Thanks ladies
In my confusion and guilty state I seem to have unsubscribed from this thread
I thank you ladies for supporting me (I did think it was a bit quiet

Anyway I am coming to terms with it - hubby seems more on board than me about trying again - he says the law of averages have got to fall in our favour at some point. I think now he is out to prove that we can create the perfect baby.
I have been keeping myself busy and the nightmares I am pleased to say have become less and less
Misty we had all the tests the NHS give late last year/beginning of this - so yes our chromosomes were tested. So I guess I can only really say this must have just been a fluke of nature and for a change mother nature was on my side - but then why do I feel guilty for saying that?
I also keep imagining the perfect little boy and then seeing someone come along with an eraser and rubbing out little bits of him - that still freaks me if I'm honest (and I know I can be here).
People are wondering why I just start crying for no apparent reason - after all I had a DNC months ago? - but it has brought it all back I feel guilty for feeling sad and sad for feeling guilty (not necessary in that order).
I am scared - what if this wasn't a one off? - also how can it be that two people who love each other could create this little boy, yet others can go out have a one night stand and have the perfect baby - why can't we?
So as you can see ladies - I am getting there slowly. Every time I think I'm over it - something comes along and knocks me for six.
I am really pleased though to hear all you pg ladies are doing well
For now for me I am on CD 9 and just waiting to see what my body does this month