I ovulate this month!

I have been suffering from anxiety the past year, I am on medication, I also go to counselling which has been so helpful. I am doing really well, but this has really hit me hard and I need to make sure that the anxiety doesn't come back, as that is really horrible.
Hi everyone just a quick fly by again, last day of training tomorrow - phew my head is going to explode I think!!

9dpo and a bit of a dip today - please please shoot up tomorrow!! Had a weird niggly pinchy type cramp today in a very specific spot, mainly the left but every now and then the right. Yesterday normal afy type cramps but nothing to write home about as such. All we can do is wait!!

JenJen wish I had time to write more but hugs hugs hun.

Heavenly welcome and good luck! Just on the CBFM this won't tell you if you have ovulated it will only tell you you geared up to pop a follicle, are you temping to confirm O? Do you have cd21 bloods scheduled cos that is only the really true indicator.
I hadn't been on this thread long before I got my BFP. But I've been TTC for 10+ months.

At this point I've miscarried and have scheduled my D&C for tomorrow at noon . In addition I've scheduled a tubal ligation as my TTC journey has come to an end. The stats for pregnancy and m/c rates for 41-42 are depressing to say the least. Since I fall in this range, this is the best choice for me and my family. In all regards, I count myself to be extremely lucky to have 2 wonderful daughters and a loving husband.

By no means was this decision easy. Way back in 2010 I gave myself until September 2011 to get pregnant. Since things have ended this way I wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support and wish each of you the best of luck! I've enjoyed reading your posts and getting to know each of you just a little bit along the way! I don't plan to participate regularly on this board but I'll be around for the next couple of weeks to cheer you on! Good luck everyone.

We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have ~ Frederick Keonig.

Dear Jennjenn,
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss and admire you hugely for your brave decision. I hope that all goes well for your operation and lots of hugs x

Thanks Reb! So much thought and internal discussion went into this! I really plan out everything in my head - my DH thinks I'm crazy half the time! But with a career and 2 kids, it is the right decision for us. I'm just grateful to have met some truly wonderful ladies!
I hadn't been on this thread long before I got my BFP. But I've been TTC for 10+ months.

At this point I've miscarried and have scheduled my D&C for tomorrow at noon . In addition I've scheduled a tubal ligation as my TTC journey has come to an end. The stats for pregnancy and m/c rates for 41-42 are depressing to say the least. Since I fall in this range, this is the best choice for me and my family. In all regards, I count myself to be extremely lucky to have 2 wonderful daughters and a loving husband.

By no means was this decision easy. Way back in 2010 I gave myself until September 2011 to get pregnant. Since things have ended this way I wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support and wish each of you the best of luck! I've enjoyed reading your posts and getting to know each of you just a little bit along the way! I don't plan to participate regularly on this board but I'll be around for the next couple of weeks to cheer you on! Good luck everyone.

We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have ~ Frederick Keonig.


So sorry for your loss, 10 weeks must've felt as though you were almost there. A brave decision to close the door completely, I admire you and I hope it gives you peace. Hang on to the joy that your family brings you. As we all know, the stats of natural conception are now frighteningly against us, almost everyone we encounter seems to feel the need to point it out but some people have to carry on regardless of this as the prize still drives us on through the pain and disappointment and this site gives us camaraderie when the rest of the world is telling us that it is highly unlikely to near impossible. I am glad for you that you have found the courage to bring your journey to an end. :hugs:
Heavenly welcome and good luck! Just on the CBFM this won't tell you if you have ovulated it will only tell you you geared up to pop a follicle, are you temping to confirm O? Do you have cd21 bloods scheduled cos that is only the really true indicator.

I haven't temped before, I thought the CBFM would be enough but I need to do everything and anything I can now so I will get a thermometer. Thank you. xx
Hey everyone. I need some advice. Not having a good day. :nope:

I am 45, been TTC for 4 years (OH is 35). He had a test 2 years ago and everything was fine, I had a blood test 2 years ago and my FSH was 7.4, a very good level and everything else was fine. Doc said I was in extremely good nic for my age. I use the ClearBlue Fertility Monitor and I do ovulate most months.

2 years on, my GP just wants me to accept it's never going to happen because of my age. I wanted to have more tests but it's obvious she won't refer me because of my age as she said I would have to pay. But she said she feels I would be wasting my money as it's probably down to my age. Probably? I would like to know if there is something I can do! I feel like society just chucks you on the scrap heap when you get to a certain age. I have no children.

I then had another blood test a couple of weeks ago, which says FSH 17.0 now! That has really depressed me. :nope:My oestradiol level is normal.

I know my only option is going private but we can't afford IVF treatment, we may be able to stretch to a couple of tests and a couple of consultations, which would be better than nothing. I need to feel I have done all I can. My friend recommends a really good fertility specialist locally but obviously he is private. What do you suggest? I feel I am at a loss.

I would check online to see if there is a way to lower your FSH. I went to the specialist in my Insurance group and he said that I was on the downslide towards Meno and that I couldn't get pregnant! Guess what I'm pregnant. I know that some clinics have payment plans that might be agreeable to your budget. I would check it out. There are several ladies who are 45 and doing it naturally. Two years ago when I went to OBGYN, I was 41 and I told him I know that I getting too old to have a baby and he said nonsense, I just delivered a healthy baby to a 45 year old. He delt with women who were over 40. Chin up girl and start looking at some possibilities... Good luck!:flower:

First of all, thanks to all for replying. :hugs:

JennJen - thinking of you. xx

Garnet - I didn't realise there were clinic with payment plans, that is something I never thought of! Could you PM me some details?

I am going to look into lowering my FSH, I know stress, diet, exercise are all factors. I have just finished my period and it is time again to use my ClearBlue Fertility Monitor and see if I ovulate this month!

I have been suffering from anxiety the past year, I am on medication, I also go to counselling which has been so helpful. I am doing really well, but this has really hit me hard and I need to make sure that the anxiety doesn't come back, as that is really horrible.

You have to call your local fertility clinic but when I was looking at IVF some of the clinics had financing plans for IVF. Good luck...
Elizabeth - I've been stalking your journal and I am so excited for you! The RE that I saw in Nov recommended IVF whihc neither DH or I wanted to spend that kind of $$ when we already have 2 that need to go to college. So I am really happy for you and I wish you all the best of luck this Friday!

Thanks for all your support as well! I can't wait to read what happens next!

Sorry for your loss...
Jenn: Sorry for your loss.

Heavenly welcome and good luck! Just on the CBFM this won't tell you if you have ovulated it will only tell you you geared up to pop a follicle, are you temping to confirm O? Do you have cd21 bloods scheduled cos that is only the really true indicator.

I haven't temped before, I thought the CBFM would be enough but I need to do everything and anything I can now so I will get a thermometer. Thank you. xx

Hi heavenly

Miss C is right, you need to temp as well to be sure you are ovulating. The CBFM will tell you when oestrogen and LH are rising (which are the hormones that surge prior to ovulation) but only the temp rise will confirm that it actually took place. Thermometers are really cheap. The key things are to set your alarm so that you take it at the same time every morning, to take it before moving around, speaking, drinking etc and to take it after 3 hours continuous sleep but Google 'how to chart BBT' for a more in depth guide. I'm sure you will read, and I'm afraid to say that vaginal temping gives more accurate results!

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