Hellooooo :wave:
nise - the delights of maintaining our strange UK customs

Creeping round the house pretending to be a rabbit who distributes eggs, an old guy who gets in and leaves prezzies, and a fairy who buys our old teeth!
Willi - fingers crosses for you hun. I've symptom spotted till i was blue in the face in the past and i can tell you this - The last 2 times i've been pregnant i had no idea about it symptom wise. The first of those two: my period was
2 weeks late and i didn't even notice (ahh those laid back days) and the 2nd time, exactly a year ago, i was busy with a house move and although i knew my period was late i felt nothing until i was about 6/7 weeks gone, when the nausea kicked in. Fingers crossed though, as i say.
Maddy - hi hun. Yep, life is very much ''what shall i do with the next 20 mins while she naps?'' dilemmas. And it's usually have a wash, eat, or housework. Rock an' roll!
Butterfly - :wave: saw the lovely pic over on Garfies thread. Gorgeous! Is all going well?
Garfie - been reading your thread. You make me chuckle
AFM - Sammy's nearly 4 months old! Time is flying. She's a happy little soul, sleeps through and is starting to try and roll over already. I gave the last breast feed yesterday. Mixed feelings, formula is so much easier in some ways, but breast feeding is so snuggly. I'll miss that. But i'm glad to dig out my frilly bras for the first time for months.
In other news: AF is 5 days late

I'm assuming this is down to body still settling down ... it's my 3rd cycle since Sammy was born. DH knows and is getting twitchy. ................ maybe i should sort out some BC after all. I can't be like this every time i'm a bit late; those days should be behind me.