TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

Yes I'm also angry on your behalf barnibear, that's terrible they make you and Garfie go back to waiting list just because you got pregnant and could n't have the treatment. As you say it is a recurrent mc clinic....they must have to continually put people back on the waiting list if thats how they operate.
Best of luck for consultation, try get answers first or potential avenues and then worry about the cost.

Saturdays not long awake butterfly.....

I know how you feel about jinksing things misty..but we must be logical here and whether or not you spend a while looking at prams on the Internet will have no effect on the outcome of this pregnancy. But I'd be exactly the same....

Sorry to hear pdmc you still have spotting...but glad you are getting on with life and enjoying it..

Dh may have to go for surgery on his ankle, we'll know in a weeks not sure if that messes things up for ivf at the end of August as we have to travel to Scotland from Northern Ireland. Not big distance but too much for someone who can't walk much....not that we are walking to Scotland :haha:
He has his apt Wednesday week and if we feel he is up to the trip and does nt need the surgery in the next month....I'd need to book in for ivf and get drugs delivered within a week as I'd have to have that injection that's puts you into temporary menopause the following Wednesday. So really bad timing...
Wondering how you got on Barni :)

Pippi - temporary menopause!?!?!?!? Yee Gods! :dohh: The things we ladies have to do. Sorry to hear your DH may have to have an op on his ankle. (But i'd pop him in a wheel chair and whisk him to the clinic in Aug regardless :haha:)

You're right about the jinxing. I'm being an idiot. Still havn't heard form the FMC :wacko: It has to be tomorrow??

Terrific storm going on here. Thunder, lightening, torential rain, the lot. All windows still wide open! Loving it :) Smell is gorgeous.

<bit mad>

I know temporary menopause....terrible. It was nt too bad last time but i know I was a bit 'bitchy' with dh near the end....he just seemed to annoy me more and I seemed to have less patience. Hopefully that's not how ill be in 20 years time !

Another week to wait for consultation on dh plans still up in the air.

Any word on the harmony test?

We never got any thunder here....still waiting for some rain.

Hope all went well Barnie with your consultation .

Hello everyone else Garfie, Nise, butterfly, pdmc, booth, maddy, max amino...
And everyone else i have left out...
Hi everyone, :wave:

Pippi, hope the timings for your dh's ankle work out for you. Excited that you're going to give IVF another go. I must admit I have no idea how it all works with the drugs and everything. i hear you on the recurrent miscarriage clinic's attitude. I've asked for a refferal to the recurrent miscarriage clinic at the hospital that i used in this latest pregnancy. Maybe they will be helpful, maybe not. I basically think im on my own, just from previous experience.

Mistty, thanks for thinking of me. There's no harm in browsing for prams or anything else. Its exciting and fun. Hope your Harmony results turn up soon. Xxx

Butterfly, thank you. Is your scan soon?

Afm... the fs appointment went well. They took on board what I think is the issue and are willing to give it a go, She thinks IUI is the best option as we are still getting pregnant but it will be medically assisted with drugs to ensure ovulation and thicken my lining. I have to wait until my cycle returns, then I will pay for a hysteroscopy to ensure everything is ok. If scarring is found I will still need to go to the nhs for an operative hysteroscopy. Only problem is the fs will do the hysteroscopy with a local anaesthetic. Yikes!!! Once the hysterscopy is out of the way the next cycle we can do the IUI. It usually takes a good 8 weeks for my cycle to return after a miscarriage so im guessing IUI wont be until October. Although this time its taking forever to stop bleeding, and they found a 4cm cyst on my left ovary at the scan last week which scares the bajezus (no idea how to spell that word). As I haven't been feeling well I went to the GP today. Not my normal doc but it looks like I might have an infection so more antibiotics. Yey! But I asjed about my referral for a check up scan on the cyst in 6 weeks which was requested and the doc couldnt find any of the notes from my discharge from the EPAU or the cyst so I haven't been booked in for a followup scan. Another thing to worry about :nope: Im just hoping now the fs is good to go, that my body begins to behave.
Suffered a major hemorrhage at 6pm on Tuesday. Clots and blood everywhere, all over the floor - never seen anything like it sad Totally out of the blue. No cramping.

Went to A&E, they told me to be prepared for the fact that baby may have already gone. DH and i in tears. Spent a desperate night in hos. on a drip. They couldn't get a scan sorted till midday yesterday.

Every one in the room amazed and so so relieved to see baby pinging and wiggling around oblivious to the drama! Placenta up where it should be. Cervix closed. Total mystery where all the blood and material came from confused

Bed rest now. Feeling tired and washed out. Shocked. And scared. But so happy bean is hanging in there at the mo. (still waiting for damn Harmony results)

Barnie xxx so glad a plan is in place for you. More anti B's!
Pippi - xxx

Going back to sleep now :thumbup:
OMG Misty - how scary was that - so pleased both of you are fine.

Can't understand what that could have been? - when I had the same it was placenta prevaria (sp?) and I had to deliver my son quickly - but your placenta sounds like it's exactly where it should be:happydance:

Perhaps it was a major blood clot but you would have thought they would have detected it from all your scans:shrug:

Anyway at least you and little one are okay and I hope you are on bed rest - take it easy mama let everyone spoil you and your special cargo BIG :hugs:


OMG Mistyy, so glad that everything is Ok with :baby:. They certainly like to give a scare now and again don't they :growlmad:

Rest up honey :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Misty... gosh how scary for you. Thank goodness the lil wiggly-bub is oblivious though :thumbup: Did you get your Harmony results yet?

Barnabibear... I can't imagine going through everything you have been, on your own :nope: It sounds like you have a plan going forward though, which is a good thing. When are you planning to visit DH?

Garfie... when do you get the test results? I hope they offer a bit of closure :hugs: (although we all know nothing can 100% do that).

Nise... K sounds like she is doing brilliantly. It just shows how some kids are really ready for a fprever family :kiss: I hope her new teacher appreciates what she's been through and how hard she's working.

Pdmcd17... :hi: so lovely to read your update and to know you are doing well.

Pippi... hope temp menopause isn't too bad for you. I didn't have any side effects at all and was expecting hell. The Dr even highlighted on my treatment plan the set of days when it would be expected to get very bad (for DH's information) :haha:

Butterfly... will be crossing fingers & toes for you on Saturday :hugs:

AFM it's already nearly 1am Friday here in Australia (and well below freezing outside!!!) - 15 weeks today :rain:
Omg Misty....when I read your first sentance I thought that must be it. But glad to hear baby is still happy in there.
Rest up for a while ...the shock of that must have taken at lot out of you.
Try not to worry...if buba lasted through that it shows they are a fighter.

Congrats on 15 weeks maddy. Ha ha at the consultant pointing out the moody days to dh!!!

Glad fs is on board barnibear, good luck for next IUI.
Mistty hunny, how flippin scary that must have been!!!!!!!! so, so pleased that you and the little one are doing fine. :happydance: xxx
I've got my consultant appointment at a new recurrent miscarriage clinic at the new hospital. Its 29th August, and I've heard from someone at work that he his brilliant. I just hope he's receptive to what I think is the problem because its not normally recognised by the nhs. It depends on the consultant. I haven't said before but I think I have immune response issues, Garfie, I think you asked ages ago. There's a clear pattern which shows things are getting worse..... its classic immune response. I bought a book written by a lead consultant on these issues it arrived yesterday. Ive read the first 20pages and everything, I mean everything, confirms my theory about me and my losses. So, I am hoping this new consultant will listen and support me.
I think finally my bleeding is stopping, just spotting today. I so want to get to the end of this cycle and get cracking. Lol.
Crikey just spent ages writing a post and lost it ..... :growlmad::dohh:

Once again ....

Barnie - I believe you! I think modern science is amazing, but sometimes for the individual it seems unable to put 2 and 2 together. I don't know if it's a case of lack of resources or time, or what. I think it's logical to assume that with the obviously detailed knowledge you have of your own body coupled with alot of experience and a bit of careful research you are going to come up with a more accurate picture of what's going on than some of the sweeping generalisations about 'the human body' that doctors sometimes give. They are dealing with the masses. You are dealing with you ... your specialist subject! And you're no idiot. So really good luck with this. Watching with interest and love xxx

Maddy - i laughed at the doc solemnly giving your DH specific days on which he should wear his tin hat, as well :rofl: YAY for 15 weeks! :happydance: Still waiting for Harmony test ...... they have said between Thu and Sat now. That clinic is one of the most respected in the country AND are doing the test for ladies under 11 weeks for a quarter of the price of any other clinic at the mo. So they are snowed under with people. I guess they have a bit of a back log.

Butterfly - hang in there my lovely. How are you today? Tomorrow is the big day :happydance:

Garfie - how are you? :friends: Yes, there was talk of the clots being pieces of placenta, but as the scan showed, the placenta was all intact and up high :wacko:

Pippi - Not long now till hubbys ankle is looked at then. I hope it's good news for him. Poor guy. The timing's bad but that's not his fault. You're right - I think half the reason i've felt so poorly the last couple of days is indeed shock! Plus the fact that i didn't sleep a wink in hospital on Tue night, and hadn't slept well the night before. Didn't eat for nearly 12 hours either. I felt rough all day Tue, before the bleed, ate at midday then was in the middle of making the evening meal when it all happened. It was 11pm before they finished with me in A&E and gynea. and i got to the ward. A lovely nurse found me some crackers and warm cheese (yum :dohh:) and a tepid yogurt, lol. I felt utterly drained by then and only managed the yogurt. I just wanted to lay still and pray the baby was still in there! Awful, awful night!

AND (while i'm banging on, sorry about this) my cannula tube which was supposed to be giving me fluid actually filled up with blood at some point in the night. This brings me to something i'm mulling over. Like Barnie i've been doing a bit of home research and i have decided to stop taking the daily aspirin that the MW prescribed at 8 weeks. She gave it based on my age as far as i can tell. It's meant to help the blood get to baby from the placenta. I didn;t take it for the first 2 weeks after she prescribed it - it just felt wrong. I know it thins the blood and can affect the lining of the womb. She told me off at my 10 week check, said ''it's what all teh experts recommend'', and so i started taking it, and have taken it for 4.5 weeks. Now i've had this bleed. I've been reading some studies about aspirin and it's NOT a cut and dry case as far as causing bleeding in pregnancy goes. Bit confused and i don't know what to say to MW when i see her. She's a bit scarey! But something is telling me not to take it :shrug:

Anyway, enough rambling. I'm feeling better, as you can tell :haha: Still resting up. Love to all xxxxxxxxx
Barni did you see the recent article in the daily mail? Seems like people are becoming more aware of this stuff

Hope that link works as I'm on my phone.

Mistyy yes I am in 2 minds about the aspirin thing. I think it is good for some people but maybe not others :shrug: :hugs:
Just popped in for 5.

Yes, Butterfly I read that article with much interest. Its what I think I have and its what the FS will give when (I'm being positive) I get pregnant again. Although found out DH swimmer samples aren't great but I told him to lay off alcohol and Red Bull...would he! So I have 6 goes (instead of 12) at IUI when I eventually get to trying. Let's hope its enough.

Mistty - I do take aspirin but thats more for the additional complications (them thinking I have sticky blood) but I've read its a necessity with my probs anyway. I would do what you feel comfortable with. Its standard procedure now to give us older ladies aspirin so you may have a fight on your hands with MW!!! Stay firm even if you're a tiny bit scared of her. Some aren't as warm and friendly as you'd expect, are they?!!
Another night with no bleeding :thumbup::happydance:

BUT - Harmony clinic rang to say test has failed again! :dohh: Oh well ...

Barnie - i feel your pain on the alcohol/sperm quality thing. DH gave up for a while, but part of his ''not letting ttc take over our lives'' was to continue to drink at the weekend :hissy:

Butterfly - :coffee:ing and [-o&lt;ing xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Oh no misty. Well its not bad news its just technical issues. ....but after that long wait to be told it did nt work again...
What happens they try again ??
Damn that test :growlmad: are they just going to give up and give you a refund? Do you need it now you got good results on the other one? :hugs:

AFM all went well at the scan, baby's heartbeat fluttering away and measuring on track :thumbup::happydance:
Aw that's great news Butterfly - keep growing little one :happydance::happydance:

AFM - Still waiting for the witch:growlmad: and even worse still waiting for my letter :growlmad::growlmad:

So I guess at the moment all I seem to do is :ninja: and :coffee::haha:


YAY Butterfly!!!! :happydance::happydance: I had a good feeling about your little pupa :thumbup: Fab news.

Garfie - Gosh how late is AF now? It's amazing isn't it - when you want her to get a shift on she wont turn up, if you want her to stay away she's up the path like a ferret! :flower:

Pippi - Weeeell when i signed up for the Harmony i was told some tests fail and that if that does happen you get one re-test included for your original £180, plus your 12 week scan, of course.

Technically however with this deal they are doing at the mo ... the £180 is in fact for the scan, with the actual Harmony test being thrown in for free for those going in under 11+3 weeks. (After Sept. this year a Harmony test plus 12w scan is going to cost every woman £400). Which means - no, i don't get a refund, lol.

If i wanted to go again i could. I'd have to pay again though. They told me in the nicest way that it would be daft as it was likely i would get another neg. Frankly i was so happy with the depth and detail of the scan they gave me there i have no regrets about going to the FMC. It was still worth every penny for the trouble they went to that day, and the reassurance :thumbup:

Been looking at 'real' prams in a real shop today :blush: not just on the internet! :haha:
Mistyy - bummer about the Harmony test :growlmad:...have you booked your next scan to find out the sex :shrug:

Butterfly - so glad the scan was good :hugs:

Barnabibear - only another month until that specialist appointment. Hope it's super-productive :flower:

Pippi - how is DH feeling? Is your DH a big baby about medical stuff like mine :winkwink:

Garfie - grrr :growlmad: for waiting and waiting and waiting...

Happy weekend everyone :flower:

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