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TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

Marme please dont be sad or scared i think that you are fantastic and a shining example for me and ladies like me who are 43 or in their 40's you give us great hope i cant wait to be pregnant and hold me head up high as i have been told it wont happen now im 43 as im too old , you go girl !!! you are a superb lady and thank you for all the hope that you give us all xxxxxx
Thanks Glitter - Hmm, don't know what to make of your CM but hopefully it's a good thing and still plenty of time for O. Are you doing the soy again? I'm having another go.

Marme - So long as you and your OH are happy then it really doesn't matter what anybody else thinks. As Glitter says, hold your head up high and proud - you did it! So that's a wow from us. There's so many ladies not starting families until they are in their 40's these days, it's almost becoming common! lol. Congratulations and I wish you 9 happy, healthy months and hopefully a few more of us on here will be joining you very soon. :hugs:
hey nise
not doing soy this month but only because when I ov i start my ivf drugs and I am scared shitless. taking what is essentially hrt for 3 weeks then the fun begins. I am short protocol so dont have as much down reggin to do. everhopeful that I will get pg this month and not need to do it lol x
hi all,

i'm 43, and mom to dd (6), and ds (19 mths). dd has been tested recently and we find out next week if she has autism spectrum disorder (likely she does), the little one was a preemie, complicated pregnancy, mulitple medical concerns in the first year +, just learned he has a genetic syndrome that explains all the health concerns. am waiting to learn if his dad or i also carry the syndrome.

with all the stress we were not active and not trying, but we've recently become a much happier couple again and now i feel like i might be KU. and i actually really really hope i am. my cycle used to be longish, but the last 3 cycles was about 26 days. with that cycle length i'm now in the final 1ww. i tested yesterday (i am not able to wait ;-) ). BFN.

feeling a bit crampy, and boobs feeling full. but i still breastfeed so that's not that unusual. and last month i started feeling crampy in the last week.

probably not KU. am i a complete idiot to be thinking about it? with 2 special needs kids, maybe i should just give up, but i would so much love to have a big family.
You are not an idiot 2specialkids i cant believe that you have the same cycles as me i am 25/26 days and ov on cd11 or 12 do you know when you ov as im never too sure and we have been trying for 2 years, good luck with the test results and you love your kids no matter what so dont worry
You are not an idiot 2specialkids i cant believe that you have the same cycles as me i am 25/26 days and ov on cd11 or 12 do you know when you ov as im never too sure and we have been trying for 2 years, good luck with the test results and you love your kids no matter what so dont worry

Hey hun, I have similar cycle length to you usually around 26 - 27 days. Do you temp? That should help you pinpoint ovulation. :hugs:
hey nise
not doing soy this month but only because when I ov i start my ivf drugs and I am scared shitless. taking what is essentially hrt for 3 weeks then the fun begins. I am short protocol so dont have as much down reggin to do. everhopeful that I will get pg this month and not need to do it lol x

Ooo yes, :dohh: Of course, the excitement starts here. So you have to wait for O before starting the drugs!? Forgive my ignorance but what does down reggin mean? Hope your having a nice weekend. :hugs:
Hey Nise
apparently I ring the clinic when I o and they work out my drug regime then I start with the tabe. basically with ivf the drugs put you body into a false menopause and stop you ovulating- or down reggin- then the injections stimulate your ovaries to ov but producing a lot more eggs. because my body has already started to shut down cuz of my age It doesn't take that many drugs to shut it down completely hence a short drug protocol. thats all I know. as we are staying in sheffield we are looking at cottages in Peak district to rent cuz 14 days in a hotel would a bore me rigid and b bankrupt us
workin all weekend- boo- hope yours is better and this is your month xx
Hey Nise
apparently I ring the clinic when I o and they work out my drug regime then I start with the tabe. basically with ivf the drugs put you body into a false menopause and stop you ovulating- or down reggin- then the injections stimulate your ovaries to ov but producing a lot more eggs. because my body has already started to shut down cuz of my age It doesn't take that many drugs to shut it down completely hence a short drug protocol. thats all I know. as we are staying in sheffield we are looking at cottages in Peak district to rent cuz 14 days in a hotel would a bore me rigid and b bankrupt us
workin all weekend- boo- hope yours is better and this is your month xx

Gotcha, that makes perfect sense. Sorry you're having to work this weekend, I know only to well how much that sucks. I've got the weekend off and hopefully next week too, though I am on standby till Wednesday. Cottage sounds like a nice idea, I hope you find somewhere. :hugs:
just ov a day early. Phoned the clinic , start the drugs next monday have to be at clinic at 10 am on wed 22 sept for my first injection egg collection any time from 4th oct. I think I need to lie down in a dark room. got a cottage bout 20 miles from clinic so going to book it tonight. also paid for my drugs £603 so now off to transfer money into account before everything else turns into rubber and bounces lol x
You are not an idiot 2specialkids i cant believe that you have the same cycles as me i am 25/26 days and ov on cd11 or 12 do you know when you ov as im never too sure and we have been trying for 2 years, good luck with the test results and you love your kids no matter what so dont worry

Hey hun, I have similar cycle length to you usually around 26 - 27 days. Do you temp? That should help you pinpoint ovulation. :hugs:

No i dont temp or do opks or anything i am just in tune with what my body is doing as i am only tring to get the healthy egg ( the f.s has told us my eggs arent any good so we are not really stressing out over it anymore) and are just enjoying each other a lot and hoping that the relaxed approach works.
I ov on either cd10 or cd11 on a very rare occasion cd12 but always know when it happens as i get stabbing shooting pains and lots of ewcm and i get really horny my OH stands no chance of sleep :rofl:
i wish you all the best glitterqueen and have everything crossed for you xxxx
Nise and Glitter.. since you both have tried soy was wondering how or if it changed your cycle or ov time. Thnx
Nise and Glitter.. since you both have tried soy was wondering how or if it changed your cycle or ov time. Thnx

Bearing in mind that I have only done soy for one cycle and the object of my usage was an attempt to delay ovulation. On average I was ovulating around CD10. I took 100mg of soy on CD5 - 9 and did not ovulate until CD12. My Luteal Phase which is usually around 15-16 days remained at 15. So overall cycle length 27 days (2 days longer than usual and not a bad thing in my opinion.)

The other difference I noticed was AF - I've always considered myself lucky in this department - I don't get cramps and pains as such maybe a dull, dragging feeling but that would usually not come until blood flow had started. From the soy cycle I got a touch of PMS from about a week before AF was due and when AF arrived, far from being the hum dinger I was expecting it was actually light and a bit scanty.

I am currently on my 2nd cycle of Soy - took the first lot last night on CD5 again - One thing I've noticed, even though I am only 5 days into this cycle - my temps are holding a lot more steady than they usually do - creating quite a nice smooth chart instead of the rocky mountain, saw tooth thing I usually paint! Hope that helps hun. I was scared of doing the soy and altering my cycles but so far so good. (and I did speak to my FS about it admittedly after I'd started it!) :hugs:
I took Soy for two cycles, to do the opposite of Nise, shorten my follicular phase, lengthen my luteal phase and make me Ov earlier. It did nothing for me at all. Mind you I was fairly immediately post Clomid at that point so maybe my body was used to the stronger stuff (although I was ovulating fine)

Well, I'm somwhere between 9 and 12 dpo depending on who you believe...Ff or me. I've actully overriden FF as it was pissing me off. I only have a 9 day LP normally, so when it gets all excited and I get to 10 or 11dpo on the chart and gives me high scores, and raises my hopes up, I had to sort it out! Damn thing had me ovulating even before I got a high on my monitor!

BFN, however y'day and today and temp down so now way I can be preggars. Roll on next cycle....it'll be a Clomid cycle again.........ugh!
Nise and Glitter.. since you both have tried soy was wondering how or if it changed your cycle or ov time. Thnx

the soy brought my ov forward by one day to cd 13, it has this month as well even though I wasn't taking this month?? accupuncture brought my original ov from 15/16 to exactly 14.
I noticed with soy loads more ewcm, but had a really painful period-don't know if related or not x
Thanks ya'll. Just wondering cause I took it 3-7CD, Aug.2-5. According to FF should have ov on Aug 14. but didn't feel any ov pains until Aug. 18, then cm (tmi)completly dried up on Aug. 22. Am supposed to start Friday but no pms symptoms... maybe lengthened my cycle. I don't know just throwing darts lol but what day do I count for dpo??
So there was me all happy yesterday about my nice even non rocky mountain pre O temps and then this morning they took a sky dive :hissy: - I had to do an emergency OPK on CD7 - it was negative - phew.

Hope everyone's having a good day despite the shitty rainy weather. I WANT THE SUMMER BACK :growlmad:
Well the thread title is "TTC 40 plus! Lets share the ups and downs!" I'm 40 plus 6 months and I'm having a great big down. I can't decide if I have already O'd or about to and it doesn't seem to matter cause my hubby seems to be avoiding me like he's afraid he might get me pregnant or something.....Ugh. I should ovulate this weekend but my CM tell me it's now...FF tells me it may have already happened. I have all but begged hubby for sex and all he can do is get through this work week (ends today) because a 12 day vacation will start. Which was great when I thought I would be ovulating 3 days from now but not if we are missing it entirely. So sorry to lay this on you guys ...it seems very petty but a big downer for me right now. Good Luck to all and maybe I'll get lucky tonight...
Hiya everyone, hope ya all doin well xx

Well i was supposed to have ovulated last weekend but it seems i havent according to my temps..maybe the chemical has thrown it off a bit. Im a bit confused tho cos im getting an absoloute ton of creamy cm which i normally get in my 2ww, so my signs are conflicting at the mo.

On the plus side, if i ovulate this coming weekend my OH has said we can try (yippee) so im a bit more upbeat now

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