It's really sinking in today, feeling so down and confused to what to do now. I guess I sort of knew i'd lost it before the scan, that had just confirmed it. Then yesterday I had Belle off school as she had to go to hospital for an eye test (she needs glasses bless her)
Anyway today on my own again and it's sinking in a bit more. I'm not going to have my baby by christmas as I'd thought. I think I'm feeling down a lot about Poppy as well. I almost breezed through her birthday as 'I was pregnant' so it lightened the whole weekend. So now the sadness from her birthday is hitting me.
I don't know what to do about trying again. Of course they say to wait a cycle but it's purely for dating purposes, so THAT isn't going to stop me. So normally they won't do any tests or anything unless you've had 3 mc, but my bereavement mw says she is going to arrange an appointment with a consultant. But then the lady who carried out the scan said 'ooh you might even be pregnant again by the time you see the consultant' which to me sounds like the appointment won't be for a couple of months, after all they've just said to wait a cycle!
I do want to try again straight away and not wait a cycle, but then what if there IS a reason i've had 2 mc at 6 weeks, there's a problem that's causing them. If I got pregnant again straight away it might happen again at 6 weeks. I'm 39 it's not like I can be breezy about this and wait a few months/several months. Of course the mw is saying 'you're not old we see plenty of women in their 40's having babies'. Yeah maybe but I don't want to be that far into my 40's having babies. I think of the future - when it's 10 I'll be 50, when it's 20 I'll be 60. I can't be adding many more years onto those figures.
They advised me I could start taking aspirin as soon as I fell pregnant again which could help if I have blood clotting problem that can cause mc, but won't hurt if I don't. But I can't help thinking what if it's not that, but it's x,y,z that needs alternative treatment.
I'm thinking of just going to speak to my GP and just sound it out to her, not wanting to go behind my bereavement mw back or anything but I guess just to get a different medical opinion.