TTC after Methotrexate shot

Oh no Renz, I am sorry for your loss. This makes me so sad to hear.. Thinking of you now and hoping that you are doing alright.
Unfortuntely my little one passed away a few weeks ago and I am now miscarrying. :cry:Due in for a d&c on sad but tis life I guess. Glass half full is my motto x
All the very best to you gorgeous ladies and your upcoming scans, pls keep me posted as could use some good squishy baby news right about now xxx

Wow Renzal. I am so sorry. We really were in sync, weren't we? I am so so so so so so so so sorry. I can't remember if I updated here or not, but I ended up having to have a D&C on Friday because my body just didn't want to let go. So it's all completely over for me and now I'm able to move on. I just booked a trip to Miami for next weekend with a girlfriend of mine. Hoping some mojitos on the beach will be just what I need.

Message me ANYTIME if you need to talk. :hugs:
Presh and renzal - I am so sorry for you have had to go through. What a horrible time for both of you. Thinking of you as you try to deal with your loss xxx
Presh and Renzal, I'm so so sorry for your losses. Sending you both lots of thoughts and prayers. Presh, your girls' weekend sounds like just the ticket. Thinking of you both. xxoo
Presh and Renzal, I am so so sorry for your losses :hugs: I wish there were words that could help, but I know there aren't. Both of you are incredibly strong ladies, and I just wish this hadn't happened to you. I'm thinking of you both. xoxo
Oh girls my heart aches for both of you right now, i guess there aren't really any words that i can say to make you feel better. Take all the time you need to grieve and heal, remember we will all be here for you.

Michelle we've both reached the halfway mark. Have you had your 20 weeks scan yet, i cant remember. I have mine today and im totally nervous x
Renz- I am so sorry for your loss. We are here for you whenever you need to talk. xoxo

Presh- That trip to Miami sounds like a good idea. Have a nice time! xoxo
Thanks, Michelle78. How are you doing?? When was your shot? Are you back TTC'ing? Glad you're back on the prenatals as well :) My doctor hasn't said anything about taking any extra folic acid either. But I've heard some women do it. Is there a test we can get to check our levels of folic acid?

Is anyone getting any tests done after the ectopic? I've been told (and read) that it wasn't necesary yet, but wanted to see what other people were doing...

hello young lady, i was going through your threads and i think you can be of great help to me. i am dealing with an ectopic pregnancy. i am 10 weeks. today had to decide between making a surgery, laparoscopy, with the risk of losing one tube or take the medicine Methroxtate (dont know if i spelled it right). its the medicine to help induce miscarriage when having an ectopic pregnancy.

so i just decided to take the shot of Meth. But i am scared that it increases the risk of another ectopic or can cause birth defects in the long term.. doctor told me not to try for 6 months to be safe! i am waiting for it to arrive in my country because we dont have it here.

what do you think about it? is it safer than the surgery?

sorry for posting and asking direct questions... i am in a really bad state at the moment and need a lot of help. only the girls here can be of support
hi girls i rreally need help at the moment. i am dealing with an ectopic pregnancy. i am 10 weeks pregnant. today had to decide between making a surgery, laparoscopy, with the risk of losing one tube or take the medicine Methotrexate. its the medicine to help induce miscarriage when having an ectopic pregnancy.

so i just decided to take the shot of Meth. But i am scared that it increases the risk of another ectopic or can cause birth defects in the long term.. doctor told me not to try for 6 months to be safe! i am waiting for it to arrive in my country because we dont have it here.

what do you think about it? is it safer than the surgery? what are the side effects to it?

i really need support from you girls. please help me
hi girls i rreally need help at the moment. i am dealing with an ectopic pregnancy. i am 10 weeks pregnant. today had to decide between making a surgery, laparoscopy, with the risk of losing one tube or take the medicine Methotrexate. its the medicine to help induce miscarriage when having an ectopic pregnancy.

so i just decided to take the shot of Meth. But i am scared that it increases the risk of another ectopic or can cause birth defects in the long term.. doctor told me not to try for 6 months to be safe! i am waiting for it to arrive in my country because we dont have it here.

what do you think about it? is it safer than the surgery? what are the side effects to it?

i really need support from you girls. please help me

Hi Isabel. So sorry you are going through this.. We've all been there so we know how hard it is!

Methotrexate does not increase your chances of having another ectopic. If your tube is blocked, then that could be why you had one in the first place, so could have one again if you ovulate on that side when you get pregnant again. But, a lot of the time, ectopics are just flukes. So in that case, next time you should be fine. Some of the girls here have gotten the HSG test done to see if their tubes are clear or not. I personally have not done it, though.

I did not have any side effects that I noticed from the methotrexate. It does lower your folic acid levels, so once your hcg levels reach zero, you will need to start taking folic acid supplements. If you get pregnant again before your folic acid level is up to par, that could cause serious defects for the baby.

So you have not actually gotten the shot yet? I think it's a good idea to get it over surgery if you have that option. There might be nothing wrong with your tube, so taking it out when you don't HAVE to might not be a good idea. Do what you are comfortable with, though. I had the methotrexate last time, but if I end up with another ectopic on that same side next time, I will definitely get the tube removed.
yesterday i had one shot of methotrexate to cure ectopic pregnancy. i am not feeling any symptoms at all. does this mean that it is not working? How will i know if it is working or not? i am checking my hcg levels next week...
hi girls i rreally need help at the moment. i am dealing with an ectopic pregnancy. i am 10 weeks pregnant. today had to decide between making a surgery, laparoscopy, with the risk of losing one tube or take the medicine Methotrexate. its the medicine to help induce miscarriage when having an ectopic pregnancy.

so i just decided to take the shot of Meth. But i am scared that it increases the risk of another ectopic or can cause birth defects in the long term.. doctor told me not to try for 6 months to be safe! i am waiting for it to arrive in my country because we dont have it here.

what do you think about it? is it safer than the surgery? what are the side effects to it?

i really need support from you girls. please help me

Hi Isabel. So sorry you are going through this.. We've all been there so we know how hard it is!

Methotrexate does not increase your chances of having another ectopic. If your tube is blocked, then that could be why you had one in the first place, so could have one again if you ovulate on that side when you get pregnant again. But, a lot of the time, ectopics are just flukes. So in that case, next time you should be fine. Some of the girls here have gotten the HSG test done to see if their tubes are clear or not. I personally have not done it, though.

I did not have any side effects that I noticed from the methotrexate. It does lower your folic acid levels, so once your hcg levels reach zero, you will need to start taking folic acid supplements. If you get pregnant again before your folic acid level is up to par, that could cause serious defects for the baby.

So you have not actually gotten the shot yet? I think it's a good idea to get it over surgery if you have that option. There might be nothing wrong with your tube, so taking it out when you don't HAVE to might not be a good idea. Do what you are comfortable with, though. I had the methotrexate last time, but if I end up with another ectopic on that same side next time, I will definitely get the tube removed.

i had the shot yesterday and thanks goodness i have no side effects. i am really praying that one shot would be enough because if not i have to take another shot. doctor said i cant try to concieve for 3 months for each shot... that's a long time especially if i take 2 shots i have to wait 6 months!

its really frustraing... i just want to do anything to save the tube. if i get one removed, than i only have one tube. if something happens to that tube, i definately cant get pregnant... doctor told me not to have intercourse for the time being. hope this wont be long... did you have the same experience?

thanks alot for the supportive message:hugs:
Hi Isabel
So sorry for your loss. It is a horrible thing to have to go through.
Glad to hear you are not experiencing any side effects from the shot. I felt sick and achey but everyone is different. You may not experience any thing until your HCG starts to come down. Mine took about two weeks and I had a massive bleed (sorry tmi) and after that my levels came down dramatically. The whole process took about 6 weeks all up but hopefully will be quicker for you. I was also told no intercourse until my levels reach zero and to stay away from anything with folate as well. Unfortunatley, as Presh said, your levels of folate are diminished by the methotrexate and will cause birth defects if you accidentlly fall pregnant again. My doc told me to take folic acid for three months AFTER my hormones went down to zero before we try to conceive again.
Mind you if you go back to the first pages of this thread you will probably find the answer to many of the questions you may have.
You have definately come to the right place, the ladies here are wonderful for advice and support if you need it!
All the best :flower::flower:
good morning all. how are you feeling today? i wish good luck for all those who are ovulating this week... go catch that eggie !!!! :)

just an update about me - on fri i took i shot of Methotrexate and yesterday night had a lot of pain in my abdominal. but didnt last long as i slept and didnt feel anything more. this morning pain is very very mild but i am bleeding... i called doctor and said that bleeding is ok but if pain increases, i should go to hospital... i really want to go over this thing! its so frustrating and its putting me down. i just hope that my tube has not ruptured!
Hi Isabel
So sorry for your loss. It is a horrible thing to have to go through.
Glad to hear you are not experiencing any side effects from the shot. I felt sick and achey but everyone is different. You may not experience any thing until your HCG starts to come down. Mine took about two weeks and I had a massive bleed (sorry tmi) and after that my levels came down dramatically. The whole process took about 6 weeks all up but hopefully will be quicker for you. I was also told no intercourse until my levels reach zero and to stay away from anything with folate as well. Unfortunatley, as Presh said, your levels of folate are diminished by the methotrexate and will cause birth defects if you accidentlly fall pregnant again. My doc told me to take folic acid for three months AFTER my hormones went down to zero before we try to conceive again.
Mind you if you go back to the first pages of this thread you will probably find the answer to many of the questions you may have.
You have definately come to the right place, the ladies here are wonderful for advice and support if you need it!
All the best :flower::flower:

Oh my God! My doctor took a mistake. She advised me to take folic acid during the treatment i have took 1 on saturday and 1 on sunday of 5mg.

but then i rang her and she told me to read the notes she gave me and it said NO FOLIC ACID DURING TREATMENT. I hope i didnt do alot of harm to myself... i also took some wine and Martini but i read that it is highly important not to take any alcohol :nope::nope::nope:

doctor also said that i have to wait for 3 months before trying to conceive, taking only one shot of MEth. if i take another shot, it will be 6 months. so as i can see, you took more thann 3 months to try to conceive again... My Gosh, i wish i can sleep for a long time and when i wake up, it will be all over!

thanks for the supportive message. i am really happy posting in this thread because as you said, girls are really supportive. thanks to all :hugs::kiss:
im still experiencing the skin rash, and started taking my prenatal vitamins hopefully by march time i can start trying for a baby again.

joining gym again, hope it will be ok..i did get quite weak during the methotrexate treatment...
Hi Isabel
So sorry for your loss. It is a horrible thing to have to go through.
Glad to hear you are not experiencing any side effects from the shot. I felt sick and achey but everyone is different. You may not experience any thing until your HCG starts to come down. Mine took about two weeks and I had a massive bleed (sorry tmi) and after that my levels came down dramatically. The whole process took about 6 weeks all up but hopefully will be quicker for you. I was also told no intercourse until my levels reach zero and to stay away from anything with folate as well. Unfortunatley, as Presh said, your levels of folate are diminished by the methotrexate and will cause birth defects if you accidentlly fall pregnant again. My doc told me to take folic acid for three months AFTER my hormones went down to zero before we try to conceive again.
Mind you if you go back to the first pages of this thread you will probably find the answer to many of the questions you may have.
You have definately come to the right place, the ladies here are wonderful for advice and support if you need it!
All the best :flower::flower:

Oh my God! My doctor took a mistake. She advised me to take folic acid during the treatment i have took 1 on saturday and 1 on sunday of 5mg.

but then i rang her and she told me to read the notes she gave me and it said NO FOLIC ACID DURING TREATMENT. I hope i didnt do alot of harm to myself... i also took some wine and Martini but i read that it is highly important not to take any alcohol :nope::nope::nope:

doctor also said that i have to wait for 3 months before trying to conceive, taking only one shot of MEth. if i take another shot, it will be 6 months. so as i can see, you took more thann 3 months to try to conceive again... My Gosh, i wish i can sleep for a long time and when i wake up, it will be all over!

thanks for the supportive message. i am really happy posting in this thread because as you said, girls are really supportive. thanks to all :hugs::kiss:

If it makes you feel any better, I was given a packet of information from the doctors in the emergency department about methotrexate. It said to not take any vitamins containing folic acid for ONE WEEK after being given the shots. After a week I started taking them again but then stopped after I heard you should wait until you zero out. But I really don't think taking 2 pills should hurt anything. Methotrexate is very powerful stuff, so don't stress about it! Hopefully you won't have to have another dose...ick.
im still experiencing the skin rash, and started taking my prenatal vitamins hopefully by march time i can start trying for a baby again.

joining gym again, hope it will be ok..i did get quite weak during the methotrexate treatment...

Good luck Bunni. Is the rash from the methotrexate?
Hi Isabel and Bunni, and welcome. Sorry that you have to be a part of this group, but it is great place to get support and information.

Isabel, I had the shot on a Friday and that Tuesday I was in the hospital because I was in so much pain. It turned out to be the methotrexate working, but I honestly was afraid that my tube had ruptured. I am also one of the unfortunate ones who bled for a long time...around four straight weeks! And no tampons! It was a tough time emotionally, and physically I felt very frail. I also refrained from eating most of the healthy food that I love because they are high in folic acid. So all in all, it is a difficult time. On the bright side, the time actually passes by pretty quickly and you should be back to ttc before you know it. In fact, my doctor told me that I only had to wait for one period, but decided on my own to wait the three months/two cycles. Best of luck!
I am sure 1 or 2 pills of folic acid won't do anything... don't stress over it. Just remember don't start any prenatals or extra folic until your levels have reached zero. Also, do not get worried if you numbers rise a few days after the shot. It is 100% normal for your levels to rise and then start to go down to zero. xoxoxo

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