MJ and Ginger if you're lucky it'll go away around the end of first tri... if you're me... the worst of it was gone around 20-22 weeks but I still have days even now where it pops up again!
Finally am flu free but still not 100% better, just waiting for my sinuses to completely clear up, nearly there.
Yay for little bean doing great! and Ginger can't wait to hear about your scan!
Bright how goes things with you?
I'm tired and sore these days, the comforts of second tri are getting behind me and I'm feeling the discomforts of third tri. Sucks that I spent the last month of second tri being sick. Otherwise things are ok, I have another scan coming up but due to complications with there not being an u/s tech at the hospital near me at the moment I'm not sure when it will be... they are flying a tech in for a weekend to help get some done and the hospital thinks that I should be on that list because I am pregnant so if thats the case it'll be between the 20-23 of this month. Won't know for sure till sometime next week though. I hope they put me in! I'd like a little reassurance that all is well with babe still.