OMG girls....I don't know what to think. It is 6 weeks after my ectopic surgery and I have not had a visit from just to put it out of my mind, I took a test and it's positive......could this just be residual hcg from my last pregnancy? Wouldn't that mean there was still something left in my tube if that were the case??? I know that can't be it because surely after all this time if there was something left I would be having some sort of complication?? I am so scared to get excited......WHAT DO I DO???
That's crap! You be wrapped up in your own stuff for a second, gorgeous!!!
OMG! It can't possibly be from the last pregnancy, Sis! It just CAN'T!!! And you had those follies ready to go! You KNOW you timed it right! OMG! OMG! OMG! I'm freaking shaking!!! PICS OF THE TEST, DAMMIT!
That is NOT blurry... and it CANNOT be left over! OMG! I'm resisting the urge to call you and make a high pitched "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!" into the phone out of sheer freaking joy! That is SO dark!!!
Wait... WTH are you that you took a pregnancy test if you're not home?
How on earth could it be? I don't think its possible! I just don't!!! OMG! It can't be, right? 6 weeks after surgery? No way! Right?!?! It can't be! It has to be new! OMG! OMG!
HAHAHA....I am at my Mom's waiting to go to hubby's softball game. And I just took one so I would quit thinking that I could be pregnant! My problem is I never took tests to see if it ever got down to a negative. DAMMIT!!! Why didn't I do that this time??????
Okay... Important stuff! When did they see the follies? How many DPO are you? We need to get this figured out! We could be at really similar gestations! I'm going to have to look through this entire thread to figure it out! Jeez! xx
Edit: That was easy! March 10th! So, let's say you're about 12dpo? Probably? Hmm... I'm 17dpo! That would be okay with me!
Ok- here's the dealio. I went to the fertility doc on March 10. They took all my bloodwork and did an ultrasound. All she said was there was a follie. Didn't tell me what size or anything just said one was there. Hubby and I didnt do the horizontal mambo the rest of that week due to that infection I had. They did say though that my hormone level was high but that could have been due to me being at ovulation....Does that sound right???
Hmmm... So, when do you think you might have O'd then? I didn't realize they didn't give you a size of the follie... so no way to know how close to popping it was! OMG! I need more info! LOL
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