TTC After A Loss... Race for the BFP! - 211 BFP's!!!

Sis - Makes sense! I'm behind you 100%! Off topic, but I really want to go to a beach... Why must yours be covered in oil?

Virginia - You're 1 hour behind me... So, an hour and a half? I wish you the very best. I hope you come back with all good news! :hugs:

Oil is good for getting a nice tan....LOL You don't do beaches anyway!!!
Well- my backyard is not covered in it yet and that's a river- is that good enough? :haha:
GUESS WHO SAW A HEARTBEAT???????????? After spending my entire day off in the hospital I saw my beanies heartbeat! And I didnt get the numbers for my HCG but she said it was nice and high!
:yipee: V im so happy for you sweetie hope you can stop worrying as much now xxxx
virginia thats great news, hopefully you can reduce the stress alittle now.
Thanks guys!!!!!!!! I will post my little picture tonight!
GUESS WHO SAW A HEARTBEAT???????????? After spending my entire day off in the hospital I saw my beanies heartbeat! And I didnt get the numbers for my HCG but she said it was nice and high!

Yay, Virginia!!!!! I bet that felt nice and reassuring :)
Yay VGibs! Can I cautiously add to the good news? I got two faint :bfp: on IC's yesterday and a big fat :bfp: on a frer today with lunchtime pee at 10dpo!

Excited for sure, never thought I would see two lines again and nervous, had really sore boobs since 4dpo and now they are not nearly as sore now. Got tugging in tummy and had a big dip at 4dpo on chart (i implanted early last time too) so do we think it's ok not to presume a chemical? Got no other symptoms. DH says "why don't you just wait a few more days" but it is not so easy is it?! AF due on Sunday so don't add me until next week just to be sure. Bulk bought Frer's on BOGOF in Boots so will be peeing aplenty from now til then!
Sis - Makes sense! I'm behind you 100%! Off topic, but I really want to go to a beach... Why must yours be covered in oil?

Virginia - You're 1 hour behind me... So, an hour and a half? I wish you the very best. I hope you come back with all good news! :hugs:

Oil is good for getting a nice tan....LOL You don't do beaches anyway!!!
Well- my backyard is not covered in it yet and that's a river- is that good enough? :haha:

Haha! I don't usually do beaches... but I have wanted to be near one again lately. Maybe its the Vit D deficiency? LOL Craving sunshine! You let me know when you're available, and I'll seriously make a trip to see you!

GUESS WHO SAW A HEARTBEAT???????????? After spending my entire day off in the hospital I saw my beanies heartbeat! And I didnt get the numbers for my HCG but she said it was nice and high!

That's spectacular! :hugs:

Yay VGibs! Can I cautiously add to the good news? I got two faint :bfp: on IC's yesterday and a big fat :bfp: on a frer today with lunchtime pee at 10dpo!

Excited for sure, never thought I would see two lines again and nervous, had really sore boobs since 4dpo and now they are not nearly as sore now. Got tugging in tummy and had a big dip at 4dpo on chart (i implanted early last time too) so do we think it's ok not to presume a chemical? Got no other symptoms. DH says "why don't you just wait a few more days" but it is not so easy is it?! AF due on Sunday so don't add me until next week just to be sure. Bulk bought Frer's on BOGOF in Boots so will be peeing aplenty from now til then!

Aww! Such a great present after you had said that your due date had finally passed and given you closure! Your little angel sent you a gift! :hugs: CONGRATS!
aw thanks megg, that made me cry! I hope that's true, and I did see a massive rainbow a few days ago and thought of my pea (i saw rainbows all through my last pregnancy). now i sound like crazy rainbow lady though! Hope pea is looking after this little one for us xx
I'm sure Pea is looking after this one... and I imagine giving lots of "grow and be healthy" sorts of advice! You don't sound crazy! I love rainbows! I'm SO happy for you!
I'm in an awful state right now...

So I don't have to explain my evening and why I'm so unhappy... I'm copy/pasting from my blog. Its behind the spoiler tag because its VERY lengthy... but I'm pretty upset at the moment.

My Blog said:
Just because someone doesn't understand WHY I feel the way I feel, doesn't mean that I shouldn't feel that way. This will make more sense shortly... I promise!

So, I have a good friend who I love dearly! He's generally an AMAZING person! He's one of the best friends I've had the honor of knowing, and he loves me to pieces. I need to put that out there... because he DOES mean well. He just doesn't always know what is okay to say and what isn't okay to say!

Yesterday was 6 months since my first loss... and I'm not dealing with it well... at all! He invited me and Kevin over, but I warned him that I was VERY down. He said not to worry about it and come over anyway. So, we went. Now, I tend to crack a few jokes at my own expense to lighten the topic of my shitty luck. But, I do it when I'm in the mood to handle it.

That being said, he asked me why I was down. I explained that it was 6 months since my first loss, Sunday will be 1 month since my 2nd loss, and June 27th is my first due date. So, I'm just not coping well. Its making me extremely depressed at the moment. This is where it all starts to go a bit wrong!

He begins by telling me that he doesn't understand why I want a baby so much anyway. I know he doesn't understand. He doesn't like children... at all. He doesn't know why anyone wants them. I accept that! I don't expect him to understand why.

Then, he continues to ask me if I can be certain that I won't regret having one after the fact. Like, "What if you decide after you've had a baby that it was the wrong decision and you don't want to be a mother after all?" Well, I tried to explain that I used to not want kids... But, once I got a trial run at motherhood with my ex-husband's son, it was 1000 times more rewarding than I could have ever expected, and I was VERY happy with being a mother! We're still doing okay at this point... mostly.

As the evening (err... morning) continued, he got more and more worried about my mental state. He didn't want to leave me by myself. So, he vowed to stay up with me and talk it out. I think this was the major error really.

I dropped my husband off to go to sleep so he could work in the morning, and my friend and I went for a drive. He starts telling me that I'm not putting enough thought into whether or not it could be my husband's fault... basically, male-factor... but without knowing the term for it. I explain that male-factor usually makes it difficult to get pregnant, not to stay pregnant. That there is a slight chance, but its not likely.

Then, I add that my ex-husband has a tendency to get women pregnant by looking at them, and we never so much as had a "scare" in 5 years. That's when he comes out with... "So, in reality, its probable that you won't ever have children." *shakes head in a shocked manner* WHAT?!

I freaked... while I was driving! He notices and says, "No, I mean... You'll have children... But you probably won't ever get pregnant!" Oh... That's MUCH better? I said... "Uhm... Getting pregnant is sort of how having children works, ya know?" Did I mention that he's gay? Because he is... and thinking of girls having "girl parts" kind of freaks him out... I feel its important to mention that!

Anyway... He tried to back peddle... because I'm CRYING while driving! He eventually says that he just meant it might not happen without some sort of treatment... IVF or something. That is somewhat acceptable... I guess. But, only sort of.

Did I mention that he was questioning me earlier in the night about why I don't just adopt? Because, that came up! I tried to explain that its not so easy.

But, its seriously done my head in. No one has ever told me that its probable that I will never have children or probably won't get pregnant! That's... awful. And, I honestly don't believe that he knew it was awful. But, it doesn't hurt any less, now does it?

Anyway... I took my first Provera pill yesterday... I should be bleeding by June 24. So, I'll still be bleeding on my first due date. That's about as depressing as possible! But, its a necessary evil... I suppose!

I can't honestly say that I'm not more pessimistic than ever right now. Hearing those words... even if they weren't necessarily true... THEY FUCKING HURT! And, to hear them from someone I love... That's the hard part. I feel enough like he might be right when he's NOT saying it.... But, hearing it just made it 1,000,000 times more awful!

I guess that's all for tonight... Enough whining from me!

Any psychics reading? Anyone who can tell me that he's wrong with 100% accuracy? Anyone who tells me that I'll have a baby of my own VERY SOON... because they KNOW rather than because its the nice thing to say? I'll take just about anything right now. I'm desperate!
Wahey! Nice one V!!

congrats on all the new bfps!

i know I said this before but so sorry Lizzie...

Amos my chickadee... I am waiting til July/August too... we can wait and annoy everyone with our impatience together! LOL

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