TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

hey ladies
not much to report except started hrt for ivf and the sweating is pretty bad- if this is what menopause is like count me out!! I thought by the amount of sweat produced I would have lost loads of weight but noooooooooooo not even a pound and all I am eating is fruit, veg and good stuff- 4 lbs in 3 weeks its not fair !!! oh an I am covered in bit teenage spots- hope that means I have teenage eggies as well lol x
Oh Glitter, that doesn't sound like much fun, but if it's got to be done then so be it. It'll all be worth it when you get your lovely bfp. :hugs:
Note: Your chart data does not allow ovulation to be pinpointed to within a 24 hour timeframe.
Your temperature suggests, however, that ovulation may have occured between CD 8 and CD 13.

Oh well, at least we pinpointed it to within a WEEK.... grr... :wacko:
Well ladies I said I would keep you updated. Scan pic on profile

Had 12+ scan today and am 13weeks tomorrow. I was by far the oldest mum to be in there at 46. I dont care though my baby was there and healthy- no signs of Downs Sydrome or any other abnormality. I was so relieved at this. Its still early days for me but as each week passes its one step further.

Hope this gives you ladies some uplift into the fact your never too old to get caught naturally. Good Luck to everyone natural & IVF :thumbup:
Hello Ladies, sorry I've been awol my lovely little mac book tried to die so I've been without my computer. Have managed to rig old desk top one up while I'm waiting for the other to be fixed - boy is it slow!!!!

Alexp - great news, hun and congratulations.

Well so far I've made it to 13dpo - it's been a strange cycle and I'm holding little hope - a couple more days to go until I am put out of my misery.

Hope everyone is doing good and looking forward to a nice weekend. Have fun. :hugs:
Hello Ladies, sorry I've been awol my lovely little mac book tried to die so I've been without my computer. Have managed to rig old desk top one up while I'm waiting for the other to be fixed - boy is it slow!!!!

Alexp - great news, hun and congratulations.

Well so far I've made it to 13dpo - it's been a strange cycle and I'm holding little hope - a couple more days to go until I am put out of my misery.

Hope everyone is doing good and looking forward to a nice weekend. Have fun. :hugs:

Wondered where you'd gone! x
What a great uplifting update from Alexp - it put a smile on my face! Particularly as a friend told me another ivf failed with her and she's 43 so feeling the pinch too but she'll be glad to hear about this one! :)

Well, im back to square one as this cycle was totally effed up. No peak on cbfm AND ov'd early!! Argh! Should have just gone with ewcm and i would have been in with a chance at least. oh, well..onwards and upwards and all that jazz :)

Hope everybody's enjoying their weekend!

Omi xxx
Oh Omi, what a pain in the arse. I use opks but generally start the bd marathon when I first see the old EWCM and try to maintain every 2-3 days - not that it's got us anywhere as yet - but we're not giving up! No Siree! :hugs:
:flower: g'day ladies!

I'm new to this thread but not to B&B, it's nice to see you here Glitter (sooo excited for you re: IVF -sorry about the sweats) and Nise (charting OV makes my head spin off too. good on you for sticking with it, may the force be with you sister!) I've been away from the site for quite a while 'cus I needed a little chill out period but hope you guys are happy for me to join in here?

For those that don't already know anything about me, I'm 41 and DH and I are TTC #1. We've been married two years and he has an 8 yr old DD from a previous partnership. I had a MMC and D&C end of Jan. this year and I have been busy going to Acupuncture, Naturopath, G.P., Fertility Specialist since. All towards my goal of having a baby. Anyhoo...I kinda crashed about a month ago 'cus it all became too much (after learning about a poor AMH test result.) I'm just getting back some hope again and looking for a path in the TTC journey that affords more balance for me.

I need a bit of advice please. I think I was a bit stupido and jumped into using natural prog. cream post OV. last month. I was only using a pea sized amount twice a day but... Anyways, AF never showed and I POAS 7 or 8 times - all BFN from CD 27 - 34. I have always had a spot on 28 day cycle. So...even though I read that the small amount of prog. I was taking shouldn't prevent AF, I was advised to stop taking it completely to bring on AF. I stopped taking it CD 35 after another cautious pg. test - BFN. No AF but instead I OV'd straight away, I mean the OV pain I always get, and profuse wet CM. DH and I BD'd reg. as soon as I noticed the wet CM and now that I'm approx. 6 days post OV, should I start using cream again? OR...just leave it out? I have super sore nipples (sorry tmi) and I'm nauseous but I think it's from messing around with my hormones. I really regret this little experiment but how do I sort it out?

thanks for any/all advice. xo
Hi there I am 41 and TTC our first for about a year and half off and on. I have been seeing a fertility specialist for about 5 months. I have unexplained fertility and my husband seems to be ok. The only thing that he found when I had a Lap surgery 3 weeks ago) was the my right tube was "restricted" (the dye was coming out very slow and little of it when he forced it through) . He opened the tube up and I just had my period. So we try again this month.

I did have 3 IUI's prior to the surgery but the only problem is that since I have been seeing him each month I get monitored for ovulation ( you know blood test and US) I ovulate from my right ovary every time. I seem to notice that in the past year that my ovulation pain is always the right side....which is why I probably am not pregnant now because the tube was restricted.

I also had a post coitel test which showed that the sperm were not moving. Doc told me that could mean that I have a hostile environment which is why they do IUI's. Anyway, he wanted me to start clomid this month and I chicken out. The main reason is because this last period since my surgery was SO BAD. I never bled like that and I felt aweful. I was worried too take the clomid and feel worse. So I will just do it natural with the exception of the IUI and If it does not work this month I will try the clomid. I heard horrible things about it! I am so sensitive to meds. Any one else take clomid. I am really tire frustrated and just feel like this so cold the way it is being done. My husband and I just don't even DTD for fun! UGH!! I am just spent! I want a baby so bad but I will not do IVF! There is no reason I should not get pregnant. Anyone else?
Hi Ladies, hope we're all having fun in the sun today!

Groovygirl - I wish I could help but I know nothing about progesterone cream use and how much of an effect it might have on the hormones. I hope yours settle back down though. :flower:

Megg - Sorry you're having such a cold old journey, it gets like that sometimes. I have heard a lot of stories about girls having the lap and dye and getting pg very quickly after it especially if a blockage looks like it has been cleared. So here's to hoping that happens for you. With regards to the hostile CM - I have often wondered whether that might be my problem - anyway I found a product called fertilCM made by the makers of fertilaid and have ordered some. They are just tablets you take that supposedly help to regulate the hormones and make your CM good. I'll keep you posted as to the changes - I'm waiting for it to arrive and hope it comes tomorrow as I have a horrid feeling tomorrow will be CD1 - AGAIN!
Hey all
Nise ~no fun in the sun for me as this is my on week lol
groovey ~everything I read said to use the prog cream from ov until 14 dpo, if you get a - hpt then quit using it and start over again next cycle, if + hpt then continue use until 2nd tri
Meg~ in early 90's I had TL then a reversal and was told my tubes were still blocked. I do understand the tired and stressed part as I tried for 5 yrs before the test, maybe having it was what unblocked one as Nise said, I have gotten pregnant at least twice in the last 5 yrs so you never know...
Hope the rest of you ladies are doing well
:flower: hi and thanks for replies ladies! I have decided to cut the amount of cream I've been using in half and continue taking it until 14 DPO if no BFP then... I will not take it again until I have a BFP to boost/sustain prog. levels throughout preg. I have had two CD21 prog tests and they were both really good (56, 42) so perhaps topping up with the recommended 1/8 - 1/4 tsp 2 x day post OV was just too much. I got really caught up in the hype of all the benefits and jumped in. Don't get me wrong, it might not be the right thing for me but I do realise it can make all the difference in the world to some.

welcome Megg! wow, what a journey! would love to stay in touch, also 41 and TTC #1. I have just received insurance approval to go ahead with laperoscopy, hysteroscopy, endometrial biopsy and dye studies. and then...IUI (we have also drawn a line at no IVF but...I'm starting to waver) (DH doesnt know that tho) I am also OV'ing from only one side so it'll be interesting to see what's discovered through lap. procedure. stay the course sweets, sadly it can be a little tougher for us to get that BFP and keep it but...not impossible. I totally get that you're spent though. I'm just recovering from an emotional crash! I took a couple months off...everything. Acupuncture, Naturopath, tests, specialist appt.'s, all of it. I was soooo frustrated and starting to 'come undone.' I'm just starting to come back to it now but in a real cautious, one step at a time, don't become a freak approach!:wacko:

have a great day everyone
Hiya ladies! Hope all is well and thanks for welcoming me!!

Nise- thanks for the kind words. I know I ma not the only one in this boat otherwise we would not all be here. It;s nice to share this journey with people that understand. Even some of the people that have gotten their BFP's still are so supportive because they can empathize. you are the second person that I have heard say about the dye test and how it cleans things out and they get pregnant right away. Hopefully that will be the case for me. We shall see! I have changed my diet for the hostile CM and I am going to use preseed. I heard it works great! I am also drinking red clover tea. I heard it is good for women TTC over 40 and helps the uterus to be friendlier. Next Monday I go back to the FE and they will monitor me and do another post coital test. If I pass I will not need the IUI but if I fail then I will. Anyway I hope you don't get AF and that you get a big fat BFP! How long have you been TTC? Have you been to a FE? thanks again for listening!

bdwell1904- I know you understand. Like I said we would not all be here if we did not. I guess a TL is tubal Ligation? That makes sense that the surgery did something to help. I really hope it helps me! I know the period that I had after the surgery was HORRID! I really shed A LOT! I guess that is good huh? Are you TTC again? I wish you luck and well!! Thanks again !!!

Groovygrl- thanks for the welcome! I would def like too stay in touch! WOW sometimes you think you are the only one out there and then people like you ladies reach out! It is just nice NOT TO FEEL SO ALONE! I agree on it just taking longer...41 is not that old ...the FE's make you feel like you are out of time! My sister got pregnant after trying 5 months at 40 and her second at 42. With no help!
I had the laperoscopy/hysteroscopy/dye studies minus the endo biopsy. What was the biopsy for? I guess you read that I have been OV from the right and that is where they found the restricted tube. He said there was probably thick mucus in it. When are you having your procedure? It was not that bad. The doc that did mine did a great job. I have three small incisions that healed beautifully I was just tired a lot the first week and of course very sore and bloated in the stomach. I bled for about 6-7 days when they say it is only about 3-5 days they said it was because I did not take the pill for a month. They want you to take the pill to stop OV and it helps with the bleeding after the surgery. The IUI's are no big deal. My FE said to me before the procedure. "I like you a lot but I want you pregnant and out of here." He is so nice but sometimes you just feel like a cattle number. I was scared to have the surgery but I am glad that I did because it explained a lot. I also did the Accu and chinese herbs last year and I am thinking of starting again.
Hun, I have had several of those emotional crashes!! My brother and his wife are giving birth in 2 days. Let me tell you how hard this has been!! She is 40 almost 41 and got pregnant new years eve (2009 into 2010), while they were broken up. YEP you heard me right... broken up! Around January of 2009 she had ended it because he could not commit! They got back together in April 2009 because he missed her and got engaged that month and 3 weeks later he ended it. She was PISSED ( I don't blame her!) Here is the kicker.... they started talking again around November 2009 and getting together here and there. She told me later around February of this past year (she was about one month pregnant ) that she called him to ask him if he wanted to get together on New Years Eve and he said yes and BAM she got pregnant! They got married this past april and she is having a C section wed. I am excited about the baby of course but this has been gut wrenching for me! She told me that the last couple of years they were together (out of the 5 or 6) they never really thought they could get pregnant because they did not use protection. I know she wanted to get pregnant for a while because when they got engaged in April of 2009 she wanted a small wedding and have it later that fall because she wanted to really get into trying harder to get pregnant. We all like her fact we still stayed in touch with her for a while (she was heart broken over the breakup). My mom called her here and there to see how she was doing and she told my mom that she was going to have a baby within the year no matter what. makes you wonder huh? Now wouldn't that be hard to deal with????
Anyhoo, sorry to get in to so much detail but I think it bothers me more than I realize. I really do understand what everyone is going through! WE all have the same goal! We will ALL get our BFP!!!! Keep me posted when you will have your procedure. chat with you soon!

Have a great day ladies!!!!!
not sure about this but didn't want toread and run. I know accupuncture is good for regulating hormones so maybe a few more sessions of that or try agnus castus? hopefully it will settle down for next cycle xx
:witch: flew in this morning. So I'm sitting having a drop of this :wine: till I get like this :drunk:. I am not gonna get down. Might start the soy a little earlier this cycle which reminds me I had better go do some research while I am still capable. :rofl:

Meg - yes, I have done the FE route - All tests are normal and okay and so is OH. I've had scans that have proved O. He just witteres on about unexplained infertility, age, IVF and doner eggs and I just ignore him and carry on my own sweet way.
:witch: flew in this morning. So I'm sitting having a drop of this :wine: till I get like this :drunk:. I am not gonna get down. Might start the soy a little earlier this cycle which reminds me I had better go do some research while I am still capable. :rofl:

Meg - yes, I have done the FE route - All tests are normal and okay and so is OH. I've had scans that have proved O. He just witteres on about unexplained infertility, age, IVF and doner eggs and I just ignore him and carry on my own sweet way.

You go girl!
thanks glitter - ya I also think Acupuncture's the way ahead. I have surgery scheduled next week and i planned to go see her again after that anyway. Just to help the healing process and as she put it 'restore the pathways' that have been disrupted/severed through surgery. After that... a few cycles of herbs and acupuncture and then I'll make the decision when/if IUI after that.

Yup, it's time for me to take a page out of Nise's book and carry on my own sweet way. One foot in front of the other, in my time.- I recognise I'm always in danger of running at breakneck speed towards every method, modality, potion and program.

I get you meg - I felt like one of the many poor cows in a herd waiting for the insemination man to prod me through the system! WOW! it made me so angry. It is a business and there was no interest in really listening or approaching the process in an intimate and 'whole-istic' way. I could go on and on about my journey through the repro clinic in the last few months. I tried to explain that my journey needed to be one of grace and ease and I just got "YOU DONT HAVE TIME, you need to do this, this and this now! one after the other in quick successsion (Surgery, lipiodol flush, IUI, IVF, IVF w donor eggs)" I have been hurried along on the phone, out of the office, hurry, hurry, hurry you silly old cow. Oh yeah and don't forget to pay on your way out!:dohh: what makes me really upset is that I am paying BIG bucks to go to this RE and private clinic, I mean I'm not even in the public system (not that I would begin to qualify) and the way this whole thing operates is shocking! I honestly don't believe I'm hard to deal with at all! But...they keep giving me the 'hurry up' about everything.

Done raging now.Sorry. Will test on Sunday am. if no AF. cut my prog. cream use down to 1/8 tsp. once a day and will get blood test prior to surgery (wed) if no AF. have a great day everyone.

Sorry about AF nise. Boo her!

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