Hi all :wave:
I haven't posted much since Christmas! My sister's marriage has all but fallen apart so I've been involved with her most of the time.
Ive had my follow up appointment with the clinic now. They're changing the protocol. No idea what it means but there's no knowing if it will be better of worse until we do it. So IVF number 2 will start next week. This will most likely be our last chance. I'm scared at the prospect of facing up to living with "no children", and its a very real possibility now. Fingers crossed this IVF works better than the last one. Not looking forward to the process, I went in blind last time and now I know what I have to do its not something I'm looking forward to, shall we say.
Garfie - I have no idea about whats good or bad in terms of lh and fsh unfortunately, so I can't help there.
Big hello to you Pippi, Butterfly and Mistty too.