TTC After Depo Shot

I am 16dpo... and still no sign on AF. I had some weird pinkish cm on 14 and 15dpo and now its turned into more of a yellowish cm. I took a test yesterday morning and it was a :bfn: so idk whats going on

Fx'd for you amy :dust: :dust:
It aint over tilll the :witch: starts singing hun. Everything is looking good so far xxxx
Hi there! (wish I'm found this thread sooner!)
I had my first, and only, depo shot in Nov 08 after having a ruptured eptopic and having a tube removed. My bf (who is now my hubby (yay!) ) told me not to get the shot, but I was a total emotional wreck, thought I didnt want anymore children ever after that experience, and wanted to do anything I could to stop that happening again. Well obviously, that was my reaction to the shock of it all, and a few weeks after having the shot I really wished I hadn't. Thought, nevermind, just won't have any more shots.
Well, here I am, still ttc.
Had so many blood tests, GP says I am not ovulating and am in the process of being reviewed for some kind of help to get pregnant. Not sure what this is likely to be for certain, clomid??!
Periods are all over the place, sometimes 7 days apart, sometimes 32. Sometimes bleed for 7 days, sometimes for 2. So frustrating!
And all along I don't know if this is because of the depo, or only having one tube?!
If anyone has any insight, or just anything really to say, please don't hold back!
Many thanks
:dust: to all
fingers and toes crossed for you amy and jax - Would love to start the new year with some BFPs for the depo girls :thumbup:

Welcome Newbie, this is a very supportive thread of sharing the crap experiences of coming off of depo and celebrating getting the evil drug out of our system hope your stay is short and sweet :hugs:

Kayleigh Lou looking forward to finding out what your new tests have to say when they arrive

:dust: to everyone
Okay, :bfn:

And a line on the opks thats the same sorta darkness as the rest. As its not getting any darker i dont think its pregnancy just remaining hormone from ovulating. Shame really coz i could really do with a pick me up. Starting to get to me now as its coming round to my yr date that i m/c.

And im moving away from my home town so i really wanted to tell ppl b4 i left.

Oh well....

Hey newbie, sorry to hear another victim to the dreaded depo is suffering!! Id love to sue there arses... Hope clomid helps you out. Im not entitled to that yet but ive heard lots of positive stories come from it. Keeping fingers crossed for you xx
AF finally got me! Im not too down about it because i didnt think that i was preggo's and i just wanted her to come so that we could start trying this cycle. But atleast i had more of a normal cycle .. 32 days.
af got me girls, I am trying one more month on the CLOMID then going private, this TTC larke is getting me really down damm you depo.

gud luck to the rest of you this month. xxx
So sorry AF got you hun :hugs:

Hopefully the clomid with work for you this month

:dust: :dust:
Wow! Everyone's stories are so much alike!
Here's Mine===
I was on depo for 5 years when I decided to stop. I was supposed to have my last shot Feb 09 but I didn't get it - so my last shot was Nov 08. Soon after my shot ran out - I felt like I had all kinds of preg symptoms. Bloating, sore breasts, nausea, headaches and fatigue. I saw my Dr in Feb 09 and just let him know that I wanted to ttc. He said come back in 6 months if AF isn't back yet. In August 09, my Dr put me on provera to try to trigger AF. When that didn't work, he sent me for an ultrasound. The ultrasound determined that the depo had really prevented a lining from building in my uterus - which is why the provera didn't work. The doctor then prescribed me birth control pills for 3 months to jump start AF. I took them for one month and got AF back. She's been coming every month on time 28 day cycle. I used OPKs this cycle but I didnt have a surge. My Dr said that I need to chart next cycle and then he'll send me to a fertility specialist. Depo provera was great when I needed it but the after effects are aweful.
Redros3~ So sorry to here you were on the evil depo. But so glad that your AF has come back. If you cant get into a fertility specialist for a while maybe you could try taking Soy Isoflavones. They are like natures clomid and you take them the same way that you would take clomid. It is supposed to help you ovulate and/or help you ovulate sooner if you are O'ing late in your cycle.

Well update on me.. i am on CD6 on my last day of taking Soy. Fx'd that i will ovulate in 5-7 days! Me and OH better get busy!! :rofl: If you look at my chart it seems that they soy is really helping my temps. My temps this cycle pre-O are what my post-O temps have been for the past 4 cycles. So i'm not trying to get my hopes up buy i feel good about this cycle!

Kayleigh~ Have you tested?! or has the Ugly witch shown her face? :hugs: :hugs: Fx'd for you!

Newbie~ Maybe look into the Soy as well since your GP says you arent ovulating. I feel that it has helped me alot. Last cycle with soy O'd on CD16 and got to 16dpo which never happens my 2 cycles before that i got to 9dpo and the one after that only 4dpo!!

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: for everyone!
Major cramps as in im bent over. And :witch: showed up this morning. I dont understand. i had faint lines and everything. Im getting so fed up i want to scream. All my pma has gone. I just dont feel like this is ever going to work.

I feel selfish coz ive only been trying since august, there's millions of women out there who cant conceive and im moaning. :(

God this is hard......
i know exactly how you feel honey :hugs: :hugs: As you know we have only been trying since August too, and it feels like forever. I thought i had renewed PMA this cycle but oh boy was I wrong. I feel like im broken or something. So sorry that the witch got you :hugs: :hugs: Are you going to try anything different this cycle?
I cant really do anything new this cycle. Hubby said i could use opks for one month and if it didnt work he'd rather we just did it 'naturally'. I really dont want to say im throwing the towel in but i just cant be bothered any more. Okay maybe bothered isnt the word im looking for, BUt Depo has made my life a complete misery. Having a baby is supposed to be special, enjoyable. This time round im always stressed.

Im moving next weekend to a larger property and when i got my 'line' althou premature i started looking at nursery stuff. God how naive am i!?

Why is it men are always like...dont worry theres always next month. Well how many months can they take, coz im at breaking point!!! I think it doesnt help that i dont talk to anyone about this apart from b'n'b coz no one knows were trying again so when something bad happens i cant say anything and i just explode on here
I know how you feel Lou.

I've been ttc for 2 years now. And I thought this month was my month and AF came 2 days late. I wish there was a lawsuit for the depo. I would have to see a RE in March. So she can do some test on me. To see what's going on.
Could they have not done anything sooner for you diaper butt. 2 years is a long time hun!! And i totally agree about the law suit. In a way theyre stupid because they give you depo knowing it could cause problems. Which in turn is costing them more money in infertility drugs later on???? (applies to the NHS).
Although its still a few month away you must feel a glimmer of hope at your appointment. Atleast you'l know for defo what your body is and isnt doing and hopefully they cant get it sorted for you xxxxx

Im in a bit of a better mood today. I bled yesterday morning and nothing since. But the pain last night was unbearable. From my hip down it felt like someone was digging a fork into my leg and womb. Just my left side tho. Which is abit weird. Seems to have eased but i still have a dull ache.
Could they have not done anything sooner for you diaper butt. 2 years is a long time hun!! And i totally agree about the law suit. In a way theyre stupid because they give you depo knowing it could cause problems. Which in turn is costing them more money in infertility drugs later on???? (applies to the NHS).
Although its still a few month away you must feel a glimmer of hope at your appointment. Atleast you'l know for defo what your body is and isnt doing and hopefully they cant get it sorted for you xxxxx

Im in a bit of a better mood today. I bled yesterday morning and nothing since. But the pain last night was unbearable. From my hip down it felt like someone was digging a fork into my leg and womb. Just my left side tho. Which is abit weird. Seems to have eased but i still have a dull ache.

Kayleigh Lou,

They could of done something sooner. But they didn't because they felt that it was the normal thing. You can't complain to them about the depo shot because they get a defense because they seem like they want to feel that the depo is good and effect BC method. I've tried to get online to search to who i can go for this, and people couldn't help me. Now I'm slow this morning what do(NHS) stands for?

Yes my RE apointment is in a couple of months. But she is seeing me for non-fertility issues. If I ever wanted to see her for infertility then i would have to pay it out of my pocket because my insurance doesn't cover infertility test or apointments/treatments.

I'm glad you are getting better. Tonight AF is ending and then i get this bad stabbing pain on my left side from the cervix up on the left side of my womb. I don't like it..OB told me that i have a cyst on my right ovary that she doesn't see a reason to get concern..But she is concern with my lining being to thick then normal. I wish i never took that shot!

And i guess my journal isn't interesting to people because only one person came in there to reply!

Sorry. I didn't get enough sleep. So if my grammer or my reply doesn't make sense then i'm sorry!
just thought id let you know that conceiving after the depo is possible ive been off depo 5 months and have managed to conceive with irregular periods after that stupid jab. Hang in ther girls it is possible!!
Emz -- What was your irregular AF like? how long did you take depo for?
hi to all can i join your thread pls as im ttc after having the depo i had my last jab back at the begining of june 09 and ive yet to get my bfp i was having the jab every 9 wks and i didnt have a af on it at all i only got spotting a fewd days before it was due, i had been on it since my son was born in 2006 and i dieced to come off it after me and my dh talked about having another one together as this will be our last child together as i have a 10yr daughter not by my dh and he also has a 10yr daughter not mine and then we have our 3 yr old son together, i havent realy had any problems being on the depo as i did have it after i had my daughter and came of it 7mths before i fell pg with my son back then i had my periods straight away but i was also on the pill i fell pg within a few mths of meeting my dh but it ended in mc but i fell straight away with my son and also it didnt take me long either to fall with my daughter after having it when i was 16 about 8mths
since coming off it this time i have had an af every month, last about 4-5days each and the been coming about every 26-28 days , i had to go tot hte doctrs the other day about me ttc as im diabetic and im insulin dependent about getting more folic acid, and she told me that back in oct 08 when i was rushed in with bad stomach pains that i was diagnosed with cysts in my fallipon tubes which i had always thought i had them on my ovarives as when my af comes i get ready bad cramping just on the left hand side where the problem was,
i do agree with all that everyone has said about it beening baned as they dont tell you much about it when they sugguest having it i was 16 when they put me on it not knowing much about it i said yes now being 30 i wudnt have it if it was the last thing on earth but all we can do is to keep trying and supporting each other through the trying times after having the depo we and all help with the ups and downs of the emotions that the depo has put us through sorry to go on thanks donnaxxx:thumbup:
My cousin how is a certified midwife and nurse practitioner never ever suggests Depo because of our problems. She said it is not very safe to take and that they should really get rid of it. I just hate these doctors that dont listen to you because wait 1 year is the norm. Well 1 year should NOT be the norm!

Welcome Dottie!!! So glad to have you in our group but so sad you have to be here with us. :hugs: :hugs:

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