TTC After A Loss... Race for the BFP! - 211 BFP's!!!

I am seriously digging my chart... Less than a week til I'll know!

Welcome to the newbies, sorry as ever for your loss. Loren, try not to beat yourself up honey, how far along were you? xx

thank u tulip, i was only 6weeks which i'm glad about dnt no what ad av dun iv i was any further!!!!!xxxx
congratualtions wantababybump :) H&H preg huni xxxxx
Congratulations Dimbo!!!! Yay!! I'm so excited every time another one of us gets their BFP, its a beautiful thing. Deb I read somewhere that if you have blood-tinged ewcm it means you are very fertile, hope that helps ;). Dimbo that's so wierd I also noticed I had this wierd urge to lay on my stomach

Ooh that is weird. It's a very random symptom, if you can call it that. One I've never heard of before and only really noticed it because I always fall asleep on my right side. But not any more! :D
Congrats on the newest BFP's! Happy and healthy 9 months to you all!! X
Yay, congratulations to the newly-preggos! Wishing you a joyful 9 months xxx
The laying on your stomach is not a weird preggo symptom!!! :haha: I get it everytime I get up the duff, latley that seems to be alot! :rofl: I never sleep on my stomach unless Im pregnant or totally pissed and dont know what Im doing!:haha:
Congrats to Dimbo and wantababybump. So pleased the numbers are going back up now :)
Yeay to starsunshine! Fab news hunny! x x x x x

Oh and p.s - I sleep on my tummy every night so I wouldn't ever notice if that was a symptom for me. I've only been pregnant the one time and my early preggo symptoms was feeling really hungry and strange headaches!

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