TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

I feel ridiculous :(

I've just been sorting drawers in the bedroom and come across the little cot toy that i bought after my first scan and before MC. Also there was the BFP preg. test which i had kept with it.

I remembered i'd bought the little toy, that's not so bad, but not that i'd kept my poss. test. Why on earth did i keep that kick in the guts for myself?? I must be mad. I've thrown it in the bin now, and got ridiculously upset :cry::cry::cry::cry:

Nowhere else to let this out. Sorry ladies. Normal service will resume :(
I feel ridiculous :(

I've just been sorting drawers in the bedroom and come across the little cot toy that i bought after my first scan and before MC. Also there was the BFP preg. test which i had kept with it.

I remembered i'd bought the little toy, that's not so bad, but not that i'd kept my poss. test. Why on earth did i keep that kick in the guts for myself?? I must be mad. I've thrown it in the bin now, and got ridiculously upset :cry::cry::cry::cry:

Nowhere else to let this out. Sorry ladies. Normal service will resume :(

Oh Misty, poor you...
I understand thought how upsetting it find something that brought you such happiness at the time is now such a painful reminder of what you lost. You're only human and its natural to be upset when you are reminded unexpectantly. A few tears is ok, and as you say normal service will resume time to enjoy your anniversary weekend.
I have kept my bfp test but I know where it is and have a look at it every now and then....don't know why but I find it hard to throw it out.

We have an apt to see fertility comsultant re private ivf on Monday 18th feb at a private clinic. however this morning the public hospital where our gp referred us for private ivf (NHs hospital but you pay 4000 pounds for ivf) rang and offered us a consultation with a fertility spec for this Monday 11th feb. I thought the waiting list in nhs hospital was much longer.
However the problem is the private and nhs appointment is with the same consultant...he works in NHs and also with the private clinic.

Not sure what to do now. I did n't want to turn down the NHs free appointment but don't need to see the same consultant twice in 7 days!! I wonder will he be totally honest about whether the NHs or private clinic would be best for us...obviously he stands to make more money if we go to the private clinic.
Suppose it depends on which place we want to go for ivf...
But like wait for ages then 2 come along together.
aw Misty - BIG :hugs: I have kept all my pregnancy tests in a special box and sometimes I look at them and think of what could have been:cry: but usually when I have had a good cry I feel ready to tackle the world again:happydance:

Pippi - I could understand if the appointments where months away from each other but just 7 days - can you not speak to his secretary and explain that these appointments are within 7 days of each other and what does private do that the NHS doesn't regarding a consultation.

Maybe they haven't realised you are the same person yet - maybe the private sector is in a different building? remember I got two Consultants to see under the NHS for the same problem and neither of them knew I had an appointment with the other until I informed them and that was in the same building:dohh:

Good luck hope you get some answers


Pippi - I could understand if the appointments where months away from each other but just 7 days - can you not speak to his secretary and explain that these appointments are within 7 days of each other and what does private do that the NHS doesn't regarding a consultation.

Maybe they haven't realised you are the same person yet - maybe the private sector is in a different building? remember I got two Consultants to see under the NHS for the same problem and neither of them knew I had an appointment with the other until I informed them and that was in the same building:dohh:

Good luck hope you get some answers



Glad to see I'm not the only who has kept the positive tests...for a wee look at them every now and then...

I know its ridiculouse Garfie. The private appt is in a totally different place...
The private appt consists of a consultation and booking in for ivf at the private clinic, going through consent etc. with the nurses.
So its really up to us if we want to pay 4000 for ivf in a NHs clinic or 5000 in a private clinic. Pity we got the same consultant for both consultations....
Unless at the NHs appointment he'll tell us to cancel the private one but since the privat apt costs 250 pound I can't seem him letting us cancel with such short notice.
Awe Misty, big cyber hugs for you. :hugs:

Pippi - how annoying is that - I don't really know what to suggest, maybe ask him at the first appointment if the procedure would be so different as to warrant meeting with him again to go through private options. Or don't say anything and mutter, 'see you next week' as you leave! :haha:
Hello ladies,
Sorry not posting much on here but been on other threads posting. Just wanted to let you all tomorrow be having my IUI if nothing happens like the last 2 times we had to canceled so hope this time is a gooo.. We're very excited an can't wait. Will have my scan in the morning too see how everything looks praying for at least 2 follies again.

Good luck to everyone...
Misty big hugs
This is the one place we can vent and not have what we say judged. We understand as we're all on a similar journey.

Pippi wow 1 week apart, I'm thinking since you got 2 that its meant to be. Good luck

Hi Garfield and nise

Good luck bigger

Afm feeling a bit better, not sure if we will make it to see my in laws were suppose to get a snowstorm which will make travel difficult. I don't mind if we don't go we can get stuff done at the house. Af is due on mon
:thumbup: feeling better now. Thank you ladies :flower: I'm not the only one who keeps them then. When i read that i almost went and got it out of the bathroom bin again! Then i thought no, if all it does is make me cry when i see it/find it, what is the point of having it? It brings me no joy. So it stayed in the bin.

I wasn't going to say anything about it to DH, (don't like raking over old hurt out of the blue) but when he got in from work he asked if i'd had a good day and i told him no, it was shitty, lol, and told him about finding the old test. Bless him - he said all the right things and gave me a big hug.

Well, we've woken up to an inch of snow here again! I'm writing this and then going back ot bed with a cupper for DH and i :) Made me think of you PDMCD. (the snow, not staying in bed :winkwink:)

Pippi - i'm a bit late on the scene for my advice and you've had good ideas already re: the consultant, but yes, whatever you do, i would do something! lol It is daft seeing the same guy twice in a few days. Best of luck.

Bigger, good luck too.

:wave: to all of you lovelies :dust: :dust:
just a quick update ladies maybe FF got my dates correct - tomorrow I will be 11DPO and we know who will come knocking - seen as my temperatures have flatlined, this month has been very confusing for me.

I began taking Vit B6 to lengthen my cycles - but realised it was only 10mg :dohh: so surely that can't have effected things.

Think she is just playing with me this month - doesn't she realise I am a busy woman and don't have time for her silly games:haha:

:hugs: ladies

Thanks everyone for your opinions about the consultant. Coincidently I had a appointment with my gp yesterday so I mentioned it to her and shes saying what you girls suggested. Her advise was just to tell him we going to see he privately and see did he still want to see us 1 week later.

Garfie, sorry to hear af is imminent. I think if you want to take b6 to lengthen your lp they recommend to take the whole family of b vits and not just b6. I took b50 for one or two cycles but found i had spotting before af whihc i never have and lp was nt any longer so i stopped it.
I took 1000g macca last month and I got one extra day of a lp...but one month is not enought proof....we'll see how this cycle is.

Good luck bigger for the iui.

Nise, Hope plans for Lg are falling into place...only one week to go. did you find a school for her?

Glad to hear your feeling better misty. I did think you might want to retrieve the test when you heard of other mad women here keeping them !
But if it just causes you distress then you were right to leave it in the bin.

No snow here yet, hoping it stays away as will struggle to get to the consultant at 8.30 am Monday morning otherwise.
I saw on the news that drivers in Boston (I think it was Boston) were going to be arrested if they were found out driving after 4pm due to the snow.....mad !

Butterfly...still looking good on your chart...wonder is the spotting a good or bad sign?
Hi ladies we got 40 cm (aprox 16") of snow yesterday lots of shovelling
I know Boston was expecting more than 60 cm

It wasn't fun driving yesterday

Arm af is due mon and I'm not sure if I ov this month now as I'm having no Pms symptoms
I am also on no supplements or metformin so I'm not shocked, it's nice to not have the super sore boobs.
Just catching up with all the posts as have been busy and not been on for a few days:

Beetle -sending :hugs: , i know nothing i can say will make it better:cry:

Welcome tiatammy - certainly the best forum for support

Mistyy - certainly not on your own,i still have my last BFP, just to remind me it is possible :)

Garfie, Butterfly - Good luck this month , everything crossed for you.

Hope everything went well Bigger

AFM - still waiting for o/v - should be in next couple of days so wait and see as last cycle was 2 months long!!
Mistyy I still have mine too :flower::hugs:

Pippi I think the spotting is bad, more today and I think AF will be here in a few days. I sometimes have spotting for ages before AF :growlmad: which I think is not good :shrug:

Bigger hope the iui went ok

Pcmcd yay for snow :happydance::haha:

Booth hope you get a shorter cycle this time :wacko:

Nise, hope LO is settling in well :cloud9:

Garfie hope that annoying lady does not mess you around by preferably not turning up at all :winkwink:

:hugs::hugs: to anyone I have missed and big :hug: to barni and beetle
:wave: My goodness, I've had no time to up-date properly as things have been manic and we are now in the last week of getting the house sorted before we collect K. It's utter chaos, not helped by being let down on the plastering side. I have another plasterer coming over this eve to see if he can do the job within this week - if he can't then we are a bit buggered and may have to change K's moving date by a couple of days which will really piss me off - I don't like to disappoint.

Still to do. Plastering walls (both layers!!!!), Ceiling skim, Plumb in radiator (can't do till after plastering) and then builder back in to lay new floor joists and boards - we currently have a concret floor as it was a kitchen & bathroom before. 5 Days?????

Good luck for tomorrow Bigger. :hugs:
Hello ladies,
Just a fast update. The IUI went GREAT this time no issues. DH done his thing with no troubles. When went to the doctor the other morning I was already having ovation pains like crazy an at times the cramping was bad. When went back too have ultrasound told our doctor already having lots of EWCM an cramping like crazy he said that is great as be great timing. He done the ultrasound an said couldn't tell me how follies looked as was already ovulating but said my lining was 13 which is great so he said we need the sample ASAP.. Went to the hotel so DH could do his thing took his sample back an in no time was back in the room getting ready for the IUI. DH count was really good. He had to wait 5 days this time due to thinking would be there sooner but with a 5day hold his count was 22milliion with 70% motility. This time the IUI hurt a little an the doctor asked me was I OK? I said yes but hurt some he said it was due to were already was ovulating an it makes you sore some. So now on my tww. Tuesday I start my progesterone suppositories an in 12 days do a HPT.

So been relaxing an sleeping a lot..& eating healthy...

Too all you ladies been praying for you all and KMFX for all of you to get a BFP soon..
Just a quick update ladies I won't be on here for a few days - I'm out:cry:

More importantly my father in laws factory burnt to the ground yesterday morning - luckily there was no casualties - it was a printing firm. This means that hubby is out of work and as it's a family business we all have to rally round of course. Hubby and father in law are beyond devastated and I am trying to keep strong for them it took 7 years to build it and 2 seconds for it to catch alight and burn to the ground:cry:

Be back soon

Good luck ladies :flower:


Oh my God - Garfie! I'm so sorry to hear this.

Sorry about :witch: and equally sorry about DH and FILs business. Thank goodness everyone is ok. What an appalling mess though!

Look after yourself hun. Stay strong. Be back with us soon :hug:
Oh so sorry to hear Garfie.thats terrible but at least no one was injured. Hopefully they have insurance that will cover things and they can get back in busisness.

Hope you are done shovelling the snow pdmc. We just got loads of rain....miserable but welcome any day over snow.

Glad to hear bigger that iui went ok

Hope things coming together Nise...hope your plasterer could get it done in time, it would be terrible to have to postpone lgs arrival.

My update: round 1 of seeing the consultant in the nhs clinic (free consultation but for private treatment). Firstly they had double booked him but another couple had failed to comfirm they were attending so we got to see him 1.5 hours later. He said in reality it be 6 months before we would start treatment by the time they schedule us in. So after the admin issue(and have heard others complaining on various ivf boards about the terrible admin there), the feeling we got there and having to wait 6 months, we are going to go with the other totally private clinic but see the same consultant. So we see him again next week and he'll do a scan then as its included in the registration fee.

He said the same as the other consultant had said..I should dump the opks and temp charting.
Now dh is really trying to convince me to stop. consultant said Just have regular sex and stop stressing about having sex on schedule.
Won't obey for this month anyway. ;-)
Can't imagine not temping etc. and loosing that control/knowledge...and I bought a years membership of ff. but I suppose I should listen especially when 2 of them say it unprompted.

Chances 10-15% of bfp but we are very realistic....with still high risk of mc etc even if there is bfp.
He actually said over 42 there is as much chance of a natrual bfp as there is with ivf. ..he said its more like a see-saw at this stage. Think he meant that ivf when you are younger is more likely to give you a bfp but now the odds are almost as low as spontaneously getting the message was to keep on trying ourselves.
I'm back. Such a crazy 3 weeks. I went in for my 9 week sono and found out I miscarried. I had a d&c the Monday after which was 2 weeks ago. Then we went skiing, got ready to sell our house, got hit with that snowstorm and now I have a horrendous cold. I haven't been able to catch up on everybody's stuff. I have a f/u appt with my ob on Thursday and I may go on Clomid. I also have an appt with my RE on Thursday just to go over options and to get some blood work done. I had blood work done last April and everything was ok but who knows now. Any good news while I was away?

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