ttc after a d&c

Ive got a 28 day cycle but i have an 18day luteal phase and my period only ever comes for 4 days maximum, so this cycle, using opks and charts etc, i had AF 10-13th SEptember, no spotting afterwards, then positive opk on the monday and tuesday, wednesday they were negative so im thinking well normally you ovulate once u get a negative opk i think so either tuesday or wednesday, its the luteal phase that does it mines not average at all, which is unusual, my body just seems to fire eggs out at will lol!!

Haha your poor DH!! See im the same, i made DH bd every night from when af ended to wednesday night (ovulation) and now im thinking oooh dear.... The only other symptom ive got that i had with last pregnancy was, ive completely gone off sex, but again i dont know if thats because of the stress. God knows!

Ah shucks, work time :( HAve agood day Jess will read your reply when i catch up at about 4pm xxxxxxxx
[Sorry to say this, but your doctor sounds like a control freak and now she is telling you things about copper that aren't true!! You researched and she was wrong right!! OMG you waited 3 months to ttc. This lady doesn't own you, whats her problem? She should be happy for you that you got your bfp, and now try to be more helpful. Yeah, I would change doctors if I were you, you definitely do not need the added stress right now. It is time for you to be so happy and hopeful!!

thanks hon, yeah i think i caught her on a bad day as well , she had just been bit snappy with someone else before me too, but she has gone totally down hill in my estimation now. thanks hon. least there are 2 other docs there i can go to :)
im fine again today, il have my qs answered by liver consultant on thurs id say, :) thanks xxxx
jessica how r u hon, sorry i was too busy ranting a min ago xx
hope ur well xxxx

angel i forgot to answer that bit too, my first af was very short and i waited 5.5 weeks for it to come, im pretty sure i Ov on day 10 after it, i dont use opk , i go by my Ov signs xx

Laura, did you tend to ovulate around CD10 in the past? Was that your "norm" or did it change as a result of mc? I'm just wanting to know for my own benefit...

it changed just for that one cycle babe, it was a few days early , prob cos my af took so long arriving . it usually i get Ov signs around day 11 or 12 and im not sure then i Ov sometime soon, both time i got bfp was from Bd started on day 12 and first time i got bfp was from just Bd twice on day 12 :) cd 12 seems to be my lucky day :) ha ha
fx for u hon, xxxxxxxxxxxxx

must go make brekkie, il finish catch up then xx
Natasha you can rant and rave all you want. You are voicing what we have all felt, thought or said! It never seems fair... My DH's bestfriend is expecting with his girlfriend. In fact they are due on MY Dec due date! They could not and still cannot stand each other, they fight in public...yet, I have to buy an expensive gift for her shower that should be MY shower. She cried when she told me she was pregnant, not because I was having a mc mind you, but because she WANTED to "pee it out." I am reminded weekly by her presence how cruel and unpredictable Mother Nature can be. All we can do is have faith...

Hugs to you Natasha...cry it out doll. Your lo is on his/her way.

i second angel natasha, we have all been there , there are total patches to the grieving process and mad is def one of them, it is totally unfair on us, but unfort it happened to us and for some yet unknown reason we have to go through it, hopefully we get paid back by karma big time soon with our LO s :) big hugs honey xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

angel i cant believe how insensitive she was, did she know u were preg and mc ? either way really insensitive xxx big hugs xx
my sil is due within 2 days of Lile and her lovely bump makes me wanna cry , i always called Lile my xmas present cos she was due dec 16th :) i figured i surely have her by xmas , doh

amy thanks for wanting to kill my doc and warm wishes :) ive calmed down so much today but im not beyond a rant at her still ha ha xxxxxxx hugs xx

:dust: to all ye girlies, xxxxx
Thanks Angel, i just, im inconsolable, fair enough time will soon pass, but if it gets to next week and i have a BFN, i literally dont know what i will do, i mean ive done everything i can this cycle, still taking prenat vits, havent started smoking again ( quit a while before first PG ) I dont drink ,i eat sensibly, i BD enough, i do everything right, its just so damn hard... Im getting so begrudging towards people with babies, i mean my DH sister who had her baby about 7 months ago came round the other day ( she lives quite far so only second time weve seen baby ) the last time i wasnt even pregnant at the time, and when she came round i went out and said i had urgent things to do because i just couldnt face, either ignoring the baby, or cooing over her.. And she is lovely as anything but even at 8 months pregnant she kept saying she didnt want it yet , and now shes over the moon.. Im so angry, with myself, ive gone back to * its my fault i lost my baby* and i dont deserve a child, which is really dramatic and i know its not true but im just sat in floods of tears inconsolable... I have literally begged angel baby this week to send a lo down to me, and i mean sat with his scan photo on my chest sobbing... Which i know doesnt help with trying to be stress free but still.. I cant help it... I am positive im going to have an AF soon i have that feeling and its not due for two weeks!

And now my cousin ( ttc with a married man after 3 weeks of :bd: and all of a sudden falling for has text me saying she has had a faint positive on a test today, and i just text back saying its probably an evap line, i sent it and felt awful :(( Im turning into a 8itch =[[[[[ xx

oh natasha i wanna come over and give u a great big hug hon, ive tears in my eyes now for u. lifes is a f**cking bi**ch sometimes, excuse the language but it makes me mad how unfair life is, i so so hope u get ur bfp chick, xxxx
ive had patches where i have cried so hard i cant breathe, like a child does, it is so horrible , big hugs honey, we r all here and know what u r goin through hon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I keep checking my email and gazzela app for my lab results and it says in progress probably means they wont let it post til tom? Booo i just want to know. Im having severe pain on my left side very very low. Last time I had this I had a huge thump in my stomach happen and it felt like a huge painful drop and it was the day before expected af. My family doctor couldnt even figure it out. Im so scared of it happening again. Trying to breath and relax. Hopefully ill have af or a positive anwser tomorrow. Either one ill just be thankful for though i really want a positive i know its not in my hands. sorry to rant on and im just clearing my mind atm im getting scared.

I feel your anxiety hun!! Keep ranting that is what we are here for.. When all of your rant on here, it doesn't give me stress, anxiety, or bring me down. It helps me to show more compassion to others who are going through all that I have gone through. I use to worry that I was being too negative on here and that I was bringing all of you down. But all of this is a process and ttc can be stressful and there are so many anxieties and worries that we have to deal with. Might as well deal with them together! When I get my bfp the only other people I am gonna tell the news to, besides my hubby and mom, are all of you!! I have already gained a trust with all of you, and feel you ladies understand me more than anybody else in my life!

jen big hugs and fx for u xxxxxxxx please god let jen be my bump bud :) xxx

aw jessica thanks xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi :wave: can I join?

I had a D&C in May at 8w1d (baby passed at around 6wks). We've been TTC for two years. I had a suspected ectopic in Dec.

I just finished my 4th AF since the procedure. My cycles went from 32-34days to 26-28days. Has this happened to anyone else?? It's driving me crazy!! Bleeding is also way heavier than before for the first two days.

hi babe, welcome, sorry for ur loss chick xxxx big hugs x
im echoing jessica but yeah cycles go a bit mental for everyone i think after a loss and espeacially after d and e . x
i waited 5.5 weeks for first af and it was only 2 day spotting , 1 day af, the next 2 af came on time and then i started trying and first month got my bfp :) i am so happy but also nervous a little , keeping my fx for all to go well this time , welcome hon xxxxxxxxxxxx
i dont know how much u have read so just tellin u my story x :)
Crystal, welcome and so sorry for your loss :hugs:
As for cycles, mine got longer with lighter bleeding.

Jen are you testing?

How is Laura?

How is Horsey?

How is Amy?

How is Natasha?

How is Angel?

How is Danni?

My netgear was screwing up but we fixed it tonight and I am so stinking thrilled! And so far I have managed to trick my husband into BD every other day. I thought I would be so sad when my period came but I feel so relaxed. Happily reading and drinking soda again. Also, my husband bought plane tickets for Thailand (vacay, not the move yet) so I am just a happy girl all around! I hope everyone is doing great :D

thought they would never fix it, r u gonna play catch up, might take about a week ha ha xxx
im catching up on a day and its taking me ages :)
i need to go to town to do some jobs but im too busy on here ha ha xxxxxxxxx

hurray welcome back, yey xxxxxxx
and hurray for thailand :) xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oh i meant to ask , any of you really, I have a blood test tomorrow to check for anemia, and ive just been on the nhs website and it says blood tests can pick up hcg in small levels from 6dpo and tomorrow i will be seven, do you think its worth ringing them today and asking my doctor if i can have a check for my hcg levels added onto it as well? BEcause if they say no its below five and isnt moving ill know not to bother this month and prepare for next month? OR shall i leave it to myself to start hpt'ing towards thursday/friday this week? x

might be too late to ans u but i cant see it would do any harm but if it says no dont automatically assume ur out, do stuff as if u were preg still just in case xxx
sorry about the gazillion posts but there was lots o catch up :)
:dust: to all my girlies xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Laura, I think I feel defeated on catching up already haha :D

Jessica, those TWW are crazy aren't they? If you can distract yourself, do it. Or heck, just treat yourself! Have a girl night. Nail polish, face mask, and good movies. Maybe a few squares of dark chocolate and pasta eh? :flower:
As for BD I try to keep it regular- don't want him to think that I use him for his swimmers. I like him the rest of the time too. Most of the time anyways ;)
Yeah we plan to relocate overseas and we feel that it will be permanent. Who knows what will happen after 10 years? But I am not positive that I will ever want to come back to US except to visit

Hey Natasha, sorry you have been feeling blue :hugs:
we talk too much everyday to catch up :) think u know most o the news anyway :) :) xxx welcome back x
Yay!!!! Bethany your back!!!! :) Aww im so excited for you!!! Thailand vaca holidays coming up and bd everyther night!!! :) Sounds great!!! We missed you!!! So glad that internet is finally back!

So ladies update no bloodwork results they posted 3-5 business days for progress... All well. I feel like af anyways and i just cant believe im in limbo with yet another long cycle. Not to mention im not sick but had a fever of 100.8 took a cold shower drink ice water took tylenol three hrs later it broke to 100.3.... This morning 100. Last time i was preg i had low grade fevers entire time and they say it could of caused heart defect. Kinda hoping it breaks but thinking maybe im not pregnant and somethings wrong with my body. Oh and im 11dpo 33cd bfn not even a faint line on cheapie or frer. Thinkin im out. Gotta get to work ill be back asap to write back to u ladies!

:dust: to all!
we talk too much everyday to catch up :) think u know most o the news anyway :) :) xxx welcome back x

Lately, I feel like I cant keep up the way some of you do and I end up saying something stupid or wrong or I miss someone or something. I know a big part of it is that Im just in a down/sad mood and Im really not trying to be like ME ME ME.. so Im sorry.

Welcome back Bethany, you were truly missed :hugs:

Crystal, welcome and I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you find comfort with the girls here, they are a wonderful supportive group.

Wishing you all the best always and :dust:
Oh by the way is it just me who uses the thanks button as alike button? Because i keep thanking people for saying they feel like crap etc but i just mean that i like it because im the same lol! Jus suddenly realised haha!!

Im in a much better place today, im calm, handling my customers very well, the day didnt drag horrendously, and im sat with a cup of tea and a piece of cake :D

Awww Jen keep thinking positive youre not out til the witch gets you!!! A saying ive picked up either off here or some other forum i was stalking before here lol!

Hope youre all doing well??

Only thing im a bit agitated about is that i cant even walk into boots to buy conditioner without buying £20s worth of FRERs lol! Its like an essential, like buying milk haha oh dear! I have to hide them all from DH cos he thinks im obsessed and tells me not to worry and stop peeing on sticks lol,, im actually really tempted to do one now but there is literally no point at 6/7dpo..

Oh thats another question, if i had negative opks on cd 8, positive cd 9, positive cd10 at 2pm then two negatives at 8pm cd 10, when is it likely i ovulated? im getting confused with all this dpo stuff i wanna test test test!!

Ive also had really bad acid reflux today for the first time, well, actually my second time, i got it really bad the first time after i smoked a cigar at a party :S xxxx

EDIT: Also, is there any point n me buying a bbt thermomenter? To see if my temperature stays up? Or should i wait til i get a bfn and af and then buy one? xx

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