Hey ladies thought id pop in and see how your all doing, ive been non stop

hence the lack of contact. I cant believe how fast time has went by

Daisy - cant believe jordan is 6wks already!!!

glad your all doing well
Mirage - gorgeous bump i cant believe you are so far along
Future - iam right there with you when it comes to having baby brain

id forget my head if it wasnt attached lol
Hopeful and Kgriffin - hope your both well

Sorry if ive missed anyone, that will be an example of baby brain
Afm - the diabetes is getting harder to control now, iam on two lots of tablets and 2 different types on insulin 3xs a day with strict diet

oh how i could kill for a cream cake!!!! i dont even like cream cakes

just because i know iam not allowed them or anything else remotely nice.
They gave me my section date for 12/7/12, but they think i may not last that long so in that case they would "squeeze" me in
Here is a wee pic of my 30wk bump which iam sure is even bigger today