Creative. I cannot believe you are there .... Two of my babies came at this point in pregnancy, my advice to you is just be prepared.
Driving I haven't met you .... but congrats x x
Josie - watching the temps is a pita... I understand. But please do not give up.... I just had the most unexpected surprise yet my charts are not adding up either. CD 38 today and all good.
Garfie .... The talk .. That's just DH is trying to protect you from all the hurt and pain honey, I would not rush to an appointment though, if you feel that way tell him one last shot. I had to hide a few of my wobbles moments from DH as I'm afraid he would feel that way too and I am not ready to give up.
Becks, I am sorry. Those stopping bf hormones will make you cry a whole lot. But you know you did great, and you persevered, a lesser person would just give up on day 1. Brooklyn is lovely.
Lisa - Caitlin is cute, the smiles are gorgeous and huge at that stage.
Left wondering.... Gross strain is incredably painful, DH has had it ... Don't want to scare you but it takes a while to heal,this is normal though. He can't lift his leg yet if he puts his hand under it it moves without pain. Very strange.. Hugs x
Crystal - how are you?
Me...... Well I have news ... my chart is all over the place, actually my temps are worrying low this week but I am hoping it's just the change in the weather. Initially I thought I ovulated in cd14 then my tests went negative by Cd30 so I figured I wasn't pregnant and stopped testing.
Last week I tracked my OPKs and they got darker and darker ... we got DTD three times over my 'peak' days however it bothered me that I didn't have ewcm it seemed creamy and things didn't add up. Then the heartburn kicked in - hhhhhmmmm I only get heartburn when I am pg .... I haven't even had a period yet, nothing.
So I did an internet cheapie and the line was barely there, I mean you couldn't even see it if you looked long enough.
Then I got a FRER
Okay so I am not excited yet, but I am going to retest tomorrow as it will have been a couple of days. If my line is darker then I am calling myself officially pg.