I've been told to give him bottles tonight and see how I feel tomorrow but Brooklyn had my blood in his sick earlier they really are that bad so I'm pretty devastated I've failed

You've not failed its pretty hard going to start with . On another thread I'm on all the ladies were having the same problem .
The other option, for now, is to express. This will help the sores heal, will keep your milk supply going and you'll know how much he's having,
They will heal but I do know exactly how you are feeling right now. Whenever possible, once I'd put cream on I wouldn't put my bra back on so the air could get to then.
As I said as well, pure lavender oil. If you lay tummy down and make sure your boobs are well covered with the water, then smother with crew when you get out.
Hang in there sweetie, it wil get better, but those first few days are hard. If you remember I was a blubbering mess, being pregnant is so much easier.
Caitlin took a while to settle last night, she was shuffling and snuffling until about 11, but only just woke at 5.30sm!