TTC after m/c before AF

Oh wow, they are fab numbers for 12dpo!!

They sound like they're taking very good care of you!
I won't qualify for one, you have to have had three where I am for the GP to refer you and the EPU I went to were bloody useless!! And that's me being polite! Lol. So I've booked a private scan. Having it 2 days before my first midwife appt but hopefully I'll be able to see a heartbeat.

That's ridiculous for there to be so much variation from one EPU to another! :growlmad:
Think I would do the same as you and have a private scan if I couldn't get one on the NHS
Good luck!
You should def be able to see a heartbeat at 8 weeks, I would have booked a private scan too if I were you!
It really is. And because that's the one I went to with my m/c (it was the closest while I was at work) I can't just turn up to another one and ask for a scan :(

Thanks hun! Only 3 Saturdays to go until I get to see my little bean!!
Hi again.

Baby - I would totally do ivf again but my husband is not for it. His reasoning is that I had such a difficult time carrying my ivf twins - I delivered them at 28 weeks - why would we actively try to get me pregnant knowing how many risks are involved and how we may not get as lucky as we did with the twins (both ended up totally fine). He will do ivf if I insist but I'm having a hard time deciding if I should insist on something like that. As far as trying naturally he has no clue about my cycle so I can get around the not actively trying thing.

I'm still using the opk's and there's definitely been a line but my guess is a positive will jump out at me?
I feel a little crampy and it's freaking me out. I also fear I'm insane because I think pregnancy tests are becoming a security blanket for I need to take one to reassure myself I'm still pregnant. When will the need to POAS end?! I wish I was a normal person who took one pregnancy test after I missed my period and that was it. Buuuuuut, I'm not.
Welcome maxxi. Hope this bfp dust rubs off. Ladies I am entering my fake tww. Two weeks until my post operative appt and I get to find out when we can start again.

Ready for that rainbow baby/babies nao!!

How are you feeling Renaendel? Hope you're starting to feel like your normal self again :hugs:

Hey baby1,
I took a few days off, just feeling kind of broody. It's that whole "every body is pregnant" sort of thing. I know it's stupid and I am so happy for the folks that are able to conceive again. Also ready to have these holes in my stomach healed and to get these darn stitches out. Had my second positive opk this month yesterday but so far no temp increase. Took my first bath since December 16th today which was very soothing. I think those are all the updates.
I feel a little crampy and it's freaking me out. I also fear I'm insane because I think pregnancy tests are becoming a security blanket for I need to take one to reassure myself I'm still pregnant. When will the need to POAS end?! I wish I was a normal person who took one pregnancy test after I missed my period and that was it. Buuuuuut, I'm not.

Cramps are totally normal hunny, everythings got to stretch out in there to make room for your little bub. My POAS addiction has calmed down a lot, lasted for about 4 continuous days after getting my bfp, just until the test line was darker than the control. Once that happened I've lost a lot of the urge. Still planning on doing another digi this week to hopefully get my 3+ :) And maybe in a couple of weeks time as I want to test out the hook effect. Lol.
Hey! I'm interested in joining you ladies. I am super encouraged to see others who are not waiting before TTC! Hubs and I had our first m/c (natural) less than a week ago. Back down to just spotting.

I am temping but here in China they don't do HCG testing, so I'm going to take some HPTs during the weekend and see if we're pos or neg. Hoping negative so we can start doing the BD! I read that you should wait after an m/c to BD until you are either a) not bleeding or b) two weeks. Can't wait to bombard Hubs with that new fact. I thought it was just 2 weeks from the m/c regardless. I was kind of scared I might miss my O since my bleeding stopped in just a week...
Hey! I'm interested in joining you ladies. I am super encouraged to see others who are not waiting before TTC! Hubs and I had our first m/c (natural) less than a week ago. Back down to just spotting.

I am temping but here in China they don't do HCG testing, so I'm going to take some HPTs during the weekend and see if we're pos or neg. Hoping negative so we can start doing the BD! I read that you should wait after an m/c to BD until you are either a) not bleeding or b) two weeks. Can't wait to bombard Hubs with that new fact. I thought it was just 2 weeks from the m/c regardless. I was kind of scared I might miss my O since my bleeding stopped in just a week...

Welcome! And I'm so sorry for your loss :hugs:

As long as you've stopped spotting you should be fine to start BDing again (unless your dr has strictly told you not to). But while still spotting you are at a higher risk of infections. Although I was having regular blood tests I was doing hpt's to see how long it took to get a negative. Made me feel like I had sme control.

Now there's quite a few of us here who have managed to get our BFPs fairly soon after so it's definitely possible!

Good luck hun!
Hi ladies, can I join you? :flower: I'd love to catch the baby dust you ladies seem to be spreading!! :)
I am waiting for AF to show post D&C which was done on 01/17. I'm not sure why it hasn't showed yet. I know I'm not pregnant because I just recently finished spotting post D&C and DH & I didn't get jiggy with it until 02/10. I don't know when to expect AF but I woudl think any day now. I wish she'd hurry up and show so that we can get back on the train. I got pregnant on Clomid after TTC for 11 months so I'm sure I'll have to get on Clomid again this time, which I can't do until I have a period. Ugh.
Anywho, I would really love to join you ladies if you don't mind :) And for those of you who had a D&C how long did it take for AF to show? I know it varies.

Sorry for your loss Hopin and hope you're recovering after your D&C. I had a natural miscarriage and was told 3-6 weeks is the norm for AF to show after... not sure if it's the same for a D&C too...

2 week wait sucks!!!!!! Driving myself crazy!!!6dpo soo many symptoms .. Will be testing
Sat/sun see what happens lol.. Baby 1 u know the first hour was kinda hard but after that and chasing my 16 month old son around kept me busy lol.. Kick some kids butt for pushing my kid and I was me again lol.. Tell me why parents don't teach there 6 years olds that he's just a baby he doenst understand that it's not his toy.. Ahh lol .. Other then that it was good to be out and talk to people.

Ah this made me laugh! Glad it wasn't too traumatic. Have asked on the PUPO thread but have you tested yet?! Am excited for you!

Welcome maxxi. Hope this bfp dust rubs off. Ladies I am entering my fake tww. Two weeks until my post operative appt and I get to find out when we can start again.

Ready for that rainbow baby/babies nao!!

How are you feeling Renaendel? Hope you're starting to feel like your normal self again :hugs:

Hi. Sorry for all the losses. I found out that I was pregnant on the 28 of Jan late at night. I went to walgreens early on the 29th to buy a digital hpt , the one's that say's pregnant/not pregnant. Within 1 min or less it said pregnant. My reactions where, OMG'.. My cycle started on the 20 of Jan a normal cycle for me. It went off on the 25 I then started spotting on the 27 and I decided to take a opk. Thinking that I was ovulation, it was very positive less than a minute so I decided why not take a hpt and there were two lines faint but to lines. I later on on the 29 went to the ER for spotting that seemed to be a period only when I wiped. They confirmed that I was pregnant but possibly having a chemical pregnancy. I recieved a shot of Rho-Gam after finding out that I'm RH NEGATIVE. My beta was 53. I went to the women's health center and got another beta Friday the 1 of Feb and my beta was 114. Went back for a another beta on the 4 of be my beta was 67, went back again for another beta on the 8th of Feb my beta was 8 I have to go back Feb 15 for another beta. We wasn't ttc but we wasn't preventing it from happening. We've tried for 11 years and I pretty much thought that I didn't have to worry about using protection because it wasn't going to happen. I was wrong. I have PCOS. I was on a self-impose diet when I found out meaning I was taking diet pills and dancing and doing things that I believe pregnant women shouldn't do. I lost 45lbs and conceived. I felt so hurt finding out that I was losing my baby only shortly finding out that I was pregnant. Now I'm trying to figure out what is next. My cycle hasn't come on my nipples are sore I've been having ovary aches and cramps in both ovary's and all the opk's I take say's negative. Pregnancy test is also negative. I'm happy that I can get pregnant but more fears have grown. This was my first pregnancy ever (that I know of and that's in my medical charts). I'm impatiently waiting to start ttc.

Welcome Jade and sorry for you loss - here's to hoping we all get our rainbows soon :hugs:

Hoping - I've never had any of the embryos tested but my work up prior to ivf was negative.

The bad news is that the positive tests are because of left over hcg :-(. The good news is that tech sees a cyst and says I should be ovulating soon. I never know when I ovulate though so how on earth will this work out again?

So sorry Maxxi - was hoping that it was a new BFP for you :hugs: Great news that you're ovulating again though - when do you plan on testing. I don't temp either, too much for me I'm afraid, I'd become obsessed!

Interesting. I think the bloodwork will definitely help clear this up a little - but if you're still testing positive and the bloodwork doesn't support that, then definitely an u/s would help. If the numbers are increasing the only possibility is that it's a new pregnancy, right?? When will you get results from today's bw?

I dont quite know. I dont think they test it here in town it gets sent to a city 2 hours away. The last time I asked they said 3-5 days. I hate the waiting game.:growlmad: Leaves ALOT of time for things to go wrong.

Sounds like a bit of a nightmare farmwife - are you any further along now? :hugs:

I took it! :happydance:

Woohoo crazy! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
Fab news and wishing you a H&H 9 months

AFM I think I may have ovulated last week (don't temp or OPK - have based on EWCM and pain. Will test in 10 days just to see where I'm at, it'll have been 5 weeks since my mc by that point.

No futher along. Still waiting for results and a call with my u/s bookings. Yesterday I had a rough day, very sick. So I just have to keep my fingers crossed.
I feel a little crampy and it's freaking me out. I also fear I'm insane because I think pregnancy tests are becoming a security blanket for I need to take one to reassure myself I'm still pregnant. When will the need to POAS end?! I wish I was a normal person who took one pregnancy test after I missed my period and that was it. Buuuuuut, I'm not.

You and me both. I totally agree. HPT are like crack for me. . .I order them by the dozens off the net, but dont tell my DH:wacko: I am SLOWLY stopping the obsession, but good lord. . .
AF got me tonight so I'm out for the bfp after m/c and before AF. Still hoping for the rest of you guys.
AF got me tonight so I'm out for the bfp after m/c and before AF. Still hoping for the rest of you guys.

Sorry the witch showed hun. :hugs: I didn't get my bfp until my first proper cycle after m/c so sending you lots of :dust: for this cycle!
sorry you are out this month! I didn't get my BFP until I had one AF after my m/c! good luck and lots of baby dust!
I'm definitely about to get AF. Temp has dropped & felt a bit crampy last night.

Hopefully cycle 2 after mc will be lucky for me.

Nice to see some more bfps on here!

Me and DH took a break to Venice for a few days was nice it was in the 2ww as it took my mind off it a bit!
Hi again.

Baby - I would totally do ivf again but my husband is not for it. His reasoning is that I had such a difficult time carrying my ivf twins - I delivered them at 28 weeks - why would we actively try to get me pregnant knowing how many risks are involved and how we may not get as lucky as we did with the twins (both ended up totally fine). He will do ivf if I insist but I'm having a hard time deciding if I should insist on something like that. As far as trying naturally he has no clue about my cycle so I can get around the not actively trying thing.

I'm still using the opk's and there's definitely been a line but my guess is a positive will jump out at me?

That's so cute you have twins.

If you don't mind me asking if you had ivf before can you get pregnant now without it? Or was it just because of a problem you had at the time that isn't relevant now?

I know a lady who had ivf after trying for years with no success. Then after having the baby, around 2 years later she got pregnant naturally! So it can definitely happen!
A girl I work with was the same. They spent 3 years ttc with 4 rounds of ivf before they got their first. 18months later they decided they'd like another and thought itd take just as long. She was pregnant 3rd month of trying. :thumbup:
Hi again.

Baby - I would totally do ivf again but my husband is not for it. His reasoning is that I had such a difficult time carrying my ivf twins - I delivered them at 28 weeks - why would we actively try to get me pregnant knowing how many risks are involved and how we may not get as lucky as we did with the twins (both ended up totally fine). He will do ivf if I insist but I'm having a hard time deciding if I should insist on something like that. As far as trying naturally he has no clue about my cycle so I can get around the not actively trying thing.

I'm still using the opk's and there's definitely been a line but my guess is a positive will jump out at me?

That's so cute you have twins.

If you don't mind me asking if you had ivf before can you get pregnant now without it? Or was it just because of a problem you had at the time that isn't relevant now?

I know a lady who had ivf after trying for years with no success. Then after having the baby, around 2 years later she got pregnant naturally! So it can definitely happen!

I started trying to have have kids after I got married in Dec 2008. I had just turned 37. In 2009 I went off of birth control in the summer and got pregnant 3 months later. That ended in a miscarriage in Nov 2009. I had just turned 38. In March of 2010 I got pregnant again and had a chemical. In July I went for my regular gyn appt and she referred me to a fertility specialist. He couldn't find anything wrong with either me or my husband but recommended IVF because of my age (I was turning 39). I started IVF in Oct 2010 and got pregnant with my twins on the first try. I had them in May 2011. In Oct 2011 I turned 40 and in March 2012 I got pregnant and miscarried again. I went back to my fertility specialist and he again couldn't find anything wrong. I turned 41 in Oct 2012 and in Dec 2012 I found out I was a pregnant again which ended up in this miscarriage this January.
And thanks everyone for the positive baby dust energy for the next cycle.

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