Oh Laura, thats terrible! I hate knowing that there are women like us trying to have children and these monsters trying to get rid of thiers like that.
There isnt copper in my prenatal vits i dont think or if so its low. Ill look. But dont recall it being necessary by obgyn. My fish oil and folic is seperate from vit also
ye be ok with copper, its just cos i have elevated level that i know of, il talk to my doc but il stop um for now just in case
jen u got a total mummys boy did u? yeah i say appeal to mom tell her if she wants grand kids that these tablets r good for ttc, but take um out of the drippy container me thinks
Jen, howcome he wont take them if YOU ask but he will if his mom tells him to? I would tell him "Excuse me but IM the one that will be carrying your child.. DEAR" heheh
I second amy. Bethany breath relax and acted surprised if u get it.
Dh is a moms boy. He is the youngest. But also his dad left them when he was young so he is very very attached to his family. You can nvr disagree with any of them. Its hard bc i feel as they come first and im second. Shouldnt be that way but it is. His older brother controls him and we are very similiar so his bro and i are stubborn and bump heads often. He cant stand me and thinks i take too much time away from my dh to hangout. His sister always wants us to pay for things for her and her boys and his bro and mom want trav to drive them everywhere because they dont want to spend money on gas. Its rough on me. But i love my husband so i deal with it. His fam likes me but hates my fam. I had an extremely messed up childhood and they cant figure out how i came out normal and they say my family is bad news. Yet i love my parents and i cant change the fact my dads ill and hurt. All well.
jen we dont choose our families but we do love um and have to live with um.
it can be really difficult trying to get used to someone elses family, i still feel a bit nervy aorund OHs fam amd ive been with OH 10 yrs its better lately but in the start i got the vibe his mom didnt like me and it stuck with me, they were lovely when i mc though espeacially his mom, she made a fish pie on the day of erpc for us and gave it to OH , which was great , i prob wouldnt have ate anything otherwise. and i felt cared for she also rang me since to see how i am. reminds me i must go visit um soon
Thanks laura. Glad things are better w u and oh fam also! I lived with my bro in law and mil before we got married for 2 yrs til we bought house. They are nice we get along. Just dont understand eachother sometimes.
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