ttc after a d&c

hi guys , il catch up now soon, i just have to blurt this out , h aha

i went to my doc today to get bloods done and i wanted to ask few qs, she was really unhelpfull, she kind of gave out to me for not waiting till after the liver consultant but all the tests had come back alright so all the serious things had been ruled out, so we went ahead. she then said my mc might have been caused by my copper levels and could happen again, cos they r up, i then said but i was told they were only slightly up and she goes well i dont know anything about copper (it was the other doc in the place tested it for me) , i wouldnt have thought to test u for it anyway.
i came home and googled it, its low copper can cause mc, she had me so freaked for no real reason, i think she was pissed cos i didnt ask her advice before goin ahead.
i know i should prob have waited another month but i figured serious things were ruled out so i be fine, i wont be in a hurry back to her, think il go to the guy doc from now on.
if copper is very hig it can affect baby but mine wasnt mad high and i had been taking prenatals with copper in um.

I agree Jen thats a good way of putting it about the 2ww.. Its just im 5dpo and panicking because i have a few symptoms but i dont have sore boobs like i did last time from literally conception.. Quite frustrating, i belive what i had yesterday were implantation cramps without spotting. I didnt spot or have IB last time either. Got very minimal cramps today, barely even noticeable today.. I am definitely going to start charting BBT temp charting from next cycle if i dont catch.. Just on a question, if my ovulation chart says i can test for PG in 8 days, is that based on a 25miu or 50miu test, and if so, could i technically use a 10miu one a few days earlier? xxx

I am caught up on two pages now, hope everyones okay?

Im on 5dpo, feeling very crampy, huge headache, very watery CM if thats normal? High closed hard as nails cervix.. Feel very moody, absolutely shattered, ( its half five pm here and im ready for bed ) feel like crying. Not doing very well and htis 2ww is killing me, and especially since i am positive i O'd on tuesday last week, even though charts said it should have been yesterday, but had negative opks all weekend. And now im worrying that it was yesterday due to the cramps and htnking ive missed it since ive not BD since wednesday night :| Although i got positive opks two days before tuesday and then none this weekend, i literally want to sit and cry but i cant because when people ask what wrong i genuinely dont know what to reply :(((( xx

I am going through the exact same thing as you. I am so worried that maybe I ov yesterday, and the last time me and hubby bd was Friday night early Saturday morning. I feel as though we should of bd on Saturday night just to seal in the deal. Now I am even worried maybe I never ov, maybe I ov too early. Maybe I haven't ov yet!! I hate this!! My mood is so crazy right now. I just feel so pissed and annoyed. And have no patience what so ever!!

Hi girls, I leave for a few hours and come back to 4 pages to catch up! heh

Laura, GRRRRR to your dr!! I want to slap her for you! I know that you have probably moved on by now and are in a happy place so I maybe making this worse (so sorry) but boy that just really boiled my blood. I wouldnt go back to her either and see the male dr you were talking about. You are going to have the most healthiest, happiest, cutest lo so just relax and enjoy babe! :baby:

Natasha, I feel the same way. Im going crazy this time. I did the last time but now having gone thorough what I have, just makes me want this baby even more if thats possible. Im really just trying to listen to you girls and stay calm and wait but I would be lying if I said I was holding up ok :cry: MY cm is wierd, strange cramping, no sore boobs, Im moody and tired... Its all really messing with my mind. :wacko:

I too thought that I BD too early and didnt on the day that I O but Angel is right. Everything I read also said that the best days are the 1-2 days leading up to when you O. :hugs:

Jen thanks for the kind words and Im glad that you took today off. Sit back and relax and enjoy hun!!! :thumbup:


Hope everyone is doing well and if I missed anyone, well wishes ALWAYS!!! :hugs::kiss::hugs::kiss:
Im the same, literally driving myself to the point i want a fag :|
I have never felt like this in my entire life, i was trying to conceive since last september and took until july but i never once took opks or bbt or anything! And i was so happy when it happened, this time round, im stressed to high heavens, i have peed on more sticks than ive eaten dinners , im sick of peeing into cups, sick of wishing over every constipation feeling and sickness feeling , sick of constantly prodding my boobs actually HOPING for a painful reaction! And trying to not shout at people who say give it time itll happen when its ready, because in my heart i know it will but its not good enough! Im sorry for this rant and to pee on positive peoples bonfire i really am trying to be positive, but i just feel like shouting at *God* or whoever " How dare you take my baby away from me and then make me wait when all these people who neither want or care for children can pop them out just by looking at a male of the species*

I am now in floods of tears in the bedroom and i just cant hack it anymore, its not fair :( Us ladies have been through so much some people i know could never even begin to understand, yet they are stood there with healthy children that were neither planned or wanted originally telling me its probably not my time ?!?! WTH? and i cannot sit at christmas knowing i should have been 6 months heavily pregnant with a baby kicking inside me, without even a bean in there, i just cant.... im so sorry ladies for the negativity but i cant speak like this anywhere else xxx
Thanks Angel, i just, im inconsolable, fair enough time will soon pass, but if it gets to next week and i have a BFN, i literally dont know what i will do, i mean ive done everything i can this cycle, still taking prenat vits, havent started smoking again ( quit a while before first PG ) I dont drink ,i eat sensibly, i BD enough, i do everything right, its just so damn hard... Im getting so begrudging towards people with babies, i mean my DH sister who had her baby about 7 months ago came round the other day ( she lives quite far so only second time weve seen baby ) the last time i wasnt even pregnant at the time, and when she came round i went out and said i had urgent things to do because i just couldnt face, either ignoring the baby, or cooing over her.. And she is lovely as anything but even at 8 months pregnant she kept saying she didnt want it yet , and now shes over the moon.. Im so angry, with myself, ive gone back to * its my fault i lost my baby* and i dont deserve a child, which is really dramatic and i know its not true but im just sat in floods of tears inconsolable... I have literally begged angel baby this week to send a lo down to me, and i mean sat with his scan photo on my chest sobbing... Which i know doesnt help with trying to be stress free but still.. I cant help it... I am positive im going to have an AF soon i have that feeling and its not due for two weeks!

And now my cousin ( ttc with a married man after 3 weeks of :bd: and all of a sudden falling for has text me saying she has had a faint positive on a test today, and i just text back saying its probably an evap line, i sent it and felt awful :(( Im turning into a 8itch =[[[[[ xx
angel i am so sorry you had to deal with that at such a hard time in your life. its so hard to celebrate with an unappreciative mother that didnt even want her one baby. :hug: yours is coming!!
I am caught up on two pages now, hope everyones okay?

Im on 5dpo, feeling very crampy, huge headache, very watery CM if thats normal? High closed hard as nails cervix.. Feel very moody, absolutely shattered, ( its half five pm here and im ready for bed ) feel like crying. Not doing very well and htis 2ww is killing me, and especially since i am positive i O'd on tuesday last week, even though charts said it should have been yesterday, but had negative opks all weekend. And now im worrying that it was yesterday due to the cramps and htnking ive missed it since ive not BD since wednesday night :| Although i got positive opks two days before tuesday and then none this weekend, i literally want to sit and cry but i cant because when people ask what wrong i genuinely dont know what to reply :(((( xx

I am going through the exact same thing as you. I am so worried that maybe I ov yesterday, and the last time me and hubby bd was Friday night early Saturday morning. I feel as though we should of bd on Saturday night just to seal in the deal. Now I am even worried maybe I never ov, maybe I ov too early. Maybe I haven't ov yet!! I hate this!! My mood is so crazy right now. I just feel so pissed and annoyed. And have no patience what so ever!!
You know whats weird... Looking at your posts is like reading my diary, im not even gonna say how i feel because you hit the nail on the head with each word above^...i could actually sit n cry... Cos im thinking god if id just bit the bullet and had sex last night and night before id be okay either way! But all ive had is watery/creamy yellow tinged CM, nothing stretchy etc, quite clumpy if anything EW... And im now thinking, maybe i just didnt O and im having a Phantom tww to end in misery :(((( xxx

Yeah, i am so worried that i didn't even ovulate. I only have 1 ovary, so I don't even know how that one is working. By the way, its the docs fault my ovary is gone, they were suppose to remove a large ovarian cyst when I gave birth to my last child. They decided to not the the planned c-section and just do vaginal birth, then they waited six months for the cyst to double in size and then decided it was the right time to remove it. Then they tell me in the recovery room, "by the way, we had to remove the ovary, the cyst completely destroyed it!" All because they didn't remove it when they were suppose to. I am so sick of pushing these doctors here to do their job and do things right. I am always stuck with the kind of doctor that doesn't listen to my concerns or just brushes them off.
Im the same, literally driving myself to the point i want a fag :|
I have never felt like this in my entire life, i was trying to conceive since last september and took until july but i never once took opks or bbt or anything! And i was so happy when it happened, this time round, im stressed to high heavens, i have peed on more sticks than ive eaten dinners , im sick of peeing into cups, sick of wishing over every constipation feeling and sickness feeling , sick of constantly prodding my boobs actually HOPING for a painful reaction! And trying to not shout at people who say give it time itll happen when its ready, because in my heart i know it will but its not good enough! Im sorry for this rant and to pee on positive peoples bonfire i really am trying to be positive, but i just feel like shouting at *God* or whoever " How dare you take my baby away from me and then make me wait when all these people who neither want or care for children can pop them out just by looking at a male of the species*

I am now in floods of tears in the bedroom and i just cant hack it anymore, its not fair :( Us ladies have been through so much some people i know could never even begin to understand, yet they are stood there with healthy children that were neither planned or wanted originally telling me its probably not my time ?!?! WTH? and i cannot sit at christmas knowing i should have been 6 months heavily pregnant with a baby kicking inside me, without even a bean in there, i just cant.... im so sorry ladies for the negativity but i cant speak like this anywhere else xxx

omg I know how you feel. I was suppose to be 6 months pregnant to this exact day!! I lost my baby almost half way through my pregnancy. I got to find out I was having my first little boy when I already lost him. My due date was on Dec. 29, right during Christmas time!! I want to be pregnant so badly way before my due date. I am not even happy my b-day is here. It is depressing because I already had it planned out that I would be exactly 6 months pregnant, and that my husband would take me to a nice restaurant and that I would be able to pig out and enjoy my dinner being 6 months pregnant! Now I have to be stressing about whether I am pregnant or not and wait until next week to find out! Don't be sorry about venting it is still so fresh. I lost mine before you and I am still screwed up because of it. I can't even look at babies at times!! It is just too hard!!
Thanks Angel, i just, im inconsolable, fair enough time will soon pass, but if it gets to next week and i have a BFN, i literally dont know what i will do, i mean ive done everything i can this cycle, still taking prenat vits, havent started smoking again ( quit a while before first PG ) I dont drink ,i eat sensibly, i BD enough, i do everything right, its just so damn hard... Im getting so begrudging towards people with babies, i mean my DH sister who had her baby about 7 months ago came round the other day ( she lives quite far so only second time weve seen baby ) the last time i wasnt even pregnant at the time, and when she came round i went out and said i had urgent things to do because i just couldnt face, either ignoring the baby, or cooing over her.. And she is lovely as anything but even at 8 months pregnant she kept saying she didnt want it yet , and now shes over the moon.. Im so angry, with myself, ive gone back to * its my fault i lost my baby* and i dont deserve a child, which is really dramatic and i know its not true but im just sat in floods of tears inconsolable... I have literally begged angel baby this week to send a lo down to me, and i mean sat with his scan photo on my chest sobbing... Which i know doesnt help with trying to be stress free but still.. I cant help it... I am positive im going to have an AF soon i have that feeling and its not due for two weeks!

And now my cousin ( ttc with a married man after 3 weeks of :bd: and all of a sudden falling for has text me saying she has had a faint positive on a test today, and i just text back saying its probably an evap line, i sent it and felt awful :(( Im turning into a 8itch =[[[[[ xx

No hun, you are not a bitch!! you are just human!! We are all in this together. Hang on hun, your sweet baby will come!! I have faith in that! I have to have faith, and not lose hope. I know how hard it is. I miss my little boy everyday, but now I am trying to focus on bd and getting pg again. It is so hard, I know it!
Natasha everything you are going through is perfectly certainly is NOT your fault this has happened. For unknown reasons, sometimes bad things happen to amazing will only make you that much more amazing! I know it seems like your day for testing is ages away, but it will be here in no time! And the 8itch in this situation is your cousin, not you!! Sending wishes for peace and calm your way...

Jen, DH and his bestfriend have known each other for 20+ years. They have never been competitive, but the bestfriend's girlfriend has always wanted what I've had. I find it interesting...she is 39 years old, NEVER been pg and always on birth control. My DH and I decide we want to make a family, so after 6 years we go on and get married and announce we want babies to our friends. All of a sudden she stops taking her birth control?? She never wanted children, she tried convincing MY DH he didn't want them! I hate it for her, but babies (God bless them) do not fix relationships. It pains me to see her, but I have to believe God has a plan for me...he will give me the baby that is meant to make my marriage that much more complete...

OMG this is like my sister in law. I got married right before her, so because of that she refused to go to my wedding or reception. She was pissed that my wedding was before hers. Then I got pregnant before her, and she was so jealous. that during my whole pregnancy she never congratulated me once, she never acknowledged my baby, and to make matters worse my mom had to pressure my brother to force her out of good matters to visit me when my baby was 2 months old. Guess what she did? My husband walked into the room with our newborn baby and she looked to the floor and wouldn't acknowledge my babies presence. Then the bitch got pregnant after me and guess what, she started acknowledging my daughters existence. This lady is so volatile that we never see her anymore, she refused to have any relationship with us, better like that. None of us need crazy volatile people in our lives. My husbands whole side of the family disowned him also, but they too are crazy. They would never accept our relationship or our daughter. So even though it is sad that my daughter will never know these people, at least our life is at peace, away from all of that drama!
I keep checking my email and gazzela app for my lab results and it says in progress probably means they wont let it post til tom? Booo i just want to know. Im having severe pain on my left side very very low. Last time I had this I had a huge thump in my stomach happen and it felt like a huge painful drop and it was the day before expected af. My family doctor couldnt even figure it out. Im so scared of it happening again. Trying to breath and relax. Hopefully ill have af or a positive anwser tomorrow. Either one ill just be thankful for though i really want a positive i know its not in my hands. sorry to rant on and im just clearing my mind atm im getting scared.
Angel and Natasha, big hugs to you girls.

Angel, that had to be so hard to hear... Someone that didn't want her baby and here we are trying so hard for our little ones!? Your lo is coming. You've got a great heart and I'm a firm believer in karma and something great is coming your way... Maybe twins! ;)

Natasha, this cousin of yours makes me so mad. Like I mentioned above, karma always makes its way into our lives. I don't ever wish ill or harm on anyone but I do think that you will be blessed with your rainbow baby soon Hun! :)
I keep checking my email and gazzela app for my lab results and it says in progress probably means they wont let it post til tom? Booo i just want to know. Im having severe pain on my left side very very low. Last time I had this I had a huge thump in my stomach happen and it felt like a huge painful drop and it was the day before expected af. My family doctor couldnt even figure it out. Im so scared of it happening again. Trying to breath and relax. Hopefully ill have af or a positive anwser tomorrow. Either one ill just be thankful for though i really want a positive i know its not in my hands. sorry to rant on and im just clearing my mind atm im getting scared.

I can't wait for you to test tomorrow!!! You're bfp is coming!!! :dance: try to relax and see what happens. Happy thoughts!! Fx!
Amy thanks! Im actually getting my lab work results :) and then.maybe a hpt if its neg.
I keep checking my email and gazzela app for my lab results and it says in progress probably means they wont let it post til tom? Booo i just want to know. Im having severe pain on my left side very very low. Last time I had this I had a huge thump in my stomach happen and it felt like a huge painful drop and it was the day before expected af. My family doctor couldnt even figure it out. Im so scared of it happening again. Trying to breath and relax. Hopefully ill have af or a positive anwser tomorrow. Either one ill just be thankful for though i really want a positive i know its not in my hands. sorry to rant on and im just clearing my mind atm im getting scared.

I feel your anxiety hun!! Keep ranting that is what we are here for.. When all of your rant on here, it doesn't give me stress, anxiety, or bring me down. It helps me to show more compassion to others who are going through all that I have gone through. I use to worry that I was being too negative on here and that I was bringing all of you down. But all of this is a process and ttc can be stressful and there are so many anxieties and worries that we have to deal with. Might as well deal with them together! When I get my bfp the only other people I am gonna tell the news to, besides my hubby and mom, are all of you!! I have already gained a trust with all of you, and feel you ladies understand me more than anybody else in my life!

OMG this is like my sister in law. I got married right before her, so because of that she refused to go to my wedding or reception. She was pissed that my wedding was before hers. Then I got pregnant before her, and she was so jealous. that during my whole pregnancy she never congratulated me once, she never acknowledged my baby, and to make matters worse my mom had to pressure my brother to force her out of good matters to visit me when my baby was 2 months old. Guess what she did? My husband walked into the room with our newborn baby and she looked to the floor and wouldn't acknowledge my babies presence. Then the bitch got pregnant after me and guess what, she started acknowledging my daughters existence. This lady is so volatile that we never see her anymore, she refused to have any relationship with us, better like that. None of us need crazy volatile people in our lives. My husbands whole side of the family disowned him also, but they too are crazy. They would never accept our relationship or our daughter. So even though it is sad that my daughter will never know these people, at least our life is at peace, away from all of that drama!

Aww Jessica, I thought I had a tough go with friends, but never thought what if it was family! Some people are better left to themselves and out of our hair! I would really like to remove her out of my life...instead I am taking the high road out of respect for my DH. I am trying to be happy for her (to her face anyway). It will be interesting watching her narcissistic self getting zero attention after baby comes. I dodged a bullet...she would've been a horrid bump buddy!

Sorry to see you had troubles with your Dr. I'm telling you, you have to be the squeaky wheel to get them to do anything! I don't give and I annoy them with my WebMd or Mayo Clinic findings...thank you Google and Google scholar! Hehe.

Yes be very careful with this woman. None of us need any negativity right now!! Maybe one of these times she will say something stupid or insensitive in front of your DH, so he can see what kind of person she is!! Too bad we all don't live closer together!! We already have so much in common!
Thank you jessica! You are 100% right. :) i love that we are all here for eachother.<3

Bethany :hug: misss you!!!! Come back!!

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