Becks those first few days are very hard. Look back on my posts she caitlin first arrived, same as you I had very sore nipples and was a hormonal wreck, but the hormones have settled down now, only the occasional hormonal episode now. The bf did get easier.
We are put under pressure to bf and we want so badly to do it, but a large number of ladies struggle, whilst I was in hosp there were two first time moms really struggling.
I had problems bf my first, when he was 10 days old he was back in hosp due to weight loss, plus he used to cry/scream all the time. They wanted to do tests on him, but whilst there they gave us a bottle of SMA and be wolfed it down. Poor little might was starving!
Even though the bf obviously wasn't working there was still pressure for me to continue.
We moved to formula with a little bit of bf. I used to express and all I'd get would be 25ml!
My eldest hasn't suffered from not being bf fully, he is a fabulous young man, has always been healthy and clever as he has just started at a Grammer school, so bf is not the be all and end all.
As mothers we want to do it, but if it isn't working its much better for you and Brooklyn to move to bottles
As Karen mentioned I think. Breast milk rubbed onto your nipples is good.
For you at the moment, expressing would be a good way to go, Brooklyn would still get your milk, it would keep your supply going and help your nipples mend.