Left - I have my fingers crossed for you hun
Becks - So sorry that must be so painful right now
I HATE HATE HATE my defective bodyI am so upset and angry right now and waiting for a phone call back from the recurrent m/c centre
It turns out that the defective test (or so I thought at 9DPO) was not a reject I just probably didn't have enough hormones because on 11DPO got a lovely positive no squinting necessary
My plan was to give it the weekend and then go in and have HCG level drawn and again on Wednesday and then tell hubby.
It didn't go according to plan - I went to bed on Saturday evening and woke up with strong cramping (thought this is okay just baby snuggling in) how fckn wrong was I - got up to use the loo (spotting) ok this happens more cramping throughout the night flow got heavier the rest is history as the say
So it seems I can get pregnant (well every 5 months) but holding on no chance
The saddest thing of all - having to tell hubby it was all over again - he saw the test and told me to contact Sheffield today and see what they suggest so now I'm waiting
I will try and do personals later
Left - I have my fingers crossed for you hun
Becks - So sorry that must be so painful right now
I HATE HATE HATE my defective bodyI am so upset and angry right now and waiting for a phone call back from the recurrent m/c centre
It turns out that the defective test (or so I thought at 9DPO) was not a reject I just probably didn't have enough hormones because on 11DPO got a lovely positive no squinting necessary
My plan was to give it the weekend and then go in and have HCG level drawn and again on Wednesday and then tell hubby.
It didn't go according to plan - I went to bed on Saturday evening and woke up with strong cramping (thought this is okay just baby snuggling in) how fckn wrong was I - got up to use the loo (spotting) ok this happens more cramping throughout the night flow got heavier the rest is history as the say
So it seems I can get pregnant (well every 5 months) but holding on no chance
The saddest thing of all - having to tell hubby it was all over again - he saw the test and told me to contact Sheffield today and see what they suggest so now I'm waiting
I will try and do personals later
Dance good question , before mc it was 28 - 29 days , since mc have had 32, 23, and 29 day cycle . So hoping it back to 28-29 days . That's why not testing till tommrow . Temp dropped slightly this amstill testing in the am if no show today