Hoping you ladies are still around. I read through page 238 and then jumped to the end to introduce myself and see it's been over a month since anyone has posted.
I'm Amanda. I'm 38 (as of Feb 9th, so was tickled to see the new addition that arrived on my b-day! LOL) and lead a pretty active lifestyle. I have 2 boys, 18 and 7, a 7yo DSD and a 2yo DSS. My other kids (er, fids - furred, feathered and finned) are 4 German Shepherds, a Rat Terrier, 7 parrots, and 233 gallons of fish.
TTC has been one heck of a journey for me. My 18 year old was conceived within days of deciding to TTC. I also have a 17yo DD that was conceived in rape that I gave up for adoption, so obviously I was extremely fertile once upon a time. My 7yo was conceived after 2 years of infertility due to blocked tubes (scarring from c/s with 18yo). One tube was opened via lap in 2005, and he was conceived 5 months later. I was told that tube would close back up in a year, so imagine my surprise when we started "trying" 8 years later in September 2013 so we could get referred back for surgery again ASAP, and I got a BFP that same cycle! That one ended with a mmc at 7w4d that we discovered during a routine u/s at 9 weeks. I had a D&C at 10 weeks. We started TTC again right away and got another BFP on 1/17/14. This one is ectopic. And stubborn. Had to get a 2nd round of MTX last week.
13dpo: 46
15: 108
20: 115
22: 185
24: 159
29: 371
30: 478 - MTX
33: 542
36: 616
37: MTX
41: 477 Finally!
My RE says we can TTC again after one period, which after my research, is what we'll do. He says MTX does NOT affect developing eggs, it only depletes folic acid, and it doesn't deplete it completely, and it starts going back up immediately. He says, and my research backs it up, that the 3 month wait is based on therapeutic use, higher doses over an extended period of time, such as for cancer, psoriasis, etc., and I trust him. He's very, very good at what he does, and he's not going to tell me it's ok if it's not. He not only keeps up with current research, but authors a lot of it. His reputation is stellar.
As I'm reading the last few years of posts I'm so inspired by your stories. And thrilled to see the multiples!! I want twins sooooo bad. I want two more babies, and I'm not getting younger, plus even as a small child I saw myself with twins, twin boys specifically, named Jared and Jordan. I've never used those names in hopes of my dreams coming true, and they'd work for b/g twins, too!
Now, back to reading the old posts and getting up to date!