Glad you are all getting AFs and AF vibes!
No they didnt know i was pregnant, thats why it made me upset cos i thought, it was very obvious i was pregnant and nobody noticed unti li had been three weeks post miscarriage :S WEird workplace, idiots..
Yeah i write down my emotions and things that happen, just so i can reflect etc.
I was thinking about OPKing early, maybe CD 8 just like you said, in case its early, but to be fair i think a better idea is just to BD the partner every other night, that way i guess its a better chance, oh my, is anyone else getting really excited about BFPS ?!?!
Im sick of seeing Jeremy Kyle type girls who dont want children like we do they just have them as free house and free living tickets, its such a sham! Think its a bit wrong that we have to actually physically and mentally try , yet they have one night stands with a few people and BOOM pregnant lol!
i mean i never wish them anything bad, id never wish id kept mine and theyd lost mine or anything, it just hurts xxx