TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

Reb! Spoomie! Hi there ladies :wave: :thumbup:Hope life is treating you very well on your continuing journeys. Lovely to see you pop in here again. No matter what is going on in your life the pain of losses/years of struggle lurk in the dark places of your mind, yes. And it continues to bit you on the bottom when you are least expecting it i find. Learning to live alongside those feelings is what we strive for.

Pippi - I had to smile at your post about the no. of arguments it's possible to fit into one trip upstairs :dohh: My XH used to basically jst get into the fetal position in am arm chair when he was ill (a common cold) and refuse to speak or smile like a normal person :roll: I used to want to bat him round the head with something very heavy! Hey ho. (Not saying your DH is playing up - just empathising) Like Butterfly i was wondering if you could come up with a position which will not mean moving DHs ankle about much. You on top? I can't see my DH being all that enamored with DTD into a cup either. I can picture his face at the suggestion. Best of luck with this ov my lovely. Fingers all crossed here.

Barnie - how's it all going?

Maddy - how are you feeling?

Garfie and all the lovely ladies - how are you all?

AFM - all good here. Still no more bleeding. Got my 20 week scan in 13 days. It's flying by! And the summer has slipped past me in a bit of a haze of naps, nausea and swollen ankles. DH remains eagerly excited about bump. I am so moved by his intense interest and happiness. Bless his heart. His attitude and support since BFP has more than made up for the times when i felt the ttc was 'a ball in my court', so to speak. His family are very excited for us too. Just wish MIL wouldn't keep telling me i'm not as young as i was! :dohh: I know, i know :haha: She means well though, she's very caring.

Love and :babydust: to all xxxxxxxx
Reb and Spoomie it is lovely to hear from you both and I echo what Mistyy says :flower:

Maryanne :hi: I see you :winkwink:

Barni, Garfie, Pippi, greens :hugs:

Maddy glad all is going well :happydance:

Mistyy I have my NT scan about the same time as your 20 week one. Looking forward to that in a nervous kind of way!

Hope any other lurkers are doing ok too, I'm sure there are some I have forgotten :dohh:
Pippi ... Ah men and their injuries. Thank goodness mine isn't often poorly because he really moans :winkwink:

Barnabibear & Garfie... :hugs: how ru doing ladies?

Mistyy ... not long til your scan :happydance: Are you finding out the sex?

BF ... can't wait til the 12 week pics. Do you have a date booked?

Spoomie & Reb ... :hi: I am glad people still check in, no matter where their journey has taken them :hugs:

AFM our gender scan is on Friday and I will be 20 weeks exactly. We are going out for dinner with friends that night to celebrate being "half-baked" :haha:
Yes my scan is on 5th September :thumbup:

Can't wait for you and Mistyy to find out the sex - assuming Mistyy is! :happydance:
Misty is indeed hoping to find out the sex :haha: I know they cant be 100% sure of course. Apparently if they say it's a boy they're probably right, but if they say it's a girl it might not be reliable.

I might even start to relax a bit if all is OK at the 20 weeks scan [-o<[-o<[-o< The worry is exhausting. It comes out in funny ways - DH and i had a minor tiff the other eve. and i burst into floods of desperate tears. Like it was the end of the world. He was :shock: and :wacko: and that was the end of the argument. lol.

Butterfly - nearly 13 weeks already! :happydance: After months and months (4 years with one MC here) of ttc we learn such patience. Living from ov to ov. For me it's made pregnancy seem to fly along in the blink of an eye somehow. Y' know?

Anyway, love and :dust: :dust: (got it right this time) to all xxx
Hi :wave: everyone,

Its been really quiet on here lately. Wow, so many of you with pertinent scans coming up. Very very exciting. Looking forward to the news over the coming weeks.

I still can't believe that Butterfly you'll be at 12 weeks, and Maddy and Mistyy at 20 weeks. How time has flown!

AFM.... Busy week this week. Hysterscopy tomorrow (yikes), then consultant on Thursday, Car service/Boiler service/Man coming to look at my fence on Friday (might've over booked Friday, but its a day off so wanted to try and not have to take another day's holiday for silly stuff). Saturday is a panic day because at 09:15 on Sunday morning my flight leaves for Abu Dhabi (big gulp). I feel sick at thinking about it. Its taken my mind off the hysterscopy though. :winkwink: Hopefully the hysterscopy will be good news, I will post the findings on Weds.

So, pleased everyone is back :wave:
Morning Ladies

Wow look at you all cooking your little bundles:happydance:

BF - 5 September for your scan - is the date FF wants me to test:haha: as you can see I've not been temping trying a more relaxed approach - is it working :haha:

Barn - Good luck today hun and I hope you have fun on your travels:hugs:

Misty/Maddy - Go mamas - how far on are you two now:happydance:

Nise - How did the 6 weeks hols go for you? - hope you got to have lots of nice days out :hugs:

AFM - Been back a while from Turkey and just as predicted she came on the 2nd day, boy did she kick my ass, no pain but OMG how heavy? having to change every half hour :dohh:

Trying to just get on with things - the worse is I should be half way through my pregnancy now :cry: I often think about that but luckily my emotions are more in check these days :happydance:

Besides how many women can say for there 42th Birthday I went paragliding in Turkey :haha:

Love to all the other ladies out there stalking:hugs:


Bon voyage barnibear and welcome back Garfie.
Sounds a great way to spend your 42nd birthday Garfie ..belated birthday wishes.

Good luck tomorrow barni, I'm sure it won't be as bad as you anticipate.

Yea feels there are almost as many ladies pregnant here as not pregnant...which makes a nice change.
Yea awaiting all upcoming scans with excitement...
Its a nice predicament Misty and Maddy to be wondering what the sex is..

Waves to Spoomie and Reb, nice that you feel you are able to Come back and check in every now and then.

We managed to bd once with dh ankle and just at the right time i think. Tried one shot also of artifical imsemination but think the syringe was too short...doubt it reached where it needed to go. Was too scared to try the menstrual cup again...
Would so love a holiday will be for ivf...oh such relaxation....not !
Barnie - wishing you well for your Hysterscopy today :thumbup: Relax, and breath! Excited for you about flying out at the weekend. Haven't been away this year and i miss the buzz of the countdown to going abroad. Don't worry about the flight; you'll be herded through the airport with your fellow passengers and on that plane easy-peasy :happydance:

Butterfly :wave:

Nice - :wave:

PDMCD - :wave:

Maddy - :wave:

Garfie - Paragliding in Turkey sounds a fab way to celebrate your Bday + forget about old :witch: What fun! Glad to hear you are finding a more relaxed approach, ie not temping. Waiting with you eagerly for testing day :thumbup:

Pippi - so glad you got a BD in on time :flower: Re: AI, i've never tried it per se, but did used to use a syringe to insert Preseed while i was using cups. The syringes came with the Preseed (i think i got it all on Amazon) and they were long and bulky enough not to be fiddly, but not too large to be comfy. I don't know if this would be of any help now? I must say - i used Preseed with the cups as it was recommended to give the swimmers a good head start - but if you suffer from any dryness or are worried about quality of EWM at all then preseed is the way to go! It's the slipperiest substance imaginable and a little goes a VERY long way. (a long way in every sense of the word - i managed to squirt it all up the curtains while i was preparing the syringe the first time :haha:)

:wave: to everyone else + lurkers :thumbup:

Hi everyone :wave:

Just a quick check in to say hysteroscopy is done. Phew! I was so nervous I was shaking but it went really well. Weird seeing the inside of my uterus on the screen! The best news is that everything looks great. Ok, my lining is still thin, but apparently good quality. Not sure what that means but time will tell. So, now its fly away to see dh and start iui next month. Im really quite excited about the iui, hopefully it will be money well spent because this is not cheap. I have my steroids to take too. Hoping this will all do the trick. Ive my new consultant appointment tomorrow, now will he helpful I wonder......

Just this flying business to get over. :winkwink:

Love to all. Xx
Great news on the quality lining barni :happydance: can't wait for your IUI :thumbup:

You'll be fine on the flight :flower:
Great news barnibear....enjoy Dubai.

Ha ha did you manage to get it on the curtains ???? Lol

I use pressed too...did think about using the applicator but its too wide at the end really and was afraid I'd loose my precious sample....there is not very much there when you see it in the bottom of a pot !(probably 2-3 ml). Certainly feels like a lot more when you do it the 'natural' way !

I read somewhere a post by a fertility specialist (worked more with male issues but still had good advice) than while pressed is far better than other lubricants like ky jelly...its still better to use less rather than more. Optimum environment is natural cm and you don't want the little swimmers in a sea of pressed either. He basically said only to use it if you are to dry to bd otherwise. Although the time i did get a bfp..I used 1-2 ml of it.
Not that you need to worry about that anymore.

Anyone see the midwife program on bbc2 last night (sorry to all you non uk ladies)? A 48 year old had a baby boy..think it was her own eggs (but they never really said...not sure even if she went for ivf). And she wants to try for one more next year...
:happydance: Great news Barnie Really hoping your new consultant is approachable and one you can see eye to eye with. Makes all the difference. Let us know :thumbup:

Pippi - lol, i got it up the curtains because i was sitting on the edge of the bed and i'd filled the syringe for the very 1st time from the tube. I was a bit fingers and thumbs. I wanted to push the plunger in a bit and it slipped and shot the whole contents up and onto my curtains :haha::blush: Aaaahh- the things we do ... I was trying to be clever and discrete by having the tube ready for when i got into bed with DH a few minutes later :dohh:

I remember reading the exact same advice re:quantity of lubricant. I think almost all the reviews of preseed say you don't need any where near the mls they say. It's always best to have the real thing - but i wonder sometimes if my lack of CM some months was to blame. I never did seem to be able to get into the habit of drinking enough water during the day - and that simple thing is all it takes to up CM :dohh:

Yes I saw the midwife program and thought yipee I'm not the oldest :haha:

She did do ivf they went into it in more detail at the beginning (which I missed so watched back on iplayer :thumbup:) Also there was a bnb lady on at the beginning of the program :happydance:
I saw the same program Pippi. I usually avoid them but I was compelled to watch when I saw it was a 48 year old, and her optimisim about trying for another one was amazing. I wonder if it was donor eggs.

Mistty and Pippi, :haha: I hear you on the preseed. I used as recommended and what a mess. Didn't get it on the curtains, pretty much everywhere else though. :haha::haha:

Well, my high from yesterday has now been trodden on by the nhs consultant I saw today. In a nutshell, he will be no help re my recurrent miscarriages. I've had everything the nhs has to offer testing wise. :shrug: He gave me a lecture on being old, and that after 40 there's a 40% risk of miscarrige. Ermmm, I running at 100% so surely thre's a problem. :growlmad: He poo pooed everything I offered into the conversation. :growlmad::growlmad: So I've left feeling old, past it, and that everything is pointless. Rubbish. :wacko:

Still, now I have to think about flying....:plane::plane:

This will probably the last time I pop in until after my travels... so TTFN, toodlepip and all that. Take care everyone. :wave::wave::wave:
So sorry to hear barni. I know the exact feeling you have....they just writing you off and saying its age.
Can you afford a consultation privately? Research some specialists in the field and go see one of them ?

Lol youre not the oldest comment !
I missed the very beginning so did not see the bnb or the ivf bit. Wonder was it OE? Not that shes going to come on tv and announce every details about her pregnancy.

Must try the more water some months i have very little cm...or very little i can see.
Well Barnie as i write this you'll be out in the sunshine with your hubby :happydance: So sorry to read your update about your consultant. He sounds like an ignorant man, tbh. I despair at hearing about another lecture on age. Once a woman it at the meeting with (another) Consultant stage, having been through various previous medical procedures for fertility issues, i would think it's safe to assume she knows the bloody situation regarding her age and doesn't need a lecture on it. Jeeze! :hissy: :hissy:

... and breath ...

Hope you are having/have had a great time anyway Barn, and will return refreshed and renewed :thumbup:

Pippi - re:drinking enough - a trick i used to do - and am doing again right now as i should be drinking plenty - is to have 3/4 small bottles of water chilled and ready for each day. I try to make a point of getting through at least 3 of them by bed time (+ the odd tea and coffee or whatever), rather than just relying on random glasses of water here and there. I need to be able to SEE what i have to drink by the end of the day, otherwise I have noticed i have a bad habit of preparing a nice big glass of water and proudly carrying it about around the house with me all day as if that'll do the trick! :haha: i do need to actually drink it! :haha: How's hubby?

How's everyone here?

AFM - My sickiness is finally leaving. Bit of dry heaving if i smell something nasty (every thing smells nasty!) Ankles have stayed down for a few days now, and i'm visiting the loo less in the night. Not needing to nap during the day anymore either. Still veeeeery tired by 9/9.30 in the eve. though. And now i cant bend over without a bit of leg splaying. I feel enormous - but it's all out front at least. I think i have felt some little kicks :cloud9::happydance: DH is wildly excited - but hasn't been able to feel anything from the outside yet. 20 week scan this Friday. Nervous AND excited :wacko:

Pippi! Just had a peep at your chart.


I don't know misty...I'm not that excited by my chart. I think my temps were just slow to rise after ovulation (its like that some months) and that makes it looks like a big jump.
I should stop temping now until after AF as that's what I have done the last few months as it is less stressful but might just do one more day.
I know zita west advises to stop temping after a few months as it puts too much focus everyday on conceiving ...and I do agree with her...but its hard to do.

Glad to hear you are feeling better and the swellings ankles have improved. Lovely that you're starting to feel small kicks...hopefully dh will feel them soon...
Good luck for sure come back here and update us.
It must feel real now that you have a big bump....are many people surprised that you are pregnant now that they can see a bump?

I usually fill a water bottle in work but half the time i go home and its still half full. I agree with you about it helping to see how much you are drinking. Must try even getting a bottle of water at home and putting it near where I sit in the evening watching tv etc.

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