TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

Misty - Now I'm in reply I can't remember which 2 letters to repeat! lol.

Your labour sounds a little scary, though I did have to chuckle at you being sent round the corridors for a walk! I'm so glad all ended well and I hope you are really enjoying life right now. xxx
Hi ladies...using my new iPad and typing one-handed so excuse the typos!

Misty....You asked 2 weeks ago how my birth went and I have to say it wasn't what I expected. Got to hospital at 11pm and was 7cm, gas made me puke so had an epi at 2am that only worked in one hip! Dr broke waters at 4am as I was fully dilated but head hadn't engaged. Labour stalled but thankfully L was happy in there. Shortly before 7am they gave me a shot of syntocin and his head came down about 20 sec later. He was born at 7:17am with about 5 pushes! So the birth was fine... But then l ended up with multiple tears and a big haemmorage due to fibroids and had a rush trip to theatre. But in my mind I'veseparated that from the birth myself! How are you recovering?
Ooh cripes Maddy hon, that sounds a bit hellish towards the end! Labor stalling and the epi only working on one side all sounds a bit scary too. I was shrieking for an epi near the end, and its the one thing i told DH i did not want no matter what! Then her head appeared so i didnt need it. My recovery is going ok cheers. My back is ruined. All 4 of my babes have been back-to-back labors now. However, my undercarriage is fine! No stitches, and very light bleeding :happydance: Enjoying baby, AND enjoying being able to bend over, and lay how i like at night :happydance: You? xxx

Nise! Heloooo! :wave: hows everything? xxx

willi - any news?

Well I haven't been on here becuase I have been in a lot of pain do to an old injury to my tailbone and also my computer wasn't working good. Anyways, I guess I am out as the witch showed her face again this month. I have had in the past endometriousis so I don't know if this could be the reason for such wierd monthlys. So I guess it is on to the next month.
Willijj... sorry you had a disappointment this cycle :hugs: I think that TTC really, really sucks.

Greens... :flower: how are you? Where are you up to now?

Nise... are you totally enveloped in a world of pink and purple sparkles at your place? Do you think you might adopt again?

Pippi... hope your O sorts itself out and that your stress levels come down a bit :hugs:

Barnabibear... how is your IVF cycle going :kiss:?

Mistyy... how are you and :baby: getting on? L just had his 6-week vaccinations yesterday and he's a bit out of sorts today so we are having a day at home. He has started smiling at people he recognises, like DH, myself and his sister. Makes a nice break from watching him smile at his own farts :blush::haha:
Lol, Maddy - I think one is enough for me! Unless, of course I win the lottery and don't have to go to work - well, a girl can dream…

All well here, but more purple, black and skeletons! K tends to veer more towards rock chic than princess and yesterday celebrated National Book Week by going to school dressed as the Mad Hatter our of 'Alice in Wonderland!'

Hope you new Mama's are enjoying the fruits of your labour, I'm still delighted that you got there in the end. Hopefully everyone else will follow suit. Lots of love to all :hugs:
:wave: maddy
:wave: nise

How/where is everyone? :cry: :wave:

All good here, Sammy doing well. 6 weeks last Sat. Still small :baby: 7lb 13 now. Cheeky though - smiling and gurgling/cooing now. Lifting her head quite steadily when she's up on a shoulder. Breast feeding going ok. She sleeps from about 8/9pm in the evening (on me - we carefully put her in her mosses basket at 10pm) and she wakes at 2/3am for a quick feed - then back to sleep till DH gets up at 6.30am ish for work. He is rubbish at creeping round the bedroom! lol.

Looking forward to more of this sunshine out there. Spring has sprung it seems :happydance:

Love to all xxxxxx

Hi everyone, yea it's been really quite here..I check here ofton enough but I'm posting much.

Glad to hear all good with wee Sammy, Misty. Sounds like you have a nice routine there.
Can't believe she is 6 weeks old already ...

Life certainly sounds busy but fun Nise.

Hope ivf going ok Barnie. My sister also separating from her husband so I feel we are peas in a pod...2nd ivf and sisters separated for us both. Hopefully your 2nd ivf will bring diff results for you than what I got.

Rsi still bothering me but managing in work after buying a weird mouse. I don't really like it as its massive but for now it enables me to stay working. No plans to use my frostie until I am off anti inflammatory meds whenever that will be...

Ps. Did anyone check out Butterfly's blog...
:yipee::yipee::yipee: Yay, congratulations Butterfly - I'm delighted to hear the news.

Misty - sounds like you're really getting into the routine now, lol at OH being crap at creeping - mine is too!

Loving the sunshine the last couple of days, hopefully it will last over the weekend, We've got a garden path to lay - stepping stone style - the stones have been there most of the winter but it was to wet to lay them properly so we just plonked them on the grass - oh goes up and down the garden all bloody day long (his studio is at the other end) and the rain was turning the garden into a bog!

Looking forward to the weekend with my girlie - I've been on late shifts at work and most nights she's been asleep by the time I get in so we've got a whole week to make up for and pack into 2 days. She's doing really well though and her guitar playing is coming on really good.

Hope you all have lovely weekends. :hugs: xxxx
Lovely to hear your updates ladies. Yes Adam is here! I am so lucky :cloud9: hopefully heading home from hospital tomorrow :happydance:
Ahh you must be home by now butterfly :flower::baby:

Enjoy the total blur which is the first couple of weeks with new bubba! :thumbup::haha:

Mad to think i'm only 5 weeks ish in front of you. Seems loads right now, but what's 5 weeks between Sammy and Adam when they're both 2 or 3 yeas old for eg? Funny isn't it?

< lots of time to think about these random things while sitting feeding at the mo! :dohh::haha:>

Nise - hope your got your path laid. Great to hear about LG and her guitar :) That's fab.
Yes these last weeks have shown me how naturally noisy DH is :dohh: He starts out fine - comes into the room - sees Sammy asleep - moves/speaks/eats/drinks/reads/PS3s quietly for about ... 5 mins, then starts to forget and the volume of all the above goes back to sky high! He even sits down noisily! Sort of flings himself onto the sofa next to me and Sammy and i go up in the air :haha: Love him though, he's being a great support and a great dad <3 <3

Love to everyone xxx (wondering about Barnie ... :hugs:)

Hello ladies sorry I haven't been on here for a couple of weeks but I had a family emergency as my 12 year old son got hit by a car. I am glad to read your posts and hear your stories as it lifts my spirits a little bit as I am constantly worried about my son. He just went back to school yesturday and me back to work so I am back now.
Oh no, that's awful Wiiiijj (sorry if there are not enough i's or j's there!) I'm glad your son has recovered and is back to school that must be a huge relief.

Mistyy - So glad all is going well. Lol at your OH and volume - mine is exactly the same, only doesn't really start quietly. Glad to hear all is going well. The path didn't get laid - I couldn't be bothered in the end - I took the light weight option of planting some seeds in pots instead! Now the path is just hanging over me.

Think I might change my name to Niiiiiiseeeee what do you reckon :rofl:
Hello lafies yes we are home :dohh: Got back on Saturday. All good here though still a bit of pain from the CS, just have to get used to the lack of sleep :sleep:

Yes it's funny Mistyy in the scale of things a few weeks is nothing!

Lol at your DH being noisy. I'm trying to just keep the same level of noise when he's sleeping so he gets used to it and we don't have to worry :haha:

It's funny that at the beginning if this it was a long journey to a BFP and now the journey of childhood begins which is another thing totally.

Hope everyone is doing ok. Spoomie I forgot to say lovely to see you on my journal in case you pop in here xxx
Congratulations Butterfly. Xx

My ivf was abandoned. One dominant follicle too big, to the point it was either go ahead with one or not at all. We chose not to go ahead with just one, the protocol just didn't work this time, wish they'd kept it the same as last time now. Anyway, we've decided to go to a different clinuc and seeif we can do donor eggs. A long road ahead.

Big hello to everyone else, its been a while now, been so quiet on here the last few months.
Oh no barnie, so sorry it was cancelled but glad you are putting another plan in place xxx
Oh no barnni I am so sorry to hear that it didn't work out the way you would have liked it to but like you said there are other options.

Butterfly I am so happy for you and your little angel and what you said about ttc and now that you have your little one is right on the money. Love and cherrish every moment.

well ladies today is the day I am supposed to get the visist from the:witch: but she has still not showed up but I do feel like as if I am going to start and I do get waives of feeling sick to my stomach however I think with all the stress from my son getting hit by the car is taking a toll on me and so I am not going to test until I am a week late.
Well ladies I don't know if I am going to be able to hold off in taking a HPT as today is the day that I am supposed to have started and I have noticed that I am getting more and more times where I think I have started and feel wet and have cramping. This morning when I did my BBT it went up by .40 instead of going down as I should have started today. So any of you know about BBT please let me know what you think.

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