Hi all, so sorry I haven't been posting on here lately but I have been stalking every day keeping up with your news.
T - I really hope that the sickness doesn't last through the whole pregnancy. Bless you. Hopefully the doctors are keeping an eye on you.
How are the new mums - hope you and LO's are doing well and yes would be good to see some pics.
Lisa - sounds like it was nice to get away, I was also wondering how Caitlin got on and whether it was as stressful travelling as you imagined.
Regina - how are you? No sign of AF, I went to the doctors again but it was mainly to see if I was having any side effects from the anti-depressants which I am not, just a bit tired.
I was doing okay but a bit of shock yesterday which has really thrown me back. I found my dog dead on the kitchen floor yesterday morning. He was a bit poorly on the night, vomiting and pooing a bit more than normal and breathing heavy, he seemed to calm down a bit so I thought, I will see how he is in the morning and take him to the vets if he is still poorly. Woke up and the first thing I do is go downstairs to get him and he comes up the stairs to wake my son up. He was laid out, dead. I am absolutely devastated and can't stop crying. It is such a shock and he was such a big part of the family. He was a border collie and we had him 5 years from an animal shelter, such a character, so loving. He did have arthritis so we couldn't take him for big long walks but I am so sad. I am crying as I am typing this. I miss him so much. Luckily my hubby was home, otherwise I wouldn't know what I would have done. I keep expecting him to jump off the settee when I go in the house. I am gutted. Hubby has gone back today.
I suppose it is fortunate that it was quick and he wasn't suffering too much but he was such a big part of the family.