Well done
Carolyn (
) for being so honest about those first months. I imagine many many new mums, who have struggled with ttc, feel they are not able to admit to being anything except blissful joy. Perhaps the fact that ttc has been a long journey ADDS to the pressure to find everything rosey, and therefore makes the whole new baby/first baby experience even more stressful. I'm so glad to hear you are ok now, and enjoying ziggy. He sounds wonderful!
You've bought back memories, i can identify with those frightening feelings. With my first DD i was very young, very un-maternal, (unplanned pregnancy) and felt about 100 miles out of my depth. Every single aspect of parenting a new baby came as a horrible shock. The noise, the pains, the smells, the logistics of getting out of the house,the laundry, the barrage of conflicting advice from family, the feeling your body and your home is no longer private property, the feeling that you are now constantly 'on duty', 24/7 for the nest 16 years! The feeling that all this work will never be rewarded! It felt like the biggest mistake of my life
At some point after the first few weeks i fell in love with being a mum though. DD1, bless her, was a good baby. I just wasn't prepared. I went on to have DD2 and DD3 and found it a breeze. Loved it all. Even with 3 under 5. I knew what to expect and i knew the difficult bits do pass.
Now it's taken me 4 years of ttc to get to this stage, I guard my heart against expecting it all to be plain sailing. I think about the baby i lost. I worry about how i will feel when she arrives. I know that PND is not something you can prevent, and it's not anyone's fault. On a lighter note I worry because i cant even remember how to do the bedding for a mosses basket!

Hoping it will all come back to me when baby comes.
Barnie - glad to have you back and i'm glad you had a good trip. Angry again for you! What is the matter with this London clinic?!?!?!?!
Booth - sounds like you had a lovely summer travelling. Good to put ttc to the back of your mind for a while

Pippi - Oh poo. Just checked your chart

I still think it looked different to your others. More text book low temp, big lift, dip, then steady a higher temp. Hugs my lovely - onwards and upwards. How's hubbys ankle? Whats the thoughts on HIV again? Yes, a house full of girls here

(we also have a female cat, a female rabbit, a female guinea pig, + a female hamster) DHs only ally is the other cat who is only partly male as he's neutered
AFM - all good. Bump getting bigger. Rock hard! Been buying a few bits. Dug out old mosses basket from loft and it's in perfect nick so we are going to use it. (new bedding obviously). However my old pushchair is past it. DH wants a new one anyway. His first baby. They are soooooo expensive though. even on ebay! (i have my eye on a particular make

Love to all, and