TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

Thanks...I'm ok...just pissy now over how quickly hubby wants to give up on our own baby.
Help Scared and confussed 43 and ttc I have 2 Daughters 21 and 17 ttc for the last time I have had cancer twice I am a high risk pregancy because of that not for the baby but for me I have some many questions and concerns I am hopeing for some support and advise. I will be starting clomid on my next cycle.. Am I crazy for wanting this help..

Welcome, Bella - you will get lots of support on this thread x
LL - I already posted to you how sad I am for you - I'm glad hubby seems to be coming round. Guys really don't get it.
Despie - SO sorry she got you, the old hag xxx

AFM - feeling autumnally sad at the moment, oh well, time to go cook a nice curry.
Sorry you are sad, Reb. Curry should help.

As for the egg thing, Eli, I bet that was a hard time for you both. :(
Help Scared and confussed 43 and ttc I have 2 Daughters 21 and 17 ttc for the last time I have had cancer twice I am a high risk pregancy because of that not for the baby but for me I have some many questions and concerns I am hopeing for some support and advise. I will be starting clomid on my next cycle.. Am I crazy for wanting this help..

Welcome, Bella - you will get lots of support on this thread x
LL - I already posted to you how sad I am for you - I'm glad hubby seems to be coming round. Guys really don't get it.
Despie - SO sorry she got you, the old hag xxx

AFM - feeling autumnally sad at the moment, oh well, time to go cook a nice curry.
Thanks Reb ,:hugs:Hope u feel better after that curry ,AFM,started fertilaid today and I feel great ,this is my 66 th month ttc and the number 67 is lucky for me as it's the year I was born and my house number ,let's hope it's lucky for me next month too :thumbup:Hugs everyone else :hugs::hugs:
Aw, Despie, Here's hoping the 6's will do it for you xxx
Sam - the curry helped. Steve and I are not talking about the elephant in the room (IVF) at the moment - I think it's a question of do we want to spend £5,000 on something that probably won't work, plus he's worried about the fact that we only just get by without a child to take care of! What time in the day for anything else?
Anyway - how're YOU?
And SPoomie - how;s the non-temping going?
Miss C - anything to report?
Hoping all well with you guys. I'm off to NY for the week, although my cello got left behind (my fault!) so I have to find one in Manhattan to borrow for the week, hee hee!
Hi Reb, sorry I didn't answer the 'Are you temping?' question last time you asked it. Failing miserably so far, I KNOW that FFF is going to amend her stupid opinion on my O date in the next day or so and so I keep on temping. Uncharacteristically low post-O temps right now (GREAT, things just get better!) though I expect a big jump tomorrow or day after. Acupuncture is really helping me deal with the heartache and feel more positive about all that I DO have in my life (I think I may have said previously that I was never really a glass half full type of person!) at the moment. I am even toying with the idea of getting back in to proper marathon training come January, though I will probably delay it when it gets here, as per our previous discussion of 'Just one more month...'. The change for me is that I really really want to run again and haven't felt that much since mc. We'll see.

Enjoy your time in NY, though I know you will be working. Hope you manage to find a cello, I LOVE that you are so chilled about it. Hhmmm, your elephant in the room. It is very difficult for you because the IVF issue forces you to put yourselves - emotions and all - on the line in a way that 'Just one more month...' does not. I really hope you decide to go for it; you may think you don't have the time or money but, trust me, you would find it once your LO arrived because all else fades in to the background ( I hope that hasn't made anyone vomit, apologies if it sounds too soppy) :hugs:
cycle day 1 for me today - which is a good thing cos we are bang on schedule well maybe a day or 2 early bur just means we can get started on our penultimate bunny month! Will pick up my clomid today ready for Wednesday or maybe Thursday I am wondering if 4-8 may be better have read 4-8 even 5-9 can make a more mature egg, although last time if I had taken it longer I wonder if more mature follicles would have popped. From memory I had 3 ready to go on cd11. I must go do a little reading and see what is out there. Also need to go for a drive and get some more pre-seed, ridiculous how unavailable it is in this country. Have my instead cups ready to go (Sam :) and D is happy that our month off is over!! Now just gotta wait for the witch to depart.

Good news is I am going to have a lot to be focused on away from ttc as well so that may help, we just started the Spring Racing Carnival so work is going to be busy, hoping to find a house and move away from the ferals at end of November so house hunting is under way AND we have decided we want a bird, but not just any old bird, seems the one for us is an Eclectus Parrot. I grew up with an African Grey but at a cost of $6-8,000 in Australia that ain't gonna happen for Jake so an Eclectus is next best thing! Super excited about that.

AND to top all that off Jake has his surgery next Thursday. Absolutely pooping myself, general Anaesthesia terrifies me. I bawled my eyes out before my gall bladder surgery and it wasn't the operation that scared me it was the GA so putting my son under is just beyond nightmare proportions.

So that's my little update
:hi: ladies, hope you are all OK, just popping in to say hello now I am on cd1 officially. My LP was 3 days longer than usual, not sure why that was. I still wonder if the flight to the BF 'popped' the follies earlier than they were ready for :shrug:

Miss_C, synching with you on cd1 today - hope the clomid does it for you this month and you manage to get through the stress of your DS having a GA :hugs:

Reb, New York sounds fun, hope you find a cello!

Spoomie - it is so difficult to step away from the temping but I guess it can be useful even so :hugs:

Despie - am lining up with you on the numbers - mine is the 11/11/11 as I will be 44 so I might test on that day. Also a 67 here so FX that comes together for you :hugs:

Sam, LL, bella, maryanne, pip, keekee and anyone else I have missed :hugs::hugs:
Hi all hope you dont mind me joining you,

A little about myself, I'm 44 and have 2 children DS 25yrs and DD 23yrs, 6 yrs ago I met the most wonderful man who didnt have any children of his own, 4 months ago we decided why not give it a try, so i came of BC (femulen), (lol friends think i'm mad) hehehe
August and Sept AF came and went as they should do and on the exact dates they should have but Oct AF was a no show, I have done 5 HPT's (Sun night being last one) all a BFN so now i am 19days late with no clear reason as to why I have always been as regular as clockwork on a 28 day cycle, only time i have missed an AF is when i was pregnant.

I am getting slight cramping but not like usual AF cramps, I have had EWCM last week which if I had AF end Sept beginning Oct would have been when i was due to 'O' (sorry TMI) I do not do temps as i am up all different hours for work reasons, I am also getting light headaches .......(.)(.) are not sore but veins have got slightly darker no other I'm Slightly confused lol

Any advice etc would be appreciated.
you say regular as clockwork 28 days but you were on birth control - so you WOULD be regular as that controls your cycle. Coming off the BCP can and often does take 6 months for your body to settle back into it's natural rhythm. Especially at our age. My best advice to you would be to use OPK's and take your temps to pin point Ovulation. Cramping and EWCM for me means 2 things, about to O or the witch will be here in a couple of days. Hopefully it's the latter so you can start a nice new cycle and get things moving.

Good luck with your journey and welcome to the group. AMAZING group of ladies here who have been my guiding light in many a dark tunnel.

Hi Butterfly cycle buddy - what day do you normally O? I am normally cd15 on the clomid.

Twinny does the training HAVE to be that hard that will mess up your cycles. I have heard excessive exercising can stop periods etc but would you need to do that? Is there a happy medium that could work for you. The 2 cycles I got my bfp's I know I was majorly distracted during the tww, ziggy's first big attempt we were on holidays and the last one I was in training for my new job. SO maybe the distraction will be a good thing?

Sam put me onto lunaception and I have done my chart and this moth is a doozy, O is at exactly the right time if it comes on schedule and the chart says it would be a girl too which ties in perfectly with my psychic lady that I saw and my other on line readings! So yup I am put a lot of faith in this cycle and if it doesn't work it will be a major major crash.

Going to see our feathered baby tomorrow - it's a boy and we now have to decide on a name for him. I am thinking Alfie.

Rebs I LOVE New York, I am definitely a living in suburbia/semi rural type of girl now since leaving London, neighbours give me the shits and I won't be happy until I have none!! BUT that said I could so do apartment living in New York if I was rich enough!

Despie here's hoping those numbers are good for you - do some numerology stuff on line and see what it comes up with, maybe even do a lunar calendar. If nothing else it keeps your mind occupied!!! :)

Hugs all
Hi Twinny, thanks for your comments. it just feels like I need a big distraction and training will give me that, and help me to find my old self, I think. It would take a while to build up to high mileage as I have basically been inactive for the past year! So, I figure that I have little more than 6 months of trying in me anyway from the start of 2011 as I will turn 44 in March. I know that excessive exercise can impact on periods but personally I have never found this. I was running 80 miles a week and was at least half a stone lighter than most of my training partners (I am a true skinny runt!) but NEVER stopped having my period. (It was a niggle to me in those days as life would've been much easier without periods!!!) Nonetheless, I hear what you are saying. I too have had my last two pregnancies confirmed while distracted: DS while I had pneumonia, so I was distracted with staying alive (!!!) and our last lost baby when I had decided, 'OK, this isn't on the cards for us....' I am hoping that if I immerse myself in a running schedule, buy new shoes etc etc then I may just find myself pregnant without actually trying - sigh, imagine that?!!!
Thank you for you reply Miss_C
I did forget to mention that Femulen is the mini pill and does not control your periods like comb pill as you keep taking it every day without a break and you only have a 3 hr window to take it in as after this you are not covered.

I have only been back on this for 6 yrs since meeting my OH prior to this I didnt have anything for 17yrs as my ex husband had the snip. When coming off it then my AF just carried on the same as it did when i was on it every 28 days which it has done since i was 13yrs.

I think i will contact the docs tomorrow and try and see if they can enlighten me on whats happening.

Last week when i EWCM OH and i DTD everyday sometimes even twice lol (the joys of having a younger man)lol as we where away on holiday and able to relax and just enjoy ourselves.

So who knows if I did O then maybe we did catch the egg. FX all and heres hoping xx
Greetings from the big Apple! The news is, I put out an SOS on Facebook and found about 5 cellos! I love FB, it's completely bonkers. Anyway I'm going to pick one up tomorrow and I have 48 hours to learn how to play it!
Miss C - LOVING the parrot idea! Alfie is such a great name and what a brilliant thing to do! Good luck for the next bunny month x
Butterfly - hugs for cd1, hope you're feeling okay x
Tigerlillie - I'm afraid I can't help you at all, but welcome to the thread and here's hoping you caught that eggy. Maybe even though it's the mini-pill your body is still having a reaction to the changes?
Spoomster - you make me ashamed with all your talk of marathons! I'm such a slob, my tummy is going flabby even though I'm thin!
Right, fighting the jet lag now and by the way - who else HATES the new BnB - all that Mom stuff at the beginning is blooming insensitive for those of us who aren't Mom's. Huh.
Hey Reb I have a shortcut to my user cp so it just brings me straight to this thread every time without having to go elsewhere.

Tiger if ewcm was only last week and that was ovulation then you are only in week one of the two week wait so tests would be negative. Give it another week and then see what happens.
How'd you do a shortcut? Love dumbo x

scroll to the top of this page and click on user cp (this shows all the threads you have subscribed to or posted in) once you are at that page depending on what platform you are using either click on the book mark it icon, drag the address onto your toolbar etc etc.
:hi: tiger and welcome - I would also agree with Miss_C - temping and OPKs will really help you to determine where in your cycle you are. Did you have any kind of light bleed that might put you back in the right place in your cycle - if you are 19 days late and had EWCM last week then it sounds like you might be in the right place for cd 19 or so. I don't want to burst your bubble too much but the likelihood of you being pregnant now with a negative test is about 1% apparently as the test would show up by now whichever one you are using. But it sounds like you should have this month all covered and who knows where AF went last month... good luck! :hugs::hugs:

Miss C , I normally O on cd13 but last month was cd11 which was a bit annoying as I have to plan my visits! :wacko:
Greetings from the big Apple! The news is, I put out an SOS on Facebook and found about 5 cellos! I love FB, it's completely bonkers. Anyway I'm going to pick one up tomorrow and I have 48 hours to learn how to play it!
Spoomster - you make me ashamed with all your talk of marathons! I'm such a slob, my tummy is going flabby even though I'm thin!
Right, fighting the jet lag now and by the way - who else HATES the new BnB - all that Mom stuff at the beginning is blooming insensitive for those of us who aren't Mom's. Huh.

REb, so glad you got your cellos(s)! Don't worry about the tum, mine too :nope: And, I posted a few pages back with the very same sentiment about the new home page, totally agree.......x

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