I am almost positive my first beta was 14 at 10dpo. Fingers crossed!
That's right!! O. M. G. Stunned. And nervous as it came from the ectopic side....
Ok, so I just had my first blood test and my hcg level is 12, which is apparently normal for 3.5 weeks?? How the heck did the pregnancy test pick up on that?! I used the Answer Early Result......
OMG Presh!!!!!! that is FANTASTIC news... we are two weeks apart can you believe it??? WOOOO HOOOOOO! I am soo happy for you sweetness
Gwen, welcome to the thread.. very sorry about your loss! As you have read the ladies here are so lovely and supportive you have definately come to the right place. I joined back in June and myself and most of the ladies who were in the same methotrexate boat as me are now pregnant with happy little beans so you have much to hope for. Keep positive and if you have any questions about anything you can post them here xxx
Hey Michelle, went to docs today and as I have not had any strange spotting or cramping she has referred me straight in for an ultra sound on the 28th Nov. If all good I will go ahead with my bloods. YAAAAAY! hopefully all good this time round... fingers crossed xxx
Ladies, I'd love to join you if that's alright! I have read this ENTIRE thread and am so incredibly happy that I did. It is so encouraging and inspiring to read all of your stories and gives me so much hope to see those of you who went on to get your BFPs despite all of the anxiety that must have come along with that. Presh, I don't know you at all, but Congratulations!! I reached the end of the thread this morning and saw your news, and despite not knowing you at all was so excited and happy for you!! Haha, I hope that's not too creepy...
I found out about the ectopic about 4 weeks ago, and am still waiting for my quant to get to zero, so technically I am still waiting to try. My doctor told me that I only had to wait until I had one period after my ectopic to try again, but after reading this thread I might just wait it out for the 3 month period. The waiting is so hard though! Alright, congrats again to those of you with BFP's and best of luck to the rest of you. You all seem like an amazing group of women.
So, what happens after my blood draw tomorrow? If my levels have doubled, then do I just schedule my first prenatal visit? Or will they want to do them again after two days just to be sure? And what if they don't double? Do I just have to sit and wait until I start bleeding or something?? And if they do double, that doesn't rule out ectopic, right? Seems like this early it could still double even if it is ectopic...
I just had an ectopic pregnancy that was treated with a methotrexate shot on nov 11. I have had my hcg levels checked once so far but have to go in tomorrow. I was 7w2d. This was my first pregnancy and it wasn't planned but now we have decided to ttc once we are able to.