TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

Hi Garfie, nice to meet you :flower:

Been trying since Sept 2010, so that's what, ummm.....about 20 cycles now (although I've had a few duff one's in there). More depressing is that I've not got one single BFP in that time, hello? Where are you? :shrug: I've sadly become very philosophical about my chances now, but am waiting for DH to do a SA next month and then I can be referred to an FS (CD3/21 blood tests showed all okay).

I knew it would take time being the ages that we are but I never thought I'd have nothing by now to show for it! Oh well, rose tinted specs binned and a slap of reality methinks :haha::haha:

Good luck, think pink!!!! :thumbup::hugs:
Hi JAX & BOOTH nice to meet you both:hi:

We have been trying since our m/c in June last year (we didn't think it would take this long either) ah well, my next stage is to have blood tests to check for ovulation (I was borderline last time :cry:) but as my cycles are so screwy maybe just maybe they got the dates wrong [-o<

Not sure about hubby yet (he hasn't had any tests done) he seems fit and healthy (32) guess that will be the next stage - as each month passes with a :bfn: he gets more and more involved asks me more questions about ovulation dates etc which is great he is on board but somethings only a woman understands don't you agree?:winkwink:

Lots of :dust: to us all trying

Yep, sure do :thumbup: A willing DH always helps though you know, mine has had his moments! Of course it was a lot easier when he had his kids in his 20s and he had more energy then too :haha: but I would so love us to have just one little healthy :baby: between us, I just hope it's not too late.....
Hi all,

welcome Garfic, hope you get a BFP soon....can understand how fustrutating it is not to
get a BFP after your miscarriage. I had a MC in Feb and on 2nd cycle of trying since it.
Hoping will get one quickly but can understand how you feel.

good luck with the IVF, Reb, I also don't understand the IVF lingo..

Nice.....maybe the best way to look on everything is to accept what will be will be...
if you are destined to adopt the little girl then it'll work out in its own time, oh to have a crystal ball..

there's been lots of activity here lately....our pc at home died last week (hard drive failure despite it being only
18 months old). I am following the thread on my mobile device but too tedious to type anything much,
posting in work currently which is naughty, naughty as they claim the monitor our internet usage.

coming up to ovulation for me, had some stretchy CM today but not due to ovulate for another 3-4 days.
however I rarely see stretchy CM....

its hubbies 40th on thursday so we are going away to a country house/hotel that's supposed to have a great restaurant.
so its perfect time for some well timed bd hopefully !
Hi I haven't been here for a while but I'm back now. Congrats to Glowstar! :):):)
I just started a thread on TTC over 35 but maybe someone here might be able to help? This is what I posted:
I'm 44 and been TTC for nearly 2 years. I had MMC in June last year. My cycles have been weird since I had my DD in June 2009 which I first put down to the childbirth and breastfeeding and then to the MC. My cycles are now irregular (I have one every month but they vary between 26 and 40 days) and last couple have been really heavy with spotting a few days before. I'm not temping or anything but worried that I may be pre-menopausal now because of my cycles. I'm thinking that Agnus Castus might help if there's a hormone imbalance and regulate cycles/improve ovulation (I get signs of ov every month so I think I am ov'ing anyway). Has anyone any words of wisdom for me? Has anyone used AC in tincture form and can tell me what dose I should try as I am getting conflicting info on the net? I'm getting very down and frustrated!
Hi PIPPI - are you on CD9 if so at the moment we are cycle twins!!!:happydance: and hope we also become BFP buddies too :hugs:

I'm sure you will have lots of fun at the country house - me jealous :cry:

When we went away for our 1st wedding anniversary last year it was in Paris so I said if we conceived there the baby would be called Paris so I hope your country house has a lovely name :winkwink:

Ok ladies can someone please explain the basic lingo of IVF as I don't have a clue - :dohh: good luck and fingers crossed to all you ladies going through this :hugs:

:flower: Hi Garfie!
Guess it's up to me to explain the IVF lingo seeing as I'm the one doing it. My OH and I have only ever conceived (in nearly 4 years of ttc!) by IVF and thought we'd only try it once, but recently we decided to give it one last go.
Embies = embryos,
Transfer = putting embies back in me (tomorrow am)
Downreg = drugs taken to stop the cycle so it can be controlled;
Stimms = drugs taken to grow lots of eggies to harvest.
Prune juice = necessary to IVF in the latter stages...hee hee!
Nise - any news re 27th?
Pippi - country hotel sounds GREAT! Lucky you guys
Jax - good luck with SA next month
Booth - hi! How's things? And has anyone heard from Beetle and her new puppy?
Miss C - you're an inspiration as always x
Glowie - xxx
Have I forgotten anyone?!?!
Wow crazy busy weekend on here

Reb fx'd crossed for you!!!! So exciting

Welcome to the newbies
Garf for my 40th dog took me to Toronto for the weekend

Im due to ov in a day or so
I'm also finally back on track with my eating and running
Physio massage and chiro are working. I've signed up for two 5 k now! Running is getting easier :)

I'm hoping my running helps distract me from the tww
Wow crazy busy weekend on here

Reb fx'd crossed for you!!!! So exciting

Welcome to the newbies
Garf for my 40th dog took me to Toronto for the weekend

Im due to ov in a day or so
I'm also finally back on track with my eating and running
Physio massage and chiro are working. I've signed up for two 5 k now! Running is getting easier :)

I'm hoping my running helps distract me from the tww

Good going pdmcd! I too am focusing on running to distract me from my hopeless cause :-( i have been taken under the wing of my coach again and am training hard. It helps to take the pain away because the pain is replaced by other pain!
Thanks REB that makes it a bit clearer now for me and lots of luck and hugs for tomorrow:hugs:

:wave:BUTTERFLY and DESPERADO I'm Garfie and a newbie here. Have been ttc since my m/c last June :cry:

MISSY - I've never used AC but I wish you lots of luck and hope you get your cycles sorted soon my tend to be on the short side, sometimes I never even get to even test which is no good for a POAS addict like me :winkwink:

:hugs: to you all

It's not desperate big hugs
What are you training for?
I have itband issues and after a half 2 yrs ago I stopped but I missed it too much
Are you in any races we could cyber support each other
Hey again -followed the link to the vintage club -thank you ! I had 5 good enough to freeze - out of flipping 12 so ther is age for you but hey it only tKes one. None to freeze as I had 4!!! Put back as my previous 3 failed rounds all had the same put back. Only diff this time was assisted hatching added to the mix. Now there is a hell of a good twin risk if there ever was one... Xx

:hi:Bambine and welcome to the 'Vintage Club' - I like that :thumbup: Was your transfer recent? If so lots of luck. :flower:

We'll see how good the blasts are - the blast chance for the last chance!!!
Hoping everyone's had a good weekend enjoying cold but sunny weather, the last for a while, I fear, rain on the way. x

Still got it all crossed. Good luck tomorrow. :hugs:

Nise big choice and decision - hubby and I have talked about it regardless of ttc though. We discussed adopting an older child ie the one we would have had if we had met earlier etc but cos of our age we don't qualify for adoption and because we have been pregnant and ttc etc in last 5 years they still exclude you! Nuts I say if there are children out there that need homes. They did tell us we could be considered for fostering but that is not what we are interested in at all and I couldn't do it.
Hugs and waves to everyone. I am off to do some frantic clicking on the computer - Prince tickets on sale this AM

Thanks for sharing that Miss C. We looked into adoption a year or so back. I found a calculator thing on one of the agency sites that said that due to our combined ages we would be able to adopt a child of 10 or above. I don't know how they work this out, I am with you so long as they have a good home, people that want to care about them and love them until they are adults then that should be enough and it's more likely to be people in their 40's who are able and want to provide those things. I don't get it! apparently we have the highest number of children in care than we've ever had!!! HELLOOOO! Hope you got your Prince tickets - the little purple Diva is fab. :hugs:

Thanks Reb it's going great! Jacob is such a good baby...feel VERY lucky! He's feeding well and sleeping 3-4 hours at a time so I'm taking that while I can get it as it might all change tomorrow! :winkwink:

Lovely to hear from you Glowie. I'm so happy you are enjoying your beautiful little boy, he sounds perfect. Long may it last! :hugs:

To all the other ladies I understand nothing about transfers, embies it's all a foreign language to me so can someone explain?

:hi: Garfie, glad you found us. Just realised I didn't introduce myself to you properly. Welcome to the thread - it's impossible to feel lonely with all the great girls on here cheering you on. Also glad that Reb filled you in re the IVF speak - I'm only just getting the hang of it myself! :hugs:

Hi Garfie, nice to meet you :flower:
Been trying since Sept 2010, so that's what, ummm.....about 20 cycles now (although I've had a few duff one's in there). More depressing is that I've not got one single BFP in that time, hello? Where are you? :shrug: I've sadly become very philosophical about my chances now, but am waiting for DH to do a SA next month and then I can be referred to an FS (CD3/21 blood tests showed all okay).

I knew it would take time being the ages that we are but I never thought I'd have nothing by now to show for it! Oh well, rose tinted specs binned and a slap of reality methinks :haha::haha:

Nice to see you back Jax. So everything hotting up for next month. Will be keeping my fingers crossed for you. Sadly I had to bin my rose tinted specs too! - Shame I quite liked them :haha::hugs:

Hi all,
Nice.....maybe the best way to look on everything is to accept what will be will be...
if you are destined to adopt the little girl then it'll work out in its own time, oh to have a crystal ball..

there's been lots of activity here lately....our pc at home died last week (hard drive failure despite it being only
18 months old). I am following the thread on my mobile device but too tedious to type anything much,
posting in work currently which is naughty, naughty as they claim the monitor our internet usage.

coming up to ovulation for me, had some stretchy CM today but not due to ovulate for another 3-4 days.
however I rarely see stretchy CM....

its hubbies 40th on thursday so we are going away to a country house/hotel that's supposed to have a great restaurant.
so its perfect time for some well timed bd hopefully !

Thanks Pippi - that's exactly how I'm dealing with it. I'm just gonna take it one day at a time. Sounds like your hubbies birthday celebration is coming at exactly the right time, how lovely to have a nice relaxing time of it for O. Fingers crossed you bring a little extra something back with you. :hugs:

Hi I haven't been here for a while but I'm back now. Congrats to Glowstar! :):):)
I just started a thread on TTC over 35 but maybe someone here might be able to help? This is what I posted:
I'm 44 and been TTC for nearly 2 years. I had MMC in June last year. My cycles have been weird since I had my DD in June 2009 which I first put down to the childbirth and breastfeeding and then to the MC. My cycles are now irregular (I have one every month but they vary between 26 and 40 days) and last couple have been really heavy with spotting a few days before. I'm not temping or anything but worried that I may be pre-menopausal now because of my cycles. I'm thinking that Agnus Castus might help if there's a hormone imbalance and regulate cycles/improve ovulation (I get signs of ov every month so I think I am ov'ing anyway). Has anyone any words of wisdom for me? Has anyone used AC in tincture form and can tell me what dose I should try as I am getting conflicting info on the net? I'm getting very down and frustrated!

I've been using AC for a few months now - Also have hormone imbalance - my cycles were fairly regular but I was getting really bad spots around O time. I'm finding it really good and seem to have diverted full blown acne so a big fan here! I take 2 caps a day, together with Macca and Coq 10. All good for balancing hormones amongst other good things. :hugs:

Nise - any news re 27th?

No more news Reb, tbh I'm not expecting to hear anything until the meeting. 11 days to go (sigh) that and the 2WW - All I seem to do these days is wait! :haha: I'm not the most patient person in the world.

Wow crazy busy weekend on here
Im due to ov in a day or so
I'm also finally back on track with my eating and running
Physio massage and chiro are working. I've signed up for two 5 k now! Running is getting easier :)

I'm hoping my running helps distract me from the tww

Well done you, that's great going. Good luck with O this cycle, hopefully your ovaries are all toned up now and ready to pop with a nice juicy egg. :hugs:

Me! LOL :hugs:

Yes I was wondering how beetle was getting on as well...

Hi Butterfly, how's things in your part of the world. I was also wondering about Beetle - guess being a puppymum is pretty time consuming. :hugs:

I too am focusing on running to distract me from my hopeless cause :-( i have been taken under the wing of my coach again and am training hard. It helps to take the pain away because the pain is replaced by other pain!

Hey Spoomie, I'm glad you're enjoying your running even if it is replacing one pain for another - hopefully the exercise will send the blood rushing to the important parts and well you know! Good luck to you lovely. :hugs:

AFM - Well, I'm just waiting really! I'm in between jobs at the mo and full of good intentions to get out in my garden and do some digging and also some odd jobs on the outside of the house... So far I've put it all off for 2 days now! :hugs:
Good luck all those having tx's soon!

Hey Nise and Desperado! How are you all?

Butterfly... how is that juicy chart looking??
Good luck all those having tx's soon!

Hey Nise and Desperado! How are you all?

Butterfly... how is that juicy chart looking??

Very tired and bored ,need something exciting to look forward too :haha::hugs:
Hence why I book loads of things to do.... to take my mind off this crazy train!
It's not desperate big hugs
What are you training for?
I have itband issues and after a half 2 yrs ago I stopped but I missed it too much
Are you in any races we could cyber support each other

Hey pdmcd

Thanks for the support. I'm not training for anything just yet, don't plan to race seriously until next year. I'm a marathon runner at heart, and though I enjoy halves too I can't really run anything less than 10 miles terribly competitively (my DH says that Ultras would be my forte, but I don't have the nerve to go beyond 26.2 miles!!!). Hence, a year (plus) out of training takes a while to get back into any kind of competitive shape and I am working on increasing my mileage sensibly to avoid injury. I am focusing on a Spring marathon for 2013 and would like to think I could still get under 3 hrs, though I'm not sure that's going to be possible after such a long break and at my age. Currently doing lots of hill reps and hilly tempo runs - ouch! I live in hope that all the activity will enhance my chances of success in ttc but in my heart, I know that is unlikely now....:cry: (I should've been having babies in my late thirties instead of concentrating on winning races and now I am paying for my complacency)

ITB - big ouch! get that tennis ball out and cross friction your ITB until it brings tears to your eyes, that'll help keep it at bay!!!

Let me know when your 5ks are and I will cyber support you and cheer you over the line. Happy running xx
Dear Reb........if I still said my prayers, you'd be top of my list tomorrow. Huge :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

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