Wantababybump, Starsunshine and Wanabamummy.........CONGRATULATIONS!!!
What does that make our count? Does anyone know?
Lawa and Selina, its not over yet guys, you never know.
Puppymom32(Amy) This was happening to me and I'll tell you what I did. I found a thread on here talking about vit b and luteal phase defect. We had been ttc for over 15-16 mos with NO luck (I know its not as long as you but I'm going somewhere with this) I went out and bought a bottle of B100 complex slow release pills from walmart and started taking them on cd6 ( just because thats the day I found the thread) I got my bfp that month (it ended early but gave me hope, at least I knew I could even get pregnant) After my mc I started back on them again and guess what....BFP! It might be a coincidence, it might not but its suppose to make your luteal phase longer if by chance you happen to be low on progesterone and have a luteal phase defect. Some women actually have their egg fertilized but because of low progesterone or a LP defect the egg neverhas time to implant as you shed your lining before it does. Sorry this was SO long and I'm not a Dr. just thought I would share with you a little of what I have learned and experienced.