ttc after a d&c

Hey crystal! Haha youll get used to the catching up haha ive been on here and had 8 or 9 pages to read haha! Its wicked though, least we are all ehre for eachother :)

Ahh noooo to your infection :(:( I O on about CD10 or 11 usually , got an 18 day luteal phase! Which some say is good but i think no cos its too long to test lol! I am curently on 7dpo i think negative HPT this morning which was expected i guess, thinking im out this month as i no logner feel pregnant, i dont have any symptoms today, not even a headache or a twinge! :( xx
hi girls sorry ive been missing again ive had a bad couple of days :cry: hubby sat me down the other night said we needed to talk, he's decided he doesnt wanna keep trying for another :cry: to explain it properly i should explain that before we fell pregnant and mc we had already agreed 3 was enough for us and i was happy with that i was on birth control but we still fell pregnant once we'd got used to the idea we were both excited and happy and then obviously everything went pear shaped :cry: im now left feeling like i want another however although he was gutted about the mc he still feels like 3 is enough he said at first he was willing to have another to make me happy and says he still will if its that important to me which obviously it is!!!!! but i dont wanna make him have a baby he doesnt want i thought he had come round to the idea but obviously not :cry: as im sure u can imagine im devastated :cry::cry::cry::cry: i have been nipping on to see how everyones doin and huge congrats Jen hopefully the rest of u wont be far behind Laura and Jen noone deserves it more than u girls!!!!!! i dont really feel like i should post now iykwim but if noone minds i will keep logging on to see how u all are coz u've become important to me over the last few weeks and have helped me through some days i dont think i could have got through without u all xxx

:dust::dust::dust: love you all
Oh babe :( You must keep logging on! WE'd miss you! And we cant still be here for oyu for things other than TTC!! Oh bless i dont even know what to say i understand why you are devastated :( We are all here for you! I mean is it a full stop dont want anymore? I understand him saying he will if it makes you happy but then i understand you saying that you dont want one he doesnt want!!! I just wanna give you a big cuddle:( xxxxxx Lots love xxxxx
i meant we CAN still be here for you oh god ti just re read what i put and it osunded awful saying we cant be there for you ! i meant we CAN xxxx
i meant we CAN still be here for you oh god ti just re read what i put and it osunded awful saying we cant be there for you ! i meant we CAN xxxx

i knew what u ment hun lol thank you im defo gonna keep logging in but maybe not as often as i have been think i need to distance myself from all things baby at the mo just till i stop feeling the huge loss i feel right now its like mcing all over again, yes i think its full stop no more kids :cry: i dunno what to do with myself :shrug:

if anyone wants to keep in touch my name is Dannielle Oxtoby please feel free to add me on fb or inbox me and i'll give u my number if u'd prefer x
Dont take this the wrong way because i mean it with good heart, but, is it not possible that if you did get pregnant he would get excited like he did with this unexpected one? If you know what i mean? Like, even though hes happy with three surely he'd love it and want the baby once he knows its inside you? Like i sya i dont mean that to sound bad on u or your husband but just a thought? xxx
Dont take this the wrong way because i mean it with good heart, but, is it not possible that if you did get pregnant he would get excited like he did with this unexpected one? If you know what i mean? Like, even though hes happy with three surely he'd love it and want the baby once he knows its inside you? Like i sya i dont mean that to sound bad on u or your husband but just a thought? xxx

prob hun but i couldnt do that to him it wouldnt be fair on him or the baby on the off chance he wouldnt be happy iykwim id feel like id lied and tricked him into having a another baby x
Hola! Hope we are all off to a good Wednesday!

Crystal. An infection...I hope you are alright! What CD are you currently on? Fx you come off the antibiotic before O!

Danni. Oh doll I am sorry to hear this. I know your heart aches now, but I'm sure as time passes it will ease up. My DH told me once he didn't like the stress or disappointment I went through ttc...perhaps that is what your DH doesn't want for you as well. You certainly don't have to leave this thread...I know you have amazing insight to offer as a mother and someone who has been in our shoes. I do understand you opting to withdraw if it will be better for your healing...wish I had that hugs button. :hug:
Hola! Hope we are all off to a good Wednesday!

Crystal. An infection...I hope you are alright! What CD are you currently on? Fx you come off the antibiotic before O!

Danni. Oh doll I am sorry to hear this. I know your heart aches now, but I'm sure as time passes it will ease up. My DH told me once he didn't like the stress or disappointment I went through ttc...perhaps that is what your DH doesn't want for you as well. You certainly don't have to leave this thread...I know you have amazing insight to offer as a mother and someone who has been in our shoes. I do understand you opting to withdraw if it will be better for your healing...wish I had that hugs button. :hug:

thanks hun i feel quite torn coz i feel lost without u all everytime i get a spare sec my first thought is to log on im hoping i wont find it to hard but i also dont wanna make this time harder than it already is ive suffered with depression before but not for a few years now and even after my mc's ive managed to be okish but i think thats coz ive had ttc to focus so just worried that i this will drag me back to that place xx
You have to do what feels right to you...depression is a vicious beast that can sneak back up on you, so please please be careful. If it isn't too hard on you, log on here and tell us about your day and/or give us advice. You are valuable, you have 3 beautiful children, you can do this!
hi girls sorry ive been missing again ive had a bad couple of days :cry: hubby sat me down the other night said we needed to talk, he's decided he doesnt wanna keep trying for another :cry: to explain it properly i should explain that before we fell pregnant and mc we had already agreed 3 was enough for us and i was happy with that i was on birth control but we still fell pregnant once we'd got used to the idea we were both excited and happy and then obviously everything went pear shaped :cry: im now left feeling like i want another however although he was gutted about the mc he still feels like 3 is enough he said at first he was willing to have another to make me happy and says he still will if its that important to me which obviously it is!!!!! but i dont wanna make him have a baby he doesnt want i thought he had come round to the idea but obviously not :cry: as im sure u can imagine im devastated :cry::cry::cry::cry: i have been nipping on to see how everyones doin and huge congrats Jen hopefully the rest of u wont be far behind Laura and Jen noone deserves it more than u girls!!!!!! i dont really feel like i should post now iykwim but if noone minds i will keep logging on to see how u all are coz u've become important to me over the last few weeks and have helped me through some days i dont think i could have got through without u all xxx

:dust::dust::dust: love you all

Hi girls!

Crystal, awww man an infection?!?! Im so sorry to hear. I hope it goes away before you O... fx crossed for you!! :flower:

Danni, I am so so so so sorry to hear that dh doesnt want to try anymore. Ofocurse you can still chat with us on here! We would miss you if you left :nope: Is he 110% sure that he doesnt want to try anymore? Maybe he is just afraid of going through this again? I hope that it all works out and Im giving you a BIG BIG hug right now :hugs::hugs::hugs:

I tested this morning, still :bfn:. I think I need to come to terms with the fact this this month is just not my month 11dpo :cry::nope: All the different symptoms I was experiencing must have just been natural PMS symptoms. :cry: AF is due to arrive on friday so now that is what Ill be waiting for.
hi girls sorry ive been missing again ive had a bad couple of days :cry: hubby sat me down the other night said we needed to talk, he's decided he doesnt wanna keep trying for another :cry: to explain it properly i should explain that before we fell pregnant and mc we had already agreed 3 was enough for us and i was happy with that i was on birth control but we still fell pregnant once we'd got used to the idea we were both excited and happy and then obviously everything went pear shaped :cry: im now left feeling like i want another however although he was gutted about the mc he still feels like 3 is enough he said at first he was willing to have another to make me happy and says he still will if its that important to me which obviously it is!!!!! but i dont wanna make him have a baby he doesnt want i thought he had come round to the idea but obviously not :cry: as im sure u can imagine im devastated :cry::cry::cry::cry: i have been nipping on to see how everyones doin and huge congrats Jen hopefully the rest of u wont be far behind Laura and Jen noone deserves it more than u girls!!!!!! i dont really feel like i should post now iykwim but if noone minds i will keep logging on to see how u all are coz u've become important to me over the last few weeks and have helped me through some days i dont think i could have got through without u all xxx

:dust::dust::dust: love you all

Hi girls!

Crystal, awww man an infection?!?! Im so sorry to hear. I hope it goes away before you O... fx crossed for you!! :flower:

Danni, I am so so so so sorry to hear that dh doesnt want to try anymore. Ofocurse you can still chat with us on here! We would miss you if you left :nope: Is he 110% sure that he doesnt want to try anymore? Maybe he is just afraid of going through this again? I hope that it all works out and Im giving you a BIG BIG hug right now :hugs::hugs::hugs:

I tested this morning, still :bfn:. I think I need to come to terms with the fact this this month is just not my month 11dpo :cry::nope: All the different symptoms I was experiencing must have just been natural PMS symptoms. :cry: AF is due to arrive on friday so now that is what Ill be waiting for.

dont give up home till 14dpo hunni u never know x
He will be gone from the 12-29. IF my cycle is back on track and we don't catch the egg on this first go (which I am not counting on), then my next O should be around 29 Oct. I should point this out to him and see if he can come back Friday the 26. I mean who really works on the weekends...surely I'm getting ahead of myself. So much for trying to be romantic, "Honey, you need to come home on the 26th so we can make a baby. Or we need to make a :spermy: deposit before you go!"

lol. Its like they are a sperm bank literally!! Only I am starting to get scared that maybe my husband has a problem with his sperm count?? He has been under so much stress and pressure these last few years. I have no basis to think he has low sperm count, but I am so paranoid that maybe they are damaged. I inspect him to make sure he is wearing nothing too tight in that area, I am even scared for him to take very hot showers. I think I'm going being crazy :wacko:

Jessica...I tend to be protective over DH's area too! I even asked him to NOT put his laptop on his lap anymore! I am now convinced my own trauma (recurrent mc) has caused me to try to control every little thing I can because the one thing I want to control, egg quality, I can't! Your reactions are perfectly normal...may seem crazy to an outsider, but not here!

Natasha...dadgum BFN! Still too soon doll!

Amy how are you holding up? Did you poas today? Edit: just saw your post! It's too soon! Don't give up yet!

Laura, Jen...hope the early symptoms are tolerable!

Bethany, you can ship some beef stroganoff to me here on the East Coast!

He will be gone from the 12-29. IF my cycle is back on track and we don't catch the egg on this first go (which I am not counting on), then my next O should be around 29 Oct. I should point this out to him and see if he can come back Friday the 26. I mean who really works on the weekends...surely I'm getting ahead of myself. So much for trying to be romantic, "Honey, you need to come home on the 26th so we can make a baby. Or we need to make a :spermy: deposit before you go!"

lol. Its like they are a sperm bank literally!! Only I am starting to get scared that maybe my husband has a problem with his sperm count?? He has been under so much stress and pressure these last few years. I have no basis to think he has low sperm count, but I am so paranoid that maybe they are damaged. I inspect him to make sure he is wearing nothing too tight in that area, I am even scared for him to take very hot showers. I think I'm going being crazy :wacko:

Jessica...I tend to be protective over DH's area too! I even asked him to NOT put his laptop on his lap anymore! I am now convinced my own trauma (recurrent mc) has caused me to try to control every little thing I can because the one thing I want to control, egg quality, I can't! Your reactions are perfectly normal...may seem crazy to an outsider, but not here!

Natasha...dadgum BFN! Still too soon doll!

Amy how are you holding up? Did you poas today? Edit: just saw your post! It's too soon! Don't give up yet!

Laura, Jen...hope the early symptoms are tolerable!

Bethany, you can ship some beef stroganoff to me here on the East Coast!


I said the same thing to dh.. .Im like NO LAPTOP ON LAP! I dont care that they they call it a LAPtop.. you go in the office and use that comp! lol

I did poas this morning... I KNEW it was early when I did it earlier this week but I am 11dpo... I would think I would see something or start getting sore boobs or something. Thats whats just making me think that I messed up this cycle :dohh::cry:

How are you doing?
I know this is really random but i want to share my delight..
My hair has been died a different colour ever week since i was 16, if its light, i hate it, if its dark i hate it, if its natural, i hate it more... My natural hair colour is ginger , and it was black.... I didnt want to strip it as my hair is so damaged already i didnt want it to all fall out!
Been n bought that ColourBefore stuff from asda today, and sceptically put it on, its actually really good! I mean, with a few streaks of dark and a quite literal light to dark transition from roots to tips,i look like a tiger, but its realy good and my hair doesnt feel damaged! And im either going to put up with it looking odd for a few months, or get a copper temporary hair dye to put over it to level it out :) I look terrible but at least its easier to grow out and i dont have to worry about roots xxx
im the same, i think im out this month, i have no symptoms at all today , acid reflux gone, nausea gone, twinges in belly gone, nothing. hmmm, well ive invested in a bbt thermometer today so im gonna start using it from tomorrow leading up to period, then start charting properly from my next cycle, currently 7/8dpo and feeling out, no ib no cramps nothing so im debating on whether to actually save the FRER tests, just do one at 14dpo and then save them for thee next month xxx
im the same, i think im out this month, i have no symptoms at all today , acid reflux gone, nausea gone, twinges in belly gone, nothing. hmmm, well ive invested in a bbt thermometer today so im gonna start using it from tomorrow leading up to period, then start charting properly from my next cycle, currently 7/8dpo and feeling out, no ib no cramps nothing so im debating on whether to actually save the FRER tests, just do one at 14dpo and then save them for thee next month xxx

Awww 7/8dpo, You are still WAAAAY early babe! I think you are def still in the running!!! :thumbup: Are you using a opk? I have one but never used it. IF I dont get my bfp by this weekend, then I think I will use it next cycle.

The reason why I am feeling so out is because the 1st time we tired, we got pg o the first try. Granted, we didnt get our bfp until the day af was due and this week she isnt due until friday but I still fear that we wont be so lucky this time :cry:
im the same, i think im out this month, i have no symptoms at all today , acid reflux gone, nausea gone, twinges in belly gone, nothing. hmmm, well ive invested in a bbt thermometer today so im gonna start using it from tomorrow leading up to period, then start charting properly from my next cycle, currently 7/8dpo and feeling out, no ib no cramps nothing so im debating on whether to actually save the FRER tests, just do one at 14dpo and then save them for thee next month xxx

Awww 7/8dpo, You are still WAAAAY early babe! I think you are def still in the running!!! :thumbup: Are you using a opk? I have one but never used it. IF I dont get my bfp by this weekend, then I think I will use it next cycle.

The reason why I am feeling so out is because the 1st time we tired, we got pg o the first try. Granted, we didnt get our bfp until the day af was due and this week she isnt due until friday but I still fear that we wont be so lucky this time :cry:

Aww im sure you still in there! this time tomorrow in my last pregnancy i tested positive i think thats why i think im out cos not even a hint of an evap line on FRERS.
I used opks when my period ended on 13th September, got a positive last monday and tuesday, then a negative tuesday night.. Then been doing them since and just flat out negatives. I ran out two days ago though and havent been doing them cos i reckon i either ovulated early ( last week cd10 ) or ive missed it on an opk or im just not ovulating this month :( xxx

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