Oh Barnie ...

Hospital error? I didn't realise that. If you ever want to speak about it here or talk about your lovely boy then do. Please. It's always ok and we are here to listen. I stopped posting because everyone else did too, lol. I wonder how you are often. Heartbreaking to read your update. I know there's no words to really comfort you or ideas you havn't already had, but i'm sending massive hugs and sending strength for you. I so hope the news is going to be good. HCG going up. It's so so bloody expensive IVF isn't it? We would never have been able to afford it. The emotional roller-coaster must ramp up by about x 1000000 once you've committed so much cash to it too, on top of everything else. I cannot imagine. My 4 years of TTC were spent mostly feeling like a fool for trying. We were so lucky. I'm praying for the same miracle for you. x
Pippi - oh i'm hanging on every word! Loving hearing about your pregnancy. I know exactly how it feels to not let yourself feel any joy
just in case. I look back on my pregnancy and wish i could have spent more time just enjoying it but it's natural to worry. No way round it. Let us know how you get on on Thu. I needed reassurance every 5 mins! It's amazing how they just send you away and let you get on with the gestating!
(p.s: No wuthering heights?!?!?! I'd have been inconsolable

Maxi - how on earth did you quintuple on BC pills

Yes i think i'm more sensitive to everything generally now i'm older too. Can you try a different pill? I really aught to be doing/taking something for BC. But am not. Just don't honestly think it's needed

(plus don't want the hassle)
Garfie + butterfly :wave:
AFM - Sammy is trying to stand on her own! I'm very alarmed as we haven't even adjusted to her crawling yet! It all happened so fast. At 6 months she wasn't rolling over and was only just sitting up. 7 weeks later she's whizzing round the house and wanting to walk! We've only got one stair gate in place. Going out tomorrow to buy 3 more, lol. One for bottom of the stairs, one for the kitchen (oven gets hot to the touch) and one for the downstairs loo. The litter tray and cat food is in there
Love and hugs all round xxxxx