TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

Rats Mistyy....good luck for the NT scan :flower: We had ours on Monday and got a good look at bub wiggling around, since it took ages to get in the right position for the various measurements! And then while our actual neck measurement looked normal, the staff would not be drawn on what my risk factor is since the bloodwork won't be ready for another week (insert foot stomping grumpiness here!)
Hope all went well Misty, diassapointing about the first failing but at least its not a bad result they were ringing you about.
Come back later and let us know how it went....fingers crossed your mind will be put at ease.

Glad you had a good 12 week scan maddy...good luck with the results too.

Nice to see you back booth, but hope you can move on slowly from ttc...I think if I ever start to accept it won't happen for us it'll just be a slow winding down process. I'd definately keep coming back here while the long timers are here as its does n't feel like an intense ttc thread...
:wave: Booth

Awe Misty, I'm sorry you got a call back but of the 3 reasons that one has to be the best. I hope all went well this evening and the extra long wait will be worth it. [-o<

AFM. Well, I couldn't be prouder of my girl. She got the results of her Level 1 drama exam that she took last Sat and passed with 88% which is a distinction. Bless her she looked so cross coz she wanted 100%! I had to explain that it was only 12 points away from 100 which was really really excellent. :cloud9:
Maddy - that's great news! Nail biting isn't it!? But great to see baby wriggling :happydance: Personally i put more store on the scan than the bloodwork. Hope this week flies by for you xx

Nise - oh you must be bursting with pride! Drama is lovely for a child to do. This little girl is a lucky one! :happydance: Your updates are heartwarming. So good to know this child is getting such a wonderful new life with you :thumbup:

Pippi - how's DH? Y'know what - in my distracted state at the mo i've totally forgotten my MOT was due last Monday! When i read your post just now i thought of you and your recent car probs and remembered! Eek.

Butterfly - thanks for the congrats :hugs: How are you feeling? Are you still on holls? (envy :) )

Booth - it sounds like you are moving on in the best way possible - gently and with positivity. It was the way i was going when we got our wonderful surprise. I don't know if it was the old cliche of ''stop trying and it'll happen'', not sure i believe in that, but DH swears by the distraction technique. Last time i fell 2 years ago it was just after we got kittens, and this time it was a house move :wacko::wacko: Lots of love to you anyway, and as Pippi says, it's good to see you xxx

AFM - thank you for all your good vibes - it worked :happydance: Before we left i pulled myself together a bit for when DH got home and then promptly burst into tears all over him as soon as he walked in! I want to say how wonderful the staff of the LFMC are. We were late, because of the London traffic (2.5 hour drive) but they were fine about it. Calming and reassuring. They were so apologetic about the failed test, and took bloods again. I was in such a tizz yesterday. Anyway the sonologist was amazing. She scanned me for an HOUR! Internal + external! Babies heart function and blood flow through the stomach was all perfect. All markers for abnormalities were totally clear, thank God. Nuchal fold not just good, but non-existent! The whole time Baby was pinging up and down and wriggling about and would not take it's little hands down form it's face for a nasal bone measurement. The sonologist saw it briefly, and that was the main thing, but couldn't include it in our risk factor. Before my scan my risk was 1 in 15. Now it's 1 in 300 :happydance::happydance::happydance: Sooo we wait now for a call about the Harmony test. We have an NHS scan booked on Friday. We are still going to have it, as i want to stay on their system. Going in with a bit more positivity now. I cannot tell you how we felt coming out of the clinic (at 8.30pm!) yesterday. Cloud nine doesn't quite cover it :happydance::happydance: On the drive home we even allowed ourselves the luxury of wondering the sex of baby. Just this simple thing has felt like tempting fate and getting ahead of ourselves till now.

I'm so glad i have you wonderful ladies on this board to share this with, and i'm so grateful to be able to talk about the pregnancy here without feeling awkward. As Pippi said most of us are old timers here and it feels like being among friends. Friends that understand! - so thank you xxxxxxx

Super news on your scan :) and to have a none existent nuchal fold fabulous :) enjoy
Oh misty that is wonderful news, I'm so happy for you :hugs: Yes, all those days of sitting on the bench and holding each others hands, it does seem like old friends :friends:

And Nise, how lovely to hear how K is getting on so well :happydance:

Yes I'm still on my hols :blush: heading home tomorrow which I am quite looking forward to!
Hi Ladies

I seem to crawl out of the hole only to fall back in :cry: anyway while I'm out - I'll catch up:happydance:

Misty - I was so worried about you yesterday - I am pleased you are feeling a lot more positive and so you should be mama:happydance: I remember saying to you new house new baby :haha: maybe I need to move again :wacko:

Butterfly - Oh hun I'm so pleased everything is working out for you as well :happydance: grow little caterpillar grow:hugs:

Maddy - How are you feeling hun?:cloud9:

Nise - Oh how lovely - just shows how well she has settled in with you - well done mama:happydance:

Love to all the other ladies:hugs:

AFM - I'm still testing positive how the hell can I move on:cry: ah well maybe next week at this rate we will be able to :sex: just in time for our holidays (August) - maybe a holiday baby:haha:


Brillant news misty....that's a great reduction in odds....I'm sure they'll drop even more when you get the blood results back.
I can imagine how emotional you were but so pleased its all going well. A hour scanning...phew that's a lot of scanning !

Dh is doing ok, thanks. He has a split now and its really helping him. So he can hobble around at home a bit and work allowed him to work from home. He's still not up to cleaning, cooking, cutting grass etc, so I'm a bit knackered from it all.
You'll sort the mot out easily, I got a rebooking and only had to wait a day...just had to go somewhere a bit further from home, but think the mot is a bit different in England. In n. Ireland we can only go to mot centres, not normal garages.

Great Nise, hope lg and you feels really proud of her acheivement.

Garfie, I had postive HPTs for 2 weeks after my mc. I took them every few days and could see them decreasing in intensity. Guess if they are not negative after another week you should contact the hospital/epu.

Have a good trip home, butterfly. Will it feel strange to be home and be pregnant ?

I got my thyroid levels checked last week after being on leverothyroxine for 2 months. My tsh came back at 1.56 and t4 at 16.3. Expected my t4 to be higher with that low level of tsh. As when my tsh was around 2.8 and 4 the levels of t4 were also around 15-16.
I heard your tsh should be as close as possible to 2, does anyone know if 1.56 is ok? May do another ivf next month if i think those levels are ok. My clinic only said it should be < 2.5 and only said that when I specifically asked about tsh. They never mentioned it to me despite my tsh being 4 before last cycle.

Maybe have to consult dr google or search a few forums as i got more info from forums than i did from my ivf clinic.
Garfie! - oh so pleased to see you hon :hugs: Thank you so much for thinking of me on Tuesday, and yes you DID say new house new baby .... I think of that often y'know :hugs: I will echo what Pippi says - i kept testing after my MC and got +'s for around 15 days before finally showing neg. I don't know why i did it to myself at the time (!) it made me very miserable. But I know now though, through much hanging about on forums, that it's useful, in fact, to finally get that neg, as it shows all is indeed back to normal with your body and it's a sign to begin again. I am crossing everything i have for your August +, and for bean to hang in there next time. You so deserve it :hug:

Greens - :friends: Thank you lovely xxx How are you?

Butterfly - Thank you :hugs: Back to Blighty today then. The temps are up again today so the transition shouldn't be too much of a shock :thumbup: I was thinking the same as Pippi - are you looking forward to being home so you can begin to settle in at home with your wonderful news? It's hard to explain, but i've felt really odd being in a new house at the same time as being suddenly, and so so unexpectedly preg. At the beginning of April we had no idea we would have to move, been living in the same village for 13 years, same house for 5+ years, and i was winding down from ttc. Then suddenly i was living somewhere else and pregnant!!! All a bit strange. I wonder if you felt it was all a bit ... surreal being on holls and preg?

Pippi - I must tell you when i read your post first i read it as 'My DH has a spliff and it's really helping'' :rofl: :dohh: Nothing wrong with that 'per se', as they say, but it made me :haha:

Yeah we have to go to MOT test centers as well here. It's handy that our village garage we've been using for years got a licence to be a test center a few years ago. Not so handy that we now live 35 mins drive from it!! But we trust them and they know our cars so .... There's never a good time to give your car up for a day or two though is there! Got appointments coming out of my ears for me and the kids at the mo :haha: Cant help you on those figures, as i now nowt about it, but i can say i am damn excited to hear you're thinking of IVF again next month :happydance::happydance:

Oh Pippi I am excited for you for another ivf :happydance: I'm not sure aout those numbers but I think it sounds great. I seem to recall 0.5 is the normal lower level so between 1 and 2 would be great. But I could be wrong :dohh::haha:

Mistyy, yes it might be weird being home and pg as with the last pg I was in Dubai for all of it apart from the first 5 days! And also the question of how I keep it from everyone :haha:
Nice to read such good vibes everywhere.
I'm fine thank you Mistyy, a stalker now as no longer at the party not because I can't but it's not right for me any more.
Awe Garfie, I hope you can move on soon and I'll keep everything crossed you bring back a little extra something from your hols.

Misty. What fantastic news from you, that's just superb - I'm over the moon for you.

Pippi - I'm trying to cast my mind back into my ttc days, when I knew what all those numbers meant - Yours sound good if memory serves me right.

AFM - Well, last SW visit tomorrow - He will hopefully tell us that the panel are happy for them to step out now. Don't know where that 6 months has gone, but it has. K will have been with us for 5 months on the 20th July!!! How time flies.
Hope everyone is doing ok.

Hope sw discharged herself on Friday Nise.

Hope you're hanging in there Misty waiting for the blood test.

Hope Garfie that you are recovering.

Wave to butterfly and hope you have stopped POAS !

Hello everyone else....

All ok for me.....cancelled our 4 day visit to my parents as dh's ankle is not up to it. But will take the days in a few weeks a few days off work to look forward to. Hope to have ivf the last week in August if my cycles are as I predict between now and then....despite the 85% chance of it not working!
:waves: @ Pippi :D

:happydance: for last week in Aug! To hell with the %'s - go for it :happydance::happydance:

We had our NHS '12 week' scan on Friday and it was brilliant. All good. They took blood and said they'd be in touch in a week whether it be good or bad news either way. Which was kind - they usually only ring if it's bad. They could see we were tense! Anyway a call came through on my mobile today from them while i was driving and couldn't answer. I nearly passed out with panic. So soon?! Rang them back asap and the news was great :happydance: ''low risk''. Oh the relief. Just got to wait for the Harmony people to ring now. One loooooooong wait at the mo.

Much love to all - how is everyone?

Yes go for it Pippi as long as there is a chance then it's worth it :thumbup::hugs:

Great news on the NT results mistyy :happydance:

Yep I've stopped POASing for now :haha: just waiting it out :coffee:

Hope the last SW visit went well Nise :thumbup:
Great Misty, you can be pretty confident that the harmony test will come back all good too.
Congrats on reaching the 13 week stage although you are probably past that now...

Ha ha butterfly, when I saw you new avatar i was saying in my head..oh who's this new person joining who is PUPA :dohh:
Fantastic news Misty, just brilliant. :hugs:

Butterfly, I love your new avvy, very apt. :hugs:

Last SW vist was great - there were no bells and rings or even a certificate or cake! just well wishes. We are now social worker free. :happydance: We've got our first school open day tomorrow (as parents rather than pupils!!!) :haha:

hugs to all, lovely having a summer at last, hope you're all enjoying it. :hugs:
Hi everyone,

I haven't posted in ages because I've been having my own traumas.

Mistty - Im so pleased everything is going well. First trimester worries will be a thing of the past. Yeay.

Garfie -Desperately sorry to hear your news, it mirrors my second pegnancy with a mmc so I know how it feels my lovely.

Pippi - Fyi my tsh was 0.84. Yours sounds good as its less than the magic 2. Hoping that the next ivf will be the one for you.

Butterfly - Congrats, how exciting. So pleased its worked.

Hi to everyone else. Unfortunately I have to go to work now so I've run out of time for any more typing. I will pop back this evening!!!!
^^ What Butterfly said! Been thinking about you Barnie, and wondering how you are :) :hug:

(Christ isn't it hot !!!????? :dohh:)


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