TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

meant to add keekee I think your chart still looks good for a day 12 O, it doesn't look far off with the temps dropping and the EWCM :thumbup:

Thanks Butterfly! I did some temp adjusting (I am so bad at temping at the same time every day) and the chart looks better. I'm thinking maybe I'll go straight to peak tomorrow or the day after. Here's hoping!
Keekeekasaurus - good luck for your O - hope it pops at the right moment!
Sam - sorry for your ankle, what a pain, but hey - it means you're not able to go anywhere and have to stay in bed with OH!
Despie, Spoomie - I think there's going to be a rush on CBFM's on ebay - just dusted mine off and I'm GONNA SELL IT!!!
Butterfly - glad you''ve got one more month, praying this is it x
Miss C - I still can't access your chart! What's going on?! xx
Bother!!! Just boiled my soup to death whilst typing this!
oh the liberation, is this the equivilent of burning our bras? lol. I've still got the CBFM tucked away, not brave enough to sell it yet although I have thought about it many times. I'm just too scared I'll jinx things even now.
Oh Truly, don't be silly! You know Ava is PERFECT!!! Burn your bra! Sell your CBFM!!! Actually, let's be sensible and not all sell them at once or else we won't get a good price hee hee!
Hello ladies! I just introduced myself in the over 35 section but so glad I found this thread as well as I am 42. I am currently 14 dpo (af due today--no show yet) tested this morning BFN. I copied my into below-- Look forward to joining all you wonderful ladies.

Hello all you wonderful ladies--been creeping for a little bit and decided its time to introduce myself. Me 42, DH 42, DD 12 Been "trying" for a year (DH says no to more but only bc he is scared due to our ages) I can't accept that. I have a special place in my heart waiting for another little miracle to complete our family. We aren't doing anything to prevent (I may be steering things my way during optimum times which is why I know deep down he really wants one too but is too caught up in facts--he follows his thinking instead of his heart. I don't have anyone to talk to that understands so was so glad I found this site--THANKS EVERYONE for being here.
Hello peanutpup and welcome to this lovely thread for us over 40's :hi: it does feel nice to have some ladies who are in the same boat :thumbup:

Wishing you the best of luck :flower:
Hooray for Peanutpup! Join the crowd - keep us pepped us as a few of us are showing signs of TTC fatigue! FX for a late BFP this cycle x
Hello ladies! I just introduced myself in the over 35 section but so glad I found this thread as well as I am 42. I am currently 14 dpo (af due today--no show yet) tested this morning BFN. I copied my into below-- Look forward to joining all you wonderful ladies.

Hello all you wonderful ladies--been creeping for a little bit and decided its time to introduce myself. Me 42, DH 42, DD 12 Been "trying" for a year (DH says no to more but only bc he is scared due to our ages) I can't accept that. I have a special place in my heart waiting for another little miracle to complete our family. We aren't doing anything to prevent (I may be steering things my way during optimum times which is why I know deep down he really wants one too but is too caught up in facts--he follows his thinking instead of his heart. I don't have anyone to talk to that understands so was so glad I found this site--THANKS EVERYONE for being here.
Hi huni and welcome :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Can I join?. my name is Lisa, I just turned 42 last month , I am a mom to 4 girls and were TTC my 5th and my DH first baby .
Hello to you all...:flower:another newbie here on this thread...although like the rest I have been creeping around on here for a while...:shrug:turned 40 in July..busy trying to conceive my second child (have a DD aged 10) and a third child for my currently around 8dpo...although not hopeful for this month as recently started a new diet / supplements regime and this has really shaken up my fertility and have read it takes about 3 months for any changes to impact upon egg quality!...have had a couple of chem pregs last year and a m/c at 10 weeks in February...anyway, glad to be accessing a virtual world of like minded ladies! This ttc malarky can be a lonley hard business can't it?!!:thumbup:
Hi newbies! Yes Reb, spot on, we need some enthusiasm to boost our spirits. Hoping I can press on with my new found realism and at the same time, keep the flame flickering x
I'll be full of enthusiasm next month - just waiting for witch to arrive and end the ttc holiday!

fixed link to my chart now Reb - I think!!

welcome to all the newbies - time some more initiation ceremonies me thinks lol - nah seriously this group has been an absolute haven and I cannot imagine the last year without them.

we have had some great stories along with some devastating ones. Most of us if not all sadly have experienced the heartbreak and devastation of the longed for bfp only to have the world crash in on us with a loss. And that is what makes us so unique at over 40 we can't take the time out to grieve our losses re group and come back 6 months later and try again, we have to keep that forward motion going and that is so god damned hard!

We currently have LLBean Glowstar and Truly Blessed all with little bumps and cwaryithdgfysjkh (sp?) lol!! has introduced us to her new little one just very recently.

All our babies will be in our arms but we just have to be realistic that it will be later rather than sooner but definitely better late than never!
Hello Lovely Ladies ....

I would love to join you in your journeys towards that end goal of a BFP!

I turned 40 in June this year and I am experiencing secondary infertility after conceiving my son at 38.

I have been trying for over a year now and have been through the NHS system with little help and support and have been put in the unexplained group!

I suffer from short luteal phase of 8 days on a 26 day cycle. This month I paid to see a private consultant who has prescribed me progesterone (cylogest 200g) for this cycle to see if it makes a difference...

The consultant also said because of my low amh test that he would recommend that I go for IVF if I am serious about conceiving .... so decisions decisions.....

Thanks for listening ......
Hi to everybody and welcome to Prickly and Greengerbera!

I am new on here too, so still getting to know everybody!

Prickly, I was so sorry to read about your miscarriage at 10 weeks, what an awful experience for you. I hope that you get your second little bean, sooner rather than later! Do you mind me asking what the prednisone and progesterone is for? Is the progesterone to help the embryo implant??? It's all so scientific for an arts based brain!

Greengerbera-I also have low amh and had a failed IVF in the summer. There are two clinics that seem to come out on top for IVF in our age group-the Lister (which seems to have specialists in low amh) and the ARGC, although cycles there are about £12000 each. My FS recommended I take DHEA for four months before trying another IVF cycle, but I have read that DHEA seems to have most success after 6 momths of use. But, of course, we don't have time to waste. There is also a school of thought that believes that natural IVF is best for us, as it encourages the slow development of the eggs, thus the quality is not compromised, and fertilization rates may improve as a result. I think CREATE in London are food for this.

Anyway, good luck to us all! We need to will those BFPs into happening!
Many Thanks Dwrgi for the IVF info ... it is really helpful to know this stuff - out of interest which Clinic did you use for your 1st attempt - and are you using a different clinic for your 2nd attempt.

My accupuntist also recommended DHEA to improve the quality of the eggs - I have been taking Royal Jelly for the past 3 months - so was hoping it might have an effect on this cycle as they say give it 3 months also... if that didn't work then I was going to order the DHEA from the US - as it would help prepare me if I decide to go for IVF..

Did you get any feedback from your clinic to why your eggs did not fertilise??
Many Thanks Dwrgi for the IVF info ... it is really helpful to know this stuff - out of interest which Clinic did you use for your 1st attempt - and are you using a different clinic for your 2nd attempt.

My accupuntist also recommended DHEA to improve the quality of the eggs - I have been taking Royal Jelly for the past 3 months - so was hoping it might have an effect on this cycle as they say give it 3 months also... if that didn't work then I was going to order the DHEA from the US - as it would help prepare me if I decide to go for IVF..

Did you get any feedback from your clinic to why your eggs did not fertilise??

Hi! I used CRGW in Sout Wales. They are a lovely bunch of people but I don't think they have much experience in dealing with women with low amh. By CD15 I had my final scan and I had twelve follicles with five at 20mm, 19mm and 18 mm with 7 smaller ones. They told me to take the trigger that night and 36 hours later, at egg collection, only two eggs were retrieved. They said that the other follicles were empty, but I think that they let my follicles grow too big and they then ovulated before EC. I normally ovulate on CD14 anyway, and I think I should have had EC two days before. It was really frustrating as they gave the excuse that my eggs were old, that this was what to expect from those with low amh, that I should do DHEA or consider donor eggs. This is a standard response, I have since learnt, when the clinic can't explain what happened. I would like to go back there again, though, and perhaps try a different gonatrophin (some believe that Menopur isn't the best for low amh) and perhaps trigger shot Pregnyl. I know that the ARGC take a blood sample every day and a ultrasound, and then decide what dose you need to take daily, based on these results. This accounts for their 30% success rate in our age bracket. I definitely wished I'd asked for blood tests, as this can give an indicator of your estradiol level, and how many eggs are realistically likely to be present (I think it correlates to 200 units per egg).

As far as feedback with regard to the eggs not fertilizing, they said it was simply mathematics-more eggs equals better fertilization rates. The eggs and sperm seemed good apparently, just one of those things.

Hope this helps!
It sounds like you have had a frustrating time ... there are just so many hurdles to get over with IVF - which really gives me great concerns to whether to go ahead and put myself through it ... it must be a really stressful process ...

I also worry that funding about funding it privately - and as you point out trying to pick the best centre to care for your needs with a limited amount of funds. I have been given a 1 in 10 chance of success by my consultant - which isn't very good.... so do I give myself one shot at IVF or perhaps I should just continue naturally and see what happens --- Decisions Decisions

At least you are going to give it another go ... I have read that 2nd attempts are really successful as gives you an opportunity to iron out any initial problems with drugs etc - so I will keep my fingers crossed for you!
Hello newbies!!!
Great to get a new spurt of enthusiasm into this thread, as we've all been lagging a bit lately. As to the IVF - ARGC are the most expensive, also have the best results. Apparently you practically have to give yourself over them for the month and I've heard it described as a bit conveyor-belt-ish. You can't argue with the results. I'm not sure if they have criteria for accepting patients, in terms of AMH etc. Lister will pretty much take anybody, which is possibly why their results are a little below ARGC and they will only test you for the kind of things that ARGC do after you've miscarried a few times, apparently. I asked for it all up-front, having already miscarried and am awaiting my results.
Any more info, just ask! I am a mine of useless bits of info about various London fertility clinics!
Greengerbera - your AMH is better than mine if that helps! xxx
Thanks Reb for the info...

As I live in Cambridgeshire I worry about if I chose a London Clinic - the amount of time I would have to travel to and from for my appointments - if as you say you practically have to give yourself over to the ARGC for a month - then this would be really hard to do..

There is a new IVF Clinic opened in Cambridge (Cambridge IVF) but they have no data for successes - as is a brand new clinic - which also means no waiting lists which could be a bonus - if I do decide to go for it..

I don't suppose you know what the waiting lists are like for the London clinics..

It is really hard - as I have it in my head that if I try IVF - then I will have 1 attempt only and then walk away - as I can't afford to keep trying cycle after cycle - and also I don't think I would be able to take the stress of it ... so with this in mind I want to give it my best shot possible...

I was disappointed with my amh test ... but my consultant didn't seem too bothered by it - and just said it was in line with somebody of my age???

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