TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

So I bought a digital test and I get error message
Ugh what are the chances I screw up 2 hpg tests
Seriously I followed the instructions and I mess up two

I'm just gonna wait till the weekend and see if she shows up before I bother to retest
I'm on cd 33 (of a 24 day cycle) I should technically be near the end of my next cycle fertile window.

My only symptom is off and on nausea and very occasional mildly sensitive boobs
I'm not sure what to think any more
I'm desperate to have a bfp but scared that it'll be a bfp

I checked my cycles and the longest cycle was 27 not counting when I went off bc I'm mostly a 23-25 day cycle- but I'm sure my going off metformin is a factor
But I really wasn't truely pcos I had one cyst on my ovary and I also wasn't faithful with taking the metformin

I'm just puzzled, I'm just gonna sit and wait till the weekend to retest

How's everyone else
I'm okay - living my life vicariously through you, pdmcd! We need some good news on this board... will you book a Dr appointment for the coming weekend (so you can get a HCG check as well)? Or just test at home? GOOD LUCK!!!
PD - I'm going to send you a box of tests! There's no way this isn't a bfp!
hi everyone !

go out and buy another brand of preg test Pdmc, maybe you got a dud batch. or just use internet cheapies...Old fashioned but no digital displays to let you down.
I pee in a cup and then test...that prevents you wetting parts that are n't supposed to be wet !

good luck Maddy40 with the final IUI.

fingers crosssed for your hospital appointment Barnibear. really hope they can pin point something....rather than just an unexplained issue.

I had a peek at your chart Maximamo...yea not sure what's going on. its certainly a long cycle but guess it takes time to get back to normality. good luck for the talk with dh...

hello everyone else....
Nise....hope all is going well with LG.

AFM. I'm still temping...and think I will continue to do so but skip the OPKs next month. I agree with some of your girls on here....that I should do what I feel is best. We'll try and bd more next month coming up to ovulation and not be a slave to the positive OPK.

Had my review appotiment with the consultant on monday. so all paper work done for IVF and AMH blood test taken. He did an usound to count the number of follices...he saw 4 or 5 on the left and I think 4 on the right.
he seemed please enought with that. from what i read...the numbers are n't brilliant but that's about standard for my age but he said he'd be surprised if my AMH came back low.

As usual..any supplememt I asked the consultant about eg. DHEA and CoQ....he said there was no firm evidence pointing to a benefit and until then he can't recommend.

so now just waiting to see what my AMH is and then get protocol and dates after that.

excited and nervous at the same time...
So I caved and got a 3rd brand of test and this time no dud or user screw up

This one is a bfn. I'm a bit disappointed not that I was quite expecting it to be the other way, I was still hoping.

I'm guessing the metformin was what I needed
Now to just wait for af to show up. I do have another test so if she doesn't show up in a few weeks ill retest

Now just a waiting game
Morning Ladies

How are we all? - lots to catch up on I tried to stalk - but that didn't work as hubby has had me helping him both in what was left of the factory and also at home on an evening typing quotes, rotas, emails etc.:wacko:

The last few weeks have taken its toll on us both especially as a couple as my hubby has gone from manual work (a printer) wondering what's for tea:haha: to his dads right hand man making decisions involving millions of pounds:wacko: so as you can imagine he suddenly has all this responsibility and the welfare of the other 15 staff as well as companies etc to consider now so as a family we have taken a bit of a back seat and all the child care and household has been left to me - which has been fun considering the children half been on half term and the eldest who has autism hates change - can't have more of a change than mum working:flower:

One good thing we know the fire was not deliberate or foul play so there is no reason why the insurance should not pay out - eventually!:happydance: in the meantime hubby will probably have to work away in a different town for a few shifts (well if he expects the men to do it - so he should to) he also may have to go away to Italy to sources new machines. I think hubby still can't get over the fact how much in the last few weeks his dad has aged and this has put a lot of the responsibility on his shoulders:wacko:

Hubby does now know though that I am not one of his men - but his wife and whilst I support him I will not be taken for granted etc - as the other evening he came home stressed and was in the bath relaxing, I went up to ask him a perfectly reasonable question about the car (it needed new tyres and I needed to budget of course) he told me to stop nagging him and that I sounded like........(he hates this woman with a passion - she is the wife of one of the men) lazy, inconsiderate, selfish etc you will all have met the type thinks she is a cut above and should be treat like a princess whilst not putting anything into a relationship. Well sorry ladies I just blew and I picked up his work clothes which were artistically thrown on the bathroom floor and threw them in the bath with him:growlmad: - it didn't help his mood but boy did I feel better:haha:

Anyway now I am off to stalk properly and hopefully I will be able to get on here a bit more regularly now things are getting into a different routine once again:flower:


Another BFN..I'm following my gut as feel as my left tube is blocked.. Just a gut feeling.

So we're going to speak to our RE about doing a HSG an if goes against it will be taling to a new RE. So for now treatments on hold..
Pants to the BFN's PDMCD and Bigger - I had high hopes for you both and since I've not managed to get on much was hoping that I had missed lots of excitement coz that is what usually happens.

Well, it's been pretty crazy and extremely stressful here with getting the house finished on time - we almost made it but she had to stay with her other Aunty and cousins for a couple of days. This time last week her room looked like the inside of some derelict house!!! But it's finally finished, except for decorating - that will begin next week.

K is here. I went to pick her up on Wednesday and took all day getting to Newcastle because my train along with many others was cancelled. Took me over 6 hours to get there and so I didn't get her home till after midnight. She's settling in really well and seems to love her room and her funky bed which arrived the day after her!!! typical delivery crap. Anyway she seemed to enjoy helping us assemble everything. She has a few days extra half term as she doesn't start her new school till next Thursday, so we've got a bit of time to settle into a routine and enjoy stuff.

Garfie - I was shocked to read about the fire, but glad no-one got hurt, must be very stressful for you all but thank goodness there was no foul play - I hope the insurance get sorted quickly.

Lots of love to everyone else - I'll try and catch up properly very soon. :hugs:
Bigger sorry for the bfn
Nise so excited about k!!!
Garfie I hope things settle soon with all the chaos

Afm dh comes home late tonight! I'm praying his connecting flight stays on time it was delayed 3 hrs already. I'm still waiting for the witch to come, and no signs shes coming. I'm now 12 days late. I have switched to taking all my vitamins before bed and no more nausea ( one plus)

Hi to everyone else
Hi everyone. AF got here this evening so tomorrow will be CD 1. I kind of fell for that "you're more fertile after a miscarriage" bs and despite the fact that everything pointed to me not getting lucky this cycle I still had my magical thinking. Oh well. Paperwork came today for the ivf if we go that route. Despite the fact that AF came today my husband still wants to wait till the week of the 11th to make a final decision. On Monday I have to do my Day 3 bloods. That's all for me.
PDMCD - massive :hug: for you hun. I was sad to log on and find you'd had a neg :( Onwards and upwards ay? :hugs:

Maxxi - sorry to hear AF has arrived for you too :hugs: I had the 'fertile after MC' hopes too many moons ago :dohh: really not sure if it's just a myth tbh :hugs:

Bigger - sorry to hear about your BFN too :hugs: Chin up.

Nise - HOW WONDERFUL! :happydance::happydance: It is so good to see your post 'she's here'. Enjoy enjoy enjoy :happydance:

Garfie - it sounds like this fire has caused many changes in the dynamics of your life. Take care of yourself. Stress has a way of creeping up and biting you on the bum when you're not expecting it. When my DH comes home from work for the first hour or so he seems to crash about and swear allot in conversation as if he's still on the building site. It's weird isn't it? I do have to say to him sometimes - you're home now ... not still with 'the lads' :dohh::wacko::haha: so i can empathise with you on "I am not one of his men".

Pippi - oooh it's exciting! I'd say you're wise to drop the OPKs - they're ok if you're someone who gets a good clear reading, but can sometimes throw a spanner in the works i think re: working out ov day.

AFM - nothing much happening here.Due to ov on ... just had to go to FF to have a look :haha: ... Wednesday'ish. Good old mid-week. When everyone's tired :roll: Fab :coffee:

Love to all

xxx :dust::dust:
I hope that you catch the egg misty.

As for me I went for my day three bloods today. Tomorrow I have to go for more blood work prior to my water sono on Wednesday. I guess I'm kind of prepping for ivf although me and the husband have not yet had the final discussion. I'm curious to see what my day 3 blood work is like. I know the water sono will be normal.
Hi everyone....all seems quiet here.
Hope you are busy catching that egg misty. ;-)
Good luck maximo with the bloods etc. at least its worth getting them done in case you go for ivf.
I also fell for the b***s*** that you are more fertile after a mc. For me it was the other way around. I got pregnant quite quickly but after the mc noting....

Great to hear that k is settling in we'll Nise. Hope school goes ok as I'm sure its not the easiest thing to start in a new school,half way through the year
Had to laugh Garfie at the picture of you firing dh clothes into his bath !!!
Glad to hear that its looking good that insurance will cover the fire.

The clinic rang me yesterday and I start my down regulation injection in 2 weeks time and then when af starts a week later all the injections, scan etc kick off. They did nt give me a date yet for egg collection etc but I guess it would be 2nd week of April.

I got my amh result back too which was 13.8 (uk scale). pleased that for my age (42) my count is ok..quality I'm sure is another matter. They are putting me on a protocol for normal responders rather than one for low responders so hope that means we're more likely to get more eggs

I'm neverous about side effects and the whole procedure especially since we have a work weekend away right in the middle. Feels like the last roll of the dice...with odds of probably only 15% or less pregnancy (before dealing with chance of mc after that). Trying to just keep positive but realistic.
Max keeping fx'd for you

Pippi hoping it goes well for you

I'm excited for you both

Afm I'm 17 days late, tonight when I took my bra off my boobs hurt. Not sure if that means she's coming in a day or so or if it means a week or so
Time will tell what's going on

If she hasn't come by the time my next one is due I will retest
Hi everyone.

Maxxi and Pippi good luck with the IVF prep. I'll be joining you next month I suspect - just gotta get this final IUI cycle finished.

Pdmcd... really hope you get a late positive. FX for you.

AFM - I'm 4dpiui today and the TWW isn't dragging as badly as normal. I've decided just to live my normal life this cycle. Not modifying my exercise and still doing everything I would normally have done anyways. I think my mind has already moved on to IVF.
It seems a while since we had anyone doing ivf on this thread. Now we might have a few after each other. Good luck pippi on starting yours and max good luck with the testing.

Maddy fingers crossed you don't need to do it. Probably a good idea to keep going as normal, maybe it will make the time go quicker :thumbup:

Wow pd that is strange being that late, fingers crossed for a miracle late BFP!

:hugs: to all
i was interested to read that Maddy said she is continuing to exercise as normal and that set me thinking that I wanted to share my progress with you all as this thread was once my primary link to the outside world, and of immense importance to me. V brief history: 2 x mc (10 weeks and 6 weeks) followed by the joyous birth of my beautiful, beautiful DS in 2008 when I was forty. Initially, I was sure that my world was complete, but my hormones began to crave for a sibling and I was delighted to be pregnant again at 42, only to suffer my third mc at 12+ weeks in November 2010. My world completely fell apart around me. Since then, nothing, absolutely nothing resembling a little blue line, just a whole load of heartache and deep, deep depression and many months of temping, well timed bd, opks, CBFS, soft cups etc etc.

I was formerly a runner and it was incredibly important in my life but I found myself in December 2011 having not run for over a year, just in case I miraculously fell pregnant one month and then went on to jeopordise it, sure you're all familiar with that one?! (btw, I ran about 30 miles a week until 7 months pregnant with my son so my fears were obviously unfounded!) Anyway, I decided in January last year that enough was enough and I finally realised that I needed to begin weaning myself off ttc and finding my way back to real life. Running, and the patience of my DH and love of my DS, has been that path. I'm now marathon training again for the first time in 6 years and a couple of Sundays ago I ran a 10k in under 39 mins once again, finishing second to a young lady approx 15 years younger than me. I will be 45 by marathon race day and I aim to run under 3 hours once again, which I last did at 39! I now have a new lease of life and have made peace with my situation and learnt to be thankful for all the good things in my life; I may have wanted two children, but that is no longer my sole goal and I now feel blessed to have one.

I wish with all my heart that every one of you ladies could get that elusive bfp, but we all know that this won't be the case for some (sadly, even for many :-( ) of us, and after investing every ounce of my energy (and hundreds of £s of our money!) in to finding that magical missing piece supplement/therapy/gadget I have accepted that there wasn't one for me, it was just asking too much, too late, and I wanted to tell the story of my life, post-ttc, and show that the light at the end of the tunnel can still be bright. Sorry to go on..... xx
Here's my update - fighting with my husband over ivf so much that I decided to give up which then made me depressed which then caused my husband to rethink his decision. We are both going to see my RE on the 14th so he can ask whatever questions he may have. I never called for my Day 3 blood results and in a fit cancelled my water sono. The water sono wasn't an immediate necessity since we wouldn't have been doing ivf till April anyway. I have some more blood work to do so I guess I'll do that and we'll see what happens. We're moving sometime this year so part of me wants to wait till we get to where we are going and do ivf there only because I feel so crazy and out of control. Do you guys think maybe I'm still "hormonal" from the miscarriage? The first 2 I had were hard because I had no kids, the third was dare I say not too difficult because I had the twins but this one is killing me!
Max hon big hugs I hope it gets better for you both.

Spoomie my friend I so remember your journey and again relate totally. I'm am almost at the end of my ttc journey and trying to plan my/ our future. Running was so important in my life 3 yrs ago and the last year I am unable to focus on it consustantly.
Can I say your 10k time amazed me. My goal is to be a 5 min km I'm about a 745 right now.
Thank you for sharing if your interested I would love to hear about your running training you can pm me and we could connect.

Afm today my boobs hurt less I was peeing like crazy so I tested bfn again. I think she'll be here any day now.

The end of march was my end date, I believe it's now time for dh to book the appoitmemt with his dr for his referal to the specialist for a v. We will keep trying till he actually gets it done. I hope I can get my miracle, if not i need to move forward

I hope everyone else is good
Nise how's life with k?

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