Ugh. I'm back right where I started again. You ladies remember that I went to the ER last Wednesday for some back cramping and was diagnosed with a UTI and they told me my hCG was on the low side.
Well, I was only able to take three days' worth (of a seven day round) of Macrobid (the antibiotic), because it made my body go insane. I had horrible fast heartrate (100 just sitting doing nothing, and easily hit 120 just getting up out of my chair and walking 30 paces to the kitchen), the worst anxiety I've ever had--so bad I thought I was going insane, edema in my legs, and after Saturday night's dose, I felt like I was getting bronchitis. I haven't taken anymore since Sat. night, so I called in today at the OB office to see if they wanted to prescribe something else to finish off the course. AND I'm having the back cramping again, so the nurse talked to the doctor. He (different OB than I usually see, as mine was on call at the hospital) said that the culture from the UTI after two days hadn't grown (whatever that means), and said that 3 days on the antibiotic should've been enough. And since I am having cramping again (which really feels like muscle soreness, not PMS cramps), he wanted me to have another beta hCG run. So now I've gotta wait till tomorrow to see if the numbers are ok. They mentioned again the worry about something gone wrong. Great.
This roller-coaster riding stuff is for the birds. I just want to be like these normal pregnant girls that you see at the OB's office who get pregnant at the drop of a hat and have no problems whatsoever. But I guess I'll just deal with the cards I'm dealt!