TTC after Methotrexate shot

Hi ladies, I think Im sending myself nuts and thought I would get your views, I took another hpt today with fmu and for some reason thought the line would be darker but its not, do you think I should leave it longer or is it bad news? Any feedback is appreciated I can take it good or bad xxx
hey ladies

i also had the shot 3 weeks mineral reserves went so low it gave me muscle weakness...nasty, anyone get skin rash or any symptoms with it?

anyway doc told me to wait 2-3 months before trying again

i was 7 weeks gone and levels werent dropping when i started bleeding (i only found out the day before the bleeding that i was pregnant as i was on a long holiday and didnt test) and they didnt see any they gave me the shot and now levels almost down to 0.

just it safe for me to go gym now? bleeding almost stopped...
wow Michelle we are pretty much half way there YAY. Good luck for tomorrow, there seems to be a lot of girls on the go right now wooop. Ive been in my element shopping for little girly outfits in the sales.

Bells i wouldnt worry about the darkness of the lines, i tested for like 2 weeks straight after my first BFP and they never went really dark. A line is a line which means you have hcg in your system and thats all the line represents the darkness is no importance. For offical numbers go get a blood test done chica.

AFM ive been so ill over new years with a virus which nearly put me in hospital twice but im slowly on the mend. Sitting here smiling as my little one is awake and seems to be having a roll around in my tummy.

babydust to all the new ladies, hope the new year brings you your BFP's
Thank you Tray, I think its just past experience that is making me think something is gunna go wrong, but I am now trying my best to relax. I have a docs app on monday as thats the earliest I could get in, so I will see what they say then but they are not very keen on doing bloods for hcg, not sure why.

Glad to hear you are on the mend after being so ill and thank you again for your help xxx
Congrats Bells, I'm so excited for you!!

Buzz, I was also really impatient to start working out again after the shot. I think that I started running again before my levels got back down to zero. My doctor didn't have a problem with it.

Presh, how is everything going with you, when is your next u/s?

AFM, I am officially at the halfway point since the twins will be here during week 37 at the latest. At my last appt, the u/s tech told us she thinks we are having twin girls! I have an u/s with the high risk dr tomorrow, so they will confirm the gender for us.

I hope all the new ladies catch some of the dust that this thread puts out!!

I'm doing well! My next ultrasound is Jan 10th. So nervous. I'm pretty sure I've been feeling baby flutters, but I'm still trying not to get my hopes to high. I'll definitely keep you updated, though!
Hi ladies, I think Im sending myself nuts and thought I would get your views, I took another hpt today with fmu and for some reason thought the line would be darker but its not, do you think I should leave it longer or is it bad news? Any feedback is appreciated I can take it good or bad xxx

The line on my hpts never got darker, but my numbers were really good and more than doubled. I decided not to take any more tests because it freaked me out to try to analyze the darkness of the lines.

As for me, I had another scan yesterday at 7w6d. The little bean was definitely bigger than my 6 week scan (measuring right at 8 weeks) and the heartbeat was a strong 156. I'm finally feeling a little more relaxed and optimistic at this point. My next ultrasound is in four weeks. It will be nice to have a little break from going to the doctors.
pain :-(

hey guys , i had my 2nd injection 11 days ago, last night i had pains in what i can only call as tube area? near public hair line.. it wasnt severe but it was there and not nice
Today, ive been extreamly tired , feeling sick and having retal pain , V pain and the tube pain again that seems to come and go, its not nice at all.

Im not back at the docs until monday, should i be worried about this pain or is it the ectopic removing itself? Im also bleeding lightly too
hey ladies

i also had the shot 3 weeks mineral reserves went so low it gave me muscle weakness...nasty, anyone get skin rash or any symptoms with it?

anyway doc told me to wait 2-3 months before trying again

i was 7 weeks gone and levels werent dropping when i started bleeding (i only found out the day before the bleeding that i was pregnant as i was on a long holiday and didnt test) and they didnt see any they gave me the shot and now levels almost down to 0.

just it safe for me to go gym now? bleeding almost stopped...

Ive come out in spots!! not nice :(
hey ladies

i also had the shot 3 weeks mineral reserves went so low it gave me muscle weakness...nasty, anyone get skin rash or any symptoms with it?

anyway doc told me to wait 2-3 months before trying again

i was 7 weeks gone and levels werent dropping when i started bleeding (i only found out the day before the bleeding that i was pregnant as i was on a long holiday and didnt test) and they didnt see any they gave me the shot and now levels almost down to 0.

just it safe for me to go gym now? bleeding almost stopped...

Ive come out in spots!! not nice :(

I would assume you are having a reaction to the injections, but i'm not too sure. You might want to call your doc to be sure and safe!

As for pain in your ectopic tube, I think you can expect that to last for a while. My doctor told me that your body reabsorbs the tissue/ doesn't make it's way out. So I think that's probably what causes that pain. And I think for me, since I still have pain in my tube, it's probably leftover scar tissue or something.

Call your doc, though...coming out in spots can't be good. I'm so sorry you are going through this right now! :hugs:
hey ladies

i also had the shot 3 weeks mineral reserves went so low it gave me muscle weakness...nasty, anyone get skin rash or any symptoms with it?

anyway doc told me to wait 2-3 months before trying again

i was 7 weeks gone and levels werent dropping when i started bleeding (i only found out the day before the bleeding that i was pregnant as i was on a long holiday and didnt test) and they didnt see any they gave me the shot and now levels almost down to 0.

just it safe for me to go gym now? bleeding almost stopped...

Ive come out in spots!! not nice :(

I would assume you are having a reaction to the injections, but i'm not too sure. You might want to call your doc to be sure and safe!

As for pain in your ectopic tube, I think you can expect that to last for a while. My doctor told me that your body reabsorbs the tissue/ doesn't make it's way out. So I think that's probably what causes that pain. And I think for me, since I still have pain in my tube, it's probably leftover scar tissue or something.

Call your doc, though...coming out in spots can't be good. I'm so sorry you are going through this right now! :hugs:

Yeah im guessin ive come out in spots due to my hormon levels dropping etc , should think thats anything to worry about though.. im more worried about the pain in my tube. it comes and goes but when it comes its sharp and its not nice , hurts when i sit down.
Im going to ring the docs tonight i think just to be sure.. i have had simualar pain to this before but i was hoping 11 days after jab, it would have died off by now? x
hey ladies

i also had the shot 3 weeks mineral reserves went so low it gave me muscle weakness...nasty, anyone get skin rash or any symptoms with it?

anyway doc told me to wait 2-3 months before trying again

i was 7 weeks gone and levels werent dropping when i started bleeding (i only found out the day before the bleeding that i was pregnant as i was on a long holiday and didnt test) and they didnt see any they gave me the shot and now levels almost down to 0.

just it safe for me to go gym now? bleeding almost stopped...

Ive come out in spots!! not nice :(

I would assume you are having a reaction to the injections, but i'm not too sure. You might want to call your doc to be sure and safe!

As for pain in your ectopic tube, I think you can expect that to last for a while. My doctor told me that your body reabsorbs the tissue/ doesn't make it's way out. So I think that's probably what causes that pain. And I think for me, since I still have pain in my tube, it's probably leftover scar tissue or something.

Call your doc, though...coming out in spots can't be good. I'm so sorry you are going through this right now! :hugs:

Yeah im guessin ive come out in spots due to my hormon levels dropping etc , should think thats anything to worry about though.. im more worried about the pain in my tube. it comes and goes but when it comes its sharp and its not nice , hurts when i sit down.
Im going to ring the docs tonight i think just to be sure.. i have had simualar pain to this before but i was hoping 11 days after jab, it would have died off by now? x

I am fully expecting to feel pain in my tube for the rest of my life. I had one dose of mtx in here I am, it's January and I'm 11 weeks pregnant and I still get stabbing pains every day!
hey ladies

i also had the shot 3 weeks mineral reserves went so low it gave me muscle weakness...nasty, anyone get skin rash or any symptoms with it?

anyway doc told me to wait 2-3 months before trying again

i was 7 weeks gone and levels werent dropping when i started bleeding (i only found out the day before the bleeding that i was pregnant as i was on a long holiday and didnt test) and they didnt see any they gave me the shot and now levels almost down to 0.

just it safe for me to go gym now? bleeding almost stopped...

Ive come out in spots!! not nice :(

I would assume you are having a reaction to the injections, but i'm not too sure. You might want to call your doc to be sure and safe!

As for pain in your ectopic tube, I think you can expect that to last for a while. My doctor told me that your body reabsorbs the tissue/ doesn't make it's way out. So I think that's probably what causes that pain. And I think for me, since I still have pain in my tube, it's probably leftover scar tissue or something.

Call your doc, though...coming out in spots can't be good. I'm so sorry you are going through this right now! :hugs:

Yeah im guessin ive come out in spots due to my hormon levels dropping etc , should think thats anything to worry about though.. im more worried about the pain in my tube. it comes and goes but when it comes its sharp and its not nice , hurts when i sit down.
Im going to ring the docs tonight i think just to be sure.. i have had simualar pain to this before but i was hoping 11 days after jab, it would have died off by now? x

I am fully expecting to feel pain in my tube for the rest of my life. I had one dose of mtx in here I am, it's January and I'm 11 weeks pregnant and I still get stabbing pains every day!

that makes me feel better, although i am sorry your still having pain.. im just worried because my levels are not 0.. they was 498 3 days ago.. roll on monday.. hopefully they have gone down more! x
Hi ladies,
Just wanted to say thank you for all your support during my worrying, I know a line is a line and not to worry but I have tested again this morning because I couldnt resist and got a lovely strong line!! I can be such a worrying silly billy sometimes, haha!!
I now have a docs appointment booked for monday, see if I can get in for an early scan, but on the whole Im feeling much more confident and can now relax and enjoy being pregnant, woohoo!! Xxx
had pain, not unlike ov pain around right side last month 9dpo but got BFN. The small symptoms I had 2-3 days previous disappeared at 10dpo so i think implantation tried to happen hence the pain but didn't amount to anything.
Now i'm 6 dpo and having twinges in right side. I am plagued by thoughts that a fertilised egg is implanting in my tube :-( I know that noone here is psychic but I needed to vent and this is the best place for it!!

Congrats to all the BFP's
Hi ladies,
Just wanted to say thank you for all your support during my worrying, I know a line is a line and not to worry but I have tested again this morning because I couldnt resist and got a lovely strong line!! I can be such a worrying silly billy sometimes, haha!!
I now have a docs appointment booked for monday, see if I can get in for an early scan, but on the whole Im feeling much more confident and can now relax and enjoy being pregnant, woohoo!! Xxx

Apparently the national guidelines following an ectopic pregnancy, treated with meth is to scan at 6 weeks so you shouldn't have any problems with GP agreeing to it. Failing that, phone your pregnancy support unit at the maternity hospital and they will organise it.

Good luck
Hi Ladies not been on here for a while. just catching up on posts.

I had a skin reaction after my shot on my chest and below my breats. They started off what looked like sunburn and turned into blisters then dryed out and went after being a little itchy. Doctors here told me I had eczma and tryed to prescribe me with cream, I knew it was not eczma as never had it in my life and was completely different. Only thing I have now is slight colour difference from where they were.

Hope u are all ok and had a great Xmas and New Year. :)

hey ladies

i also had the shot 3 weeks mineral reserves went so low it gave me muscle weakness...nasty, anyone get skin rash or any symptoms with it?

anyway doc told me to wait 2-3 months before trying again

i was 7 weeks gone and levels werent dropping when i started bleeding (i only found out the day before the bleeding that i was pregnant as i was on a long holiday and didnt test) and they didnt see any they gave me the shot and now levels almost down to 0.

just it safe for me to go gym now? bleeding almost stopped...

Ive come out in spots!! not nice :(

I would assume you are having a reaction to the injections, but i'm not too sure. You might want to call your doc to be sure and safe!

As for pain in your ectopic tube, I think you can expect that to last for a while. My doctor told me that your body reabsorbs the tissue/ doesn't make it's way out. So I think that's probably what causes that pain. And I think for me, since I still have pain in my tube, it's probably leftover scar tissue or something.

Call your doc, though...coming out in spots can't be good. I'm so sorry you are going through this right now! :hugs:

Yeah im guessin ive come out in spots due to my hormon levels dropping etc , should think thats anything to worry about though.. im more worried about the pain in my tube. it comes and goes but when it comes its sharp and its not nice , hurts when i sit down.
Im going to ring the docs tonight i think just to be sure.. i have had simualar pain to this before but i was hoping 11 days after jab, it would have died off by now? x
Sorry to jump off the subject ladies, but is it normal for your symptoms to start to disappear at 11 weeks? I still have tender bbs but feel like I could run a marathon for last 4 or so days....
Dont have my next scan until Tuesday 17th so stressing a bit...probably just being paranoid????
Yup! I complained about it and then kicked myself in the ass 2 days later when I started puking again! Perfectly normal. Nothing to worry about at all. xoxo

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