ttc after a d&c

Whiskey Lullaby i think thats the song your referring to. I <3 all music as long as I can relate to it or if the beat is nice. Bethany that is crazy about your apartment issue atm. I hope you can hear back from them and all of it works out properly for you! If not I agree with Amy give them an ear full!


Amy sooo nice to have you back!!! :) CD 11 yay!! As for the opk's you can dip them in a cup. The ? was because u didnt wet it enough for the full 5 seconds. I did that once before. Also if you have any problems where the digital part fails you call the company and complain they will send you a coupon for a free product (hpt) or money off your next opk. But you will need to have all the info from one test stick wrapper, digital tester, and box. I had a problem with it once and they where very nice over the phone. You will get your yes soon!! How exciting!! :) Glad you enjoyed your company!


Angel I must agree with everyone! She owes you extra time or half off your next session maybe? Especially if she shorted you. Its not your fault she fell behind and I understand it happens but dont let the pt get shorted. I hope you do give her a earful and she fixes this for you. I sorry you are spotting did you see the doctor? What did they say? Tomorrow you go for your bloodwork right? Fxd for you.


Horseypants yay!! Doctors are working with you!! Youll have a bfp in no time! Hopefully your levels adjust properly quick and you dont have to wait too long!


Laura hope your getting lots of rest! Enjoy your company tomorrow. Hope your house is clean to your liking. I can relate with the laziness. I want to make the bedroom and playroom and keep saying im going to do it since I have the week off. Its tuesday and I have done NOTHING!!! Very disappointing too because I am so mentally motivated. I think im scared of messing it up or something since im not very good with ideas and I have no one to help me move things. DH wants nothing to do with the bedrooms. He said he will help put a crib together though but that wont be til april since I wont buy one til i KNOW this baby is coming home with me.

Had my initial counselling appointment for this pregnancy today. Everything the tech told me about watching my babys progress and doing an early anatomy scan changed... ugh. Well I am still going to maternal fetal med for a scan at 11wks 3days since i pushed for it and told them i want quad screening and before the baby is too big (unlike last time). So that is Nov 12. Today I refused a scan and seeing the doctor because I just had a scan last fri and not much has changed. So ill be going for that appt at 8wks on Oct 26. So I am pushing for better scanning dates to see anatomy as that is more important then them just taking a quick look. I already know baby is in my uterus so id like a heartbeat and baby next scan not just to see a sac with a yolk and a fetal pole.... Sorry im rambling. I just dont get why they want to rush to check something off a list of theirs instead of doing it at a more realistic time... As long as I won I am happy. Done
Jen, the Irish ballad? Wasn&#8217;t that one. I know that song lol.
About doctor&#8217;s eager to check you off a list- they just aren&#8217;t giving quality care. Which women really need! There was a study done years ago where they did a test: one group received the standard care and the other group received TLC (all of these were women who had miscarried at least twice btw) and the TLC group had a much smaller chance of miscarriage. How crazy is that when the only difference was love and care? You fight for the care you and your baby deserve Jen.

Angel, you aren&#8217;t breaking up with AF. You are just telling her that you would like some space for about 9 months ;)
hi ladies! Hope you all are having a good day. Angel, couldn't whats happening to you be implantation bleeding? How many days past O are you?

Ok, there are some weird things going on with my body since d&c. I got my af last Friday, it was just ending today, lasted about 4 days and then bam, I start bleeding again and the blood is fresh (bright red). What the heck is that all about? Now I am starting to worry something is wrong with me. Any of you ever get a weird af after d&c? This is my second af post d&c. It just freaks me out that it is just about over and then I start getting bright red blood. This never happened to me in the past. Almost makes me worry the doctor messed me up when she did the d&c. And to top if off, I have no health insurance right now, to go get a check up. Should second af be a little abnormal?

Jen, how was your Anniversary? Did you and dh enjoy Taken 2? Be pushy with those doctors hon. I know it sucks to have to push them to take care of business. Don't get some of these docs these day. I have Kaiser over here, and they are pretty good at preventive stuff. So they do lots of ultrasounds and keep a close eye. But at times I was wondering if all of those u/s were actually a good thing.

Natasha? Where you at hon? Still getting the new house all ready? Hope you are having fun with the exciting bding with hubby. Yay, now no disruptances, just fun loud bding. lol.

Amy, how did the in-law visit go? Are they easy to get along with? Hope so! So getting ready for the big O huh. I am scared to see if I have problems with those ovulation kits too. Something tells me I will. lol.

Bethany, about husbands not wanting us to work. I think it is a Mormon thing, although my husband isn't actually LDS anymore, a lot of the stuff he learned stuck with him. He says he rather work 3 jobs than have me work. But he does want me to go back to school and get out there. My husband loves vampire movies too. But he hate twilight, he likes movies like Interview with A Vampire, and the Blade movies. I have Daybreakers, pretty good movie. For some reason, I think our husbands might get along. And about the sperm count. I do worry because my husband is 38 and I wonder how healthy his swimmers are. With his new job, he will get health insurance too, so I will push him to get them checked out.

Horseypants, so glad you worked everything out with your fiance. I know exactly how you feel. Have had my share of issues with hubby. Still trying to understand the man. I am also looking into clomid. Will ask my doctor about it, when I go back and see her. Whats good about Bay Area, is the average first mom's age is well into her 30s, they tend to listen to us and our concerns. Glad your doctor is taking care of you.

:kiss: to all of you!!
Jessica, AF is def weird after the D&C! I thought mine had started a few times before it really did. And my second AF was longer and took longer to arrive before the first. I think you are just fine :flower:
I promise you will have the worry anyways about a bad D&C. Still a fear of mine- think we will fear it until we get our BFPs :hugs:
Yup even though he left the church I bet you being a homemaker just makes sense to him (and it does make sense doesn&#8217;t it) and so good that he is willing to work that hard for you and the kids too! My DH also wants me to go back to school in case anything should ever happen to him. I think they would be very good friends :D
I like all the vampire movies you named, except for Blade just because I haven&#8217;t seen it. Do you like it?
Yup get his swimmers checked!
:kiss: back atcha and :dust:
jen i hear u on wanting to do things and not , feck it we will have plenty of time when we r not tired all the time :) plus im the same i dont wanna do too much until im sure things r ok xx
jessica af is totally weird aftr d and e , dont worry xxxxxxxxxx
angel go kick her ass :) :)

i just wanted to check in and catch up before my sis called .
love and :dust: xxxxxxxxxx
Hi ladies! :wave:

Angel, I know Im late on this but they shorted you on your acu session :saywhat:!?!?!? NOT COOL! Did they say that your nexy session will be longer to make up for it? They better :trouble:! You really think af is coming? Your period and all IS very strange post op. I use to have bad cramps when I was younger but over time it became tollerable and now I feel like Im right back there.. I feel like I feel EVERYTHING :cry:! Isnt it waaaaaaaay too early for her to come? I hear you on the love/hate relationship with her but Im really hoping that she doesnt come :grr::af:

Jen, hiya :wave:! How are you babe?!?! Hows the peanut :baby:? Im sorry the drs are being annoying with thier tests and timing of doing things. Its better than them doing nothing though right? I really hope your next scan goes well and you are able to see/hear the hb :hugs:

Jessica, hiya hun! I second what Laura said... af is DEF wierd :witch:! It will get better though. This last cycle was my 2nd cycle post op and was a little better than the 1st one cramp wise. Timing wise, it actually went right back to being 30 days like pre-op so that was great :thumbup:! Hope it gets better babe! :flower: Visit with in-laws was nice, they left yesterday so we have re-claimed the homestead! So back to the grind for me... :shower::dishes::laundry::hangwashing::iron:

Laura, how are you doing sweets :flow:? I hope youre getting lots of rest :sleep:! Did you ever decide what you are going to do about that lunch date you were trying to get out of ? Or did that already happen? Wait, was that before my in-laws came or after... oh boy Im all over the place! Forgive me if I got the timing wrong :dohh:

Bethany, how are ya chicky! Dinner last night ended up being cereal :oops: We had our blinds and shutters installed last night and I was so tired and didnt feel like cooking and dh was ok with that so ya. Today is our 2 year anniversary :wedding: so we are going to be going to dinner tonight and then hopefully a B&B at the end of the month for a weekend. We were too tired to go this weekend so we both agreed that end of the month was better :thumbup: Did you end up making your mushroom soup? That sounded so good yesterday that for lunch I ended up eating soup too! Italian style wedding but still soup heheh. So any news on the appt front? BTW... LOVE the profile pic! hahah

Danni, if you re still out there hope you are doing well hun :hugs:

Natasha & Horsey, hope you ladies are doing well!! :kiss:

:wave: to anyone I missed

Lots and LOTS of :dust: to you all! :kiss:
Hey Angel, Yes Im here :) I have seen a small effect on my CM but not much. I already had tons, naturally, so just to make sure, Ive been using preseed to help if it does decrease too much. Ive heard of women taking Mucinex and other kinds of cough meds to help thin the mucus but I didnt want to take any kind of meds like that just because of the off chance of causing any problems with conception.

I have 2 boys now and conceived them naturally, without any help but because of the D&C in July, the dr put me on Clomid to jump start my ovulation. This may be another topic but I believe I am only naturally fertile a couple months out of the year, I have had 4 pregnancies (2 babies and 2 mc) and all of them were June, July and Aug. All of them were strategically planned, I even tried for 7 months with my 2nd son and didnt get pregnant until July. So anyway, my dr felt the same way and because she saw how much pain it caused me to lose my baby, she said she wanted to give me a chance to be fertile in an off time of the year, so here I am, on my 2nd round of clomid, ovulating normally and waiting for my BFP on Friday :)
Hey Angel, Yes Im here :) I have seen a small effect on my CM but not much. I already had tons, naturally, so just to make sure, Ive been using preseed to help if it does decrease too much. Ive heard of women taking Mucinex and other kinds of cough meds to help thin the mucus but I didnt want to take any kind of meds like that just because of the off chance of causing any problems with conception.

I have 2 boys now and conceived them naturally, without any help but because of the D&C in July, the dr put me on Clomid to jump start my ovulation. This may be another topic but I believe I am only naturally fertile a couple months out of the year, I have had 4 pregnancies (2 babies and 2 mc) and all of them were June, July and Aug. All of them were strategically planned, I even tried for 7 months with my 2nd son and didnt get pregnant until July. So anyway, my dr felt the same way and because she saw how much pain it caused me to lose my baby, she said she wanted to give me a chance to be fertile in an off time of the year, so here I am, on my 2nd round of clomid, ovulating normally and waiting for my BFP on Friday :)

I'm sorry for your losses...but yay for Clomid! Just wish my Dr would give me a round of it! :grr: I like to say I'm a squeaky wheel, but I guess I'm not squeaky enough :haha: Fx for your BFP on Friday! Keep us posted! I have to run to an assignment, but I'll be back to comment/question you more...if ya don't mind!


I will for sure keep everyone posted!! I am so nervous and excited too. :dust:

Angel, I do not mind at all. Ask away!!
Angel, fx for you hun!! Let us know what happens! Im hoping its ib too!

Praying, welcome! Im sorry for your loss and sad that you had to find us under these circumstances but glad to have ya! Fx for you fro Friday and hope you are one of our next :bfp:! :)

Had to share this extremely emotional sad video with you ladies. This is the hospital I would have had my son at. Also I feel sometimes if I made the wrong choice and should have tried to have him. I wonder if the outcome would have been the same and I would have been able to have him alive a few short days or if he would have been a stillborn like they said. I am glad im pregnant again as his EDD is in 5 days but at the same time I cant help but wonder who he would have been.

Had to share this extremely emotional sad video with you ladies. This is the hospital I would have had my son at. Also I feel sometimes if I made the wrong choice and should have tried to have him. I wonder if the outcome would have been the same and I would have been able to have him alive a few short days or if he would have been a stillborn like they said. I am glad im pregnant again as his EDD is in 5 days but at the same time I cant help but wonder who he would have been.

Angel isnt your appointment today? Fxd for your BFP and all that spotting being IB! It can happen.

Praying Fxd for your BFP on friday. Please keep us posted! Feel free to continue posting! We would love to hear from you!

Amy Happy Anniversary!! I hope you and DH have a wonderful dinner tonight! The B&B was an awesome idea! :) By the end of the month you just might come home to a BFP! :) I am so excited to see who comes on here next with their bfps!!

Horseypants could have twins!! :) I cant wait for her to get her bfp and then her first ultrasound to see how many. Fxd for you also!

Bethany you too! Any news about the apartments? Maybe I missed if you said. I tried to read and get caught up but there is soo many pages and my mind is tired so I cant remember stuff and if i type then I loss where im at. Tried it already.

Angel I agree with you on the accupuncture appt. Thats less then half the time! She definately owes you! Perhaps there is a better one in your area that actually appreciates their patients and their time? Im surprised she didnt tell you up front it would have been a shorter appt and ask if youd like to reschedule or at least a price cut. All well hopefully you find justice...

Laura Hi! How are you today? Hope your enjoying your company! Im about ready to go organize and clean out the blue room finally feeling a little motivation. Not sure for how long though. :)

:dust: ladies!

Danni, Jessica and anyone I missed Hi!
Negative HCG...and according to hormones AF is due Friday! I guess a 12 day LP is alright! Back to the drawing board...Dr is prepping the freezer! :cold:

Awwww darn it!!!!! :sad2: For SURE af is coming??!?! Im sorry hun... :dohh::hugs:
Hi ladies! :wave:

Laura, how are you doing sweets :flow:? I hope youre getting lots of rest :sleep:! Did you ever decide what you are going to do about that lunch date you were trying to get out of ? Or did that already happen? Wait, was that before my in-laws came or after... oh boy Im all over the place! Forgive me if I got the timing wrong :dohh:

:wave: to anyone I missed

Lots and LOTS of :dust: to you all! :kiss:

hi babe , :winkwink: how u today? :)
im gettin like 10 r 12 hrs sleep a nt but im still :sleep:
i thought i had fixed my :sick: by eating rice cracker at nt and before i get out of bed but it just postponed it :) i be worried if i stopped gettin it now anyway so i cant win :)
um im a goldfish i cant remember what lunch i was tryin to get out of , does sound like me though , ha ha :)
i get lazy :)
any news with u hon? xxxxxxx
Hey Angel, Yes Im here :) I have seen a small effect on my CM but not much. I already had tons, naturally, so just to make sure, Ive been using preseed to help if it does decrease too much. Ive heard of women taking Mucinex and other kinds of cough meds to help thin the mucus but I didnt want to take any kind of meds like that just because of the off chance of causing any problems with conception.

I have 2 boys now and conceived them naturally, without any help but because of the D&C in July, the dr put me on Clomid to jump start my ovulation. This may be another topic but I believe I am only naturally fertile a couple months out of the year, I have had 4 pregnancies (2 babies and 2 mc) and all of them were June, July and Aug. All of them were strategically planned, I even tried for 7 months with my 2nd son and didnt get pregnant until July. So anyway, my dr felt the same way and because she saw how much pain it caused me to lose my baby, she said she wanted to give me a chance to be fertile in an off time of the year, so here I am, on my 2nd round of clomid, ovulating normally and waiting for my BFP on Friday :)

fx for u on fri honey xxxxxxxxx
:dust: xxxxxxxxxxxx

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