Hi ladies. I have a question for all of you ladies who are either expecting or have had your LO after your eptopic. When you got your BFP, what was your immediate reaction? I am just terrified to find out before we can see if and where the bean is snuggled in. I feel like normal testing after 14dpo is asking for terror with a BFP. That is why DW and I are trying to make and stick to a 1 week late plan. then she would be 5 weeks. We even planned it down to the fact thtat we should test on a Sunday so that we have time to make sure her levels are doubling 2 times in a week and the following week should be late enough in that we can have an ultrasound. I feel like we are over thinking it and I am hoping that I will hear from you ladies that there is still excitement and an enjoyable anticipation that will come along with the second pink line. Thoughts?
I did the opposite in February and March--I tested a week early. lol Well, not exactly a week. I started testing at 10dpo. I wanted to make sure I knew early, because with the ectopic the symptoms hit early on, and that's was my saving grace, I believe. All of the tests I took in February (pictured below) from 13th-17th were very light and there was very little progression. On the 15th, I had the darkest line, and by the 17th, there was nearly no line at all. The next day, the test was negative and I began bleeding.
Tested every other day in March till I was 16dpo to watch progression. Seeing that steady build-up of darker dye every two days was a relief. Once I knew what I was dealing with, I felt so much better.
As for my initial reaction. Both times, I was a nervous wreck. Analyzing every pain, looking for that rectal pain/pressure that I had had last May. This pregnancy, I have a simple cyst on my right ovary, and at first I was worried that it was another ectopic because of the pain. The cyst was because that was the ovary that I'd ovulated from.
When your OH learns that she's expecting, I'm sure you'll both have the nervous jitters. I think most of us here have! The best advice that I have to give you is to stay busy! It will pass the time much faster and keep your mind off worrying about where baby stuck.