Maddy - that's great news! Nail biting isn't it!? But great to see baby wriggling

Personally i put more store on the scan than the bloodwork. Hope this week flies by for you xx
Nise - oh you must be bursting with pride! Drama is lovely for a child to do. This little girl is a lucky one!

Your updates are heartwarming. So good to know this child is getting such a wonderful new life with you
Pippi - how's DH? Y'know what - in my distracted state at the mo i've totally forgotten my MOT was due last Monday! When i read your post just now i thought of you and your recent car probs and remembered! Eek.
Butterfly - thanks for the congrats

How are you feeling? Are you still on holls? (envy

Booth - it sounds like you are moving on in the best way possible - gently and with positivity. It was the way i was going when we got our wonderful surprise. I don't know if it was the old cliche of ''stop trying and it'll happen'', not sure i believe in that, but DH swears by the distraction technique. Last time i fell 2 years ago it was just after we got kittens, and this time it was a house move

Lots of love to you anyway, and as Pippi says, it's good to see you xxx
AFM - thank you for all your good vibes - it worked

Before we left i pulled myself together a bit for when DH got home and then promptly burst into tears all over him as soon as he walked in! I want to say how wonderful the staff of the LFMC are. We were late, because of the London traffic (2.5 hour drive) but they were fine about it. Calming and reassuring. They were so apologetic about the failed test, and took bloods again. I was in such a tizz yesterday. Anyway the sonologist was amazing. She scanned me for an HOUR! Internal + external! Babies heart function and blood flow through the stomach was all perfect. All markers for abnormalities were totally clear, thank God. Nuchal fold not just good, but non-existent! The whole time Baby was pinging up and down and wriggling about and would not take it's little hands down form it's face for a nasal bone measurement. The sonologist saw it briefly, and that was the main thing, but couldn't include it in our risk factor. Before my scan my risk was 1 in 15. Now it's 1 in 300

Sooo we wait now for a call about the Harmony test. We have an NHS scan booked on Friday. We are still going to have it, as i want to stay on their system. Going in with a bit more positivity now. I cannot tell you how we felt coming out of the clinic (at 8.30pm!) yesterday. Cloud nine doesn't quite cover it

On the drive home we even allowed ourselves the luxury of wondering the sex of baby. Just this simple thing has felt like tempting fate and getting ahead of ourselves till now.
I'm so glad i have you wonderful ladies on this board to share this with, and i'm so grateful to be able to talk about the pregnancy here without feeling awkward. As Pippi said most of us are old timers here and it feels like being among friends. Friends that understand! - so thank you xxxxxxx