TTC after a fullterm stillbirth

No temp rise today- so confused! But I've been sleeping really badly and my timing has been all over the shop so it might be that. Have a really dodgy stomach tonight too! Hate the 2ww! Just focusing on running now.
Finally had a good night's sleep and a huge temp rise- tho I think I OVed on day 16. I was messing with FF and I changed it to work off OPK results instead of temp. Does anyone know how to get it back?
Thumpette - Yay for the temp rise. Hopefully the 2WW goes on soon and you get to the testing soon :happydance:

Charlie - I totally get the going to work part. But, trust me, once the initial period is over, getting into the rhythm of work helps you a bit. I had actually cut short my maternity leave and joined back in March itself(Otherwise I should be joining around this time).

And, right there with you on the due date thing too. That's the main reason we don't want to TTC at least till august. Anyways, we are planning on taking a break from TTC till next year Jan, till Ananya's birthday - I need this time both physically and emotionally.
Sanjan, I have such respect for anyone who is able to be logical about needing the time to grieve and heal and can wait. I think it'll be such a positive thing long term. For me- logic doesn't get much of a say, I just want a baby to bring home so badly I know I'll cope with whatever trying throws up. I'm not one for patience!

Feeling hopeful but trying to keep realistic. 7dpo today. I've just not been feeling myself- I have a constant niggling headache. My stomach is very sensitive. I've been getting mad waves of nausea over the last 2 days (tho haven't been sick) The most exciting one (because it was an early sign with Max) is that I'm burping a fair bit! Took a test this morning and it was neg but I guess it is very early! Trying to be realistic but still feeling a little bit hopeful!
Hi, Great about the symptoms :) its too early to test though. So, keeping everything crossed.

Well, most of the times, logic works, but there are still days when I just want to chuck all the logic out of the window and start trying :haha: Thankfully, things are really busy with me going back to work after long time and we moving to a different house and all,so it helps..
sounds promising thumpette! really hoping you get your bfp soon x
Thanks wildflower. I'm trying to remind myself that my head is probably trying to convince my body of these symptoms cos I want it so much. Trying to not get too hopeful but it's hard x
I know what you mean thumpette - I've had pregnancy symptoms every cycle up to now. I'm not even going to think about symptoms this cycle. How are you getting on? Have you tested anymore?

I'm just waiting for O day, but it seems to be taking forever! It should hopefully be around thursday if I'm on time.
Head totally wrecked! I feel pregnant. The nausea and wind especially. Anyway I had a temp drop today (still not holding much faith in my temps this month because of sleeping so badly) I normally get my drop the day I start my period, so I was worried I'd start today and then not only not be pregnabt but also have too short a luteal phase (today is either 9 or 10 dpo) Anyway went to the loo around 12 hours ago and there was pink in the water and light pink when I wiped. I thought that was the start of AF. We went for a long walk which always gets my flow going but when I wiped after there was barely anything. Been checking all evening- there's an odd bit of pinkish red discharge but when I wiped just now nothing again! I don't think it's AF? Not yet anyway. Could it be an implantation bleed? Technically yes but I'm trying not to hope! Away for a mini break and don't have a test with me! Going to buy a first response one tomorrow when the chemist opens and take it Wednesday morning if no sign of AF by then. I'll either be 11 or 12 dpo by then. Fingers crossed!
It could be implantation bleeding! fingers crossed for you x
Had a temp jump again today- but the bleeding has continued! It's quite red now- which makes me think I'm out but still not as heavy as normal period blood. I took a test this evening and it was bfn. My head is all over the place. Going to take another test in the morning but I'd say the fact I'm still bleeding after 36 hours and it's quite red means I'm out 😟
That sounds really confusing. No wonder your head is all over the place! I don't know why our bodies have to behave so crazy, just at the time we need them to be acting normally. I really hope you can figure out what's going on x

I had a neg opk this morn, was kinda expecting to see a smiley face. I started with ewcm around lunch time, but twice when I've wiped its been streaked with blood? I've never had that before. Freaked me out a bit, but since I've googled it it sounds like a few ladies do get it around ov. I'm just hoping its not a sign I've already O'd, because hubby's been ill and we've not had chance to bd yet.
That sounds weird, it's amazing all the weird symptoms that can happen and be normal but that no-one has heard off. I stopped bleeding for hours earlier but back really heavy this evening so I think my last bit of hope is gone. I hope this us your month wildflower x
Hi guys, things not looking so promising for me. So i'm 5+5 today and as if on cue I get some weird discharge this morning, just the same as when I started the mc at 6 weeks last year. Took it easy today and it seemed to ease but it's got worse again this evening, and hitting my panty liner rather than just when wiping. It's just like a browny discharge rather than bleeding or red. I just knew this would happen. It's Belle's birthday tomorrow and I've got a party to sort out for her on Sunday.

I even spoke to my bereavement mw the other day and she booked a scan for me in a few weeks when I will be 8+6. Don't think I'll get to that!
Hi Nat, I'm really sorry to read things aren't looking good. It's so unfair, you've been through so much already :hugs: How are things this morning? Have you been in touch with the dr or hospital? I really hope they'll book you in for a scan asap. Hang in there till you find out more, it might not be as bad as your fearing x
Hi ladies! Sorry it wasn't your month Thumpette, here's hoping for you next month!

Wildflower, did you get your smiley face??

Natnee, I am so sorry that you think this pregnancy is not progressing. I hope you manage to get a scan soon and that its just funny early tri bleeding and nit another mc xx

Not a whole lot to say on TTC here, we didn't this month, but will next month. I am back at work and it's tough. A few people talk to me about what happened and ask, which I far prefer. Most just behave as if I have been on holiday for a whike! Back to that feeling invisible again. But I only work 2 days a week, so at least I am not full time :)
I'm pretty sure it's gone. It's pretty much just like a period. Passed quite a biggish clot earlier. If still bleeding tomorrow I hopefully will be able to see a registrar and they will also take bloods to check whatever.
Thinking of you Nat :hugs:

How are things with you thumpette?

Hoping things get easier for you at work charlie. And fingers crossed you get a lucky first month ttc. Will you be using opk's or temping or anything?

I never did get my smiley face and now I've run out of opk's. So I don't know if I just missed my surge, or if I haven't even o'd yet. I had the ewcm on weds, so you would think O would have happened by now? It's a bit confusing!
I'm sorry Natnee, did you see the doctor at all?

Wildflower I have opted not to do OPKs or temp, I did with my last 2 pregnancies but not with my daughter. I learnt a lot temping though. Mostly that I O on CD14 and that's when I am most likely to get pregnant. Any later I end up with a really weak O and a short LP. So the plan is BD like crazy around CD14. I can usually tell when I have O'd though. Last month was CD 14 so think my body is back on track now. Are you temping at all?

How are you thumpette?

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