TTC After D&C/D&E Buddies

Filipenko32- I had my d&e on august 19, i was almost 18wks. I O'd sept 8 and got af sept 20. I O'd late this cycle on day 23/24 and got my BFP yesterday at 8 dpo.

So sorry you had a late loss that must have been very difficult.

I really hope everything goes well for you this time, i've got a good feeling it will x:flower:

Thank you sweetheart, i see you've had 3 m/c, i'm so sorry. Have you had any testing done to see if there's anything going on?
Jenna-have you started your soy yet? Do you take it all cycle or only until O?

Twinkie-How are you doing? You almost to O?

I miss janetplanet, i really hope she's doing ok
I found this and thought i was interesting, just wanted to share

Herb "Recipe" for Fertility

The following are some of the herbs best known for regulating the female cycle. Since we are all different it is impossible to write a one-fits-all herb recipe. Each herb has a specific function, and what helps one may harm another. This list is intended as preliminary information to help you as you begin to investigate herbal remedies.
Please do not begin taking herbs until you have read quite a bit about
them, and then take only those that are best suited to your individual needs, or better yet, consult a Naturopathic Doctor. Amounts have been intentionally removed from this list. Only a doctor's prescription or some in-depth research can tell you how much of which herb is right for you.

Day 1 (first day of bleeding) - Day 5 of cycle
No herbs, gives body a chance to naturally use herbs that have already been taken, and gives your body a break from herbs.

Day 6 until Ovulation
Dong Quai (hormone regulator, blood thinner)
Red Raspberry Leaf (uterine tonic, hormone regulator)
Vitex (Chasteberry) (uterine tonic, hormone regulator)

Ovulation - End of cycle/first day of bleeding
Vitex (Chasteberry)
Wild Yam (promotes production of progesterone in second half of the cycle. Also known as a contraceptive. Should not be taken before ovulation, as it may delay or prevent ovulation.)

More Information on Specific Herbs

Chaste Tree Berry (Chasteberry, Vitex)
Chasteberry has the effect of stimulating and normalizing pituitary
gland functions, especially its progesterone function. It may be called
an amphoteric remedy, as it can produce apparently opposite effects
though in truth it is simply normalizing. It has for instance a
reputation as both an aphrodisiac and as an anaphrodisiac! It will
usually enable what is appropriate to occur. The greatest use of
Chasteberry lies in normalizing the activity of female sex hormones
and it is thus indicated for dysmenorrhoea, premenstrual stress and
other disorders related to hormone function. It is especially beneficial
during menopausal changes. In a similar way it may be used to aid
the body to regain a natural balance after the use of the birth
control pill. Because it is not recommended for pregnancy, many
women stop taking it when they ovulate. However, because it can
increase progesterone and extend the luteal phase, some women
begin taking it when they ovulate. It may suppress ovulation in some

Dong Quai

This is the BEST female herb as far as I'm concerned. Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis root) is the noted Chinese herb that is used as a blood tonic. It contains micronutrients known for their blood building properties (iron, vitamin B12, and vitamin E). Dong Quai balances estrogen in the body, and is traditionally used in China to regulate the menstrual cycle. Dong Quai is also a blood thinner, and for this reason it should not be taken DURING menstruation. It may be helpful in improving the chances of implantation for women who have auto-immune problems, but should not be taken if you are already taking "baby" aspirin to reduce blood clotting.

Evening Primrose Oil
A fatty acid that helps to increase thyroid function in women who are
mildly hypothyroid. Hypothyroidism can cause annovulation and
miscarriage. It is also used to improve cervical mucus and increase
estrogen. But because it may thin the uterine lining, making implantation more difficult, many take it only prior to ovulation.

False Unicorn Root or Helonias Root
In my experience, this one is hard to find in stores and must be order from the internet
Used for amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, endometriosis, hormonal imbalance (balancing effect), infertility, morning sickness, ovarian cysts, spermatorrhea, threatened miscarraige, uterine prolapse. It is a tonic for the reproductive organs, expecially beneficial as an aid to getting pregnant and staying pregnant, has a normalizing effect upon the ovaries. Used in infertility caused by dysfunction in follicular formation in the ovary. Eases ovarian pain and vaginal dryness. Some specialists warn not to take this herb unless you want to get pregnant! Follow directions: Taking too much may cause hot flashes, kidney and stomach irritation, blurred vision or vomiting.

Red Raspberry Leaf
Raspberry leaf has a long tradition of use in late pregnancy to
strengthen and tone the tissue of the uterus, assisting contractions
and checking any hemorrhage during labor. As an astringent it may
be used in a wide range of cases, including diarrhea, leukhorroea and
other loose conditions. It is valuable in the easing of mouth problems
such as mouth ulcers, bleeding gums and inflammations. As a gargle it
will help sore throats. Raspberry is also very rich in iron and calcium.
As for the Red Raspberry leaf tea, it is not recommended until after
the third month and then it is only a cup a day. It is not until your third trimester that you can take up to 3 cups a day.

Wild Yam
Wild Yam can increase progesterone production. This can increase
progesterone production for those with short luteal phases but should
only be taken AFTER ovulation. If taken before it can actually
prevent ovulation.

Remember, be sure to consult an herbalist/midwife/doctor before using any herbs (midwives will probably be more open to the idea of using herbs than a standard OB-GYN) and research as much as you can.

Good Luck!
Aunie, I started taking my soy on cd 3 and am taking my last dosage today. Your only supposed to take it for 5 days anything more and it's not good for your cycle. I am on cd 7 today and after taking the soy u are supposed to O 5-10 days later so we will see. I am feeling a little more hopeful about this cycle nit sure if it's just from taking the soy or what's going on.

I really hope you are all doing good! This thread is so quiet lately lol.
Well I just took my first dose of progesterone about half an hour ago and I am feeling the side effects. It can make you dizzy and drowsy... I probably shouldn't have taken it at work, but I figured first thing in the morning would be the best time to take it...

How is everyone else doing?
Hey everyone,

I just had a D&C last friday. I have been diagnosed with PCOS. During my pregnancy, I was taking Prometrium (Progesterone) and baby aspirin, both once daily. My ob-gyn said should help with preventing miscarriages. Unfortunately, at 7 weeks, my baby was determined a missed miscarriage.

How soon can I try again?

Hopeful and keeping faith...
Hi Vanessa, sorry about your mc. I have heard that metaformin is helpful if you have PCOS. Also after 1 mc it is really unlikely it would happen again or is this your second miscarriage? You can try again straight away but docs recommend waiting one period x
Well ladies, I am on a yam adventure! I thought yam was good for you and 'superovulation' if you want twins so I am going with that and not the link above!! Anyway my 2kg of yam arrived today along with all my ic's and home health orders (but not in the same box) so I was a very happy lady this morning. Debzie I hope yours came too. Well these yams are huge!! Half an hour later I had one of them peeled, washed and sliced, then I got onto You Tube to see how to cook them. I boiled them for 20 minutes and added salt. They're not tooooooo bad. Taste a bit like a more fibrous potato! I had these with my 8 varieties of green vegetables and fish and felt super healthy. Watch this space for yam twins! :baby: :baby: x
Hey everyone,

I just had a D&C last friday. I have been diagnosed with PCOS. During my pregnancy, I was taking Prometrium (Progesterone) and baby aspirin, both once daily. My ob-gyn said should help with preventing miscarriages. Unfortunately, at 7 weeks, my baby was determined a missed miscarriage.

How soon can I try again?

Hopeful and keeping faith...

So sorry for your loss!:hugs: I took prometrium before my last pregnancy was determined to be nonviable @ 7 weeks. I took it twice daily though! This time I am only taking 200mg once a day (until CD35). My Dr. recommended waiting one cycle before TTC after my D&C, to give my my body a chance to heal from the surgery. But I was cleared to start trying again after that. My first cycle TTCAL was a BFN, but I am hopefull for #2! This has been a long journey so far, but I am sure I will get that BFP again!
Well ladies, I am on a yam adventure! I thought yam was good for you and 'superovulation' if you want twins so I am going with that and not the link above!! Anyway my 2kg of yam arrived today along with all my ic's and home health orders (but not in the same box) so I was a very happy lady this morning. Debzie I hope yours came too. Well these yams are huge!! Half an hour later I had one of them peeled, washed and sliced, then I got onto You Tube to see how to cook them. I boiled them for 20 minutes and added salt. They're not tooooooo bad. Taste a bit like a more fibrous potato! I had these with my 8 varieties of green vegetables and fish and felt super healthy. Watch this space for yam twins! :baby: :baby: x

I don't think I could eat that many yams LOL! Good luck! I think I will leave it up to mother nature, and if I am meant to have one at a time then, that is fine with me. Hope you get your two little beans!
Hi Vanessa, sorry about your mc. I have heard that metaformin is helpful if you have PCOS. Also after 1 mc it is really unlikely it would happen again or is this your second miscarriage? You can try again straight away but docs recommend waiting one period x

Thank you.. This is my 4th miscarriage, my 2nd one this year. I heard of Metaformin, and I will ask my ob/gyn when i see her.

Some doctors say that PCOS doesn't trigger miscarriages. However, PCOS does imbalance your hormones which are much needed for a healthy and viable pregnancy.

I will be doing some testing for my hormones and see what needs to be done.
Hey everyone,

I just had a D&C last friday. I have been diagnosed with PCOS. During my pregnancy, I was taking Prometrium (Progesterone) and baby aspirin, both once daily. My ob-gyn said should help with preventing miscarriages. Unfortunately, at 7 weeks, my baby was determined a missed miscarriage.

How soon can I try again?

Hopeful and keeping faith...

So sorry for your loss!:hugs: I took prometrium before my last pregnancy was determined to be nonviable @ 7 weeks. I took it twice daily though! This time I am only taking 200mg once a day (until CD35). My Dr. recommended waiting one cycle before TTC after my D&C, to give my my body a chance to heal from the surgery. But I was cleared to start trying again after that. My first cycle TTCAL was a BFN, but I am hopefull for #2! This has been a long journey so far, but I am sure I will get that BFP again!

Thank you so much. I will speak to my ob/gyn regarding a higher dosage of progesterone or taking it twice rather than once a day. I think i will wait one cycle before I start trying again. I can't wait to see the specialist so I can get these tests going!!
Hey everyone,

I just had a D&C last friday. I have been diagnosed with PCOS. During my pregnancy, I was taking Prometrium (Progesterone) and baby aspirin, both once daily. My ob-gyn said should help with preventing miscarriages. Unfortunately, at 7 weeks, my baby was determined a missed miscarriage.

How soon can I try again?

Hopeful and keeping faith...

So sorry for your loss!:hugs: I took prometrium before my last pregnancy was determined to be nonviable @ 7 weeks. I took it twice daily though! This time I am only taking 200mg once a day (until CD35). My Dr. recommended waiting one cycle before TTC after my D&C, to give my my body a chance to heal from the surgery. But I was cleared to start trying again after that. My first cycle TTCAL was a BFN, but I am hopefull for #2! This has been a long journey so far, but I am sure I will get that BFP again!

Thank you so much. I will speak to my ob/gyn regarding a higher dosage of progesterone or taking it twice rather than once a day. I think i will wait one cycle before I start trying again. I can't wait to see the specialist so I can get these tests going!!

Do you know what your progesterone levels were? Mine were only 6.8 at 19dpo, which I think is why I prescribed 400mg (200mg twice a day). Before my BFP I am only taking 200mg once a day, but I don't know if he will up it if I get another BFP. I really didn't want to wait once cycle, but DH was insistent that we should follow what my Dr. said. I am glad in the end that I did. I couldn't have lived with myself if I got a BFP that first cycle and had another MC.
vanessa - sorry you have had to suffer through so many mc's :hugs:. Did you have your son in between these? It just doesn't seem right that any woman should go through any mc ever! What's the point!!? Re PCOS i'm no expert but as I understood it, it was more difficult to get pregnant in the 1st place depending on the severity rather than it caused mc's? In this book i'm reading it says that up to 4 mc's can still be bad luck then after 5 they start pointing the finger at your body so to speak. It's called Coming to Term
Wooo Hooo! I just got my :) on my digital OPK. I hope I really O! If I do this will be the earliest I will have ever O'd!!! Hopefully this is a good sign!
YAY TWINKIE!!! Get at it babe! Are you gonna use pre-seed or do anything different?
I am trying to decide if I should use preseed tonight or not. DH didn't like it the last time I used it, and I seem to have EWCM the last couple days, but I might just use a little and see if he minds that (he said it makes it too wet feeling). I started taking prenatals with DHA in them and I am taking progesterone supplements this cycle, other than that everything else is the same.
Sounds like you're all set then, i have a good feeling for you this cycle!
Sounds like you're all set then, i have a good feeling for you this cycle!

Thanks! I had a good feeling last cycle, but that didn't work out. So I am going to try to just relax and see what happens.

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