I recently went through an ectopic with MTX in mid-March. My levels fell to under 10 within 2 weeks luckily, so I started taking Folic Acid again right away.
Mentally, I have good days and bad days. Whenever I hear that one of my friends or co-workers is PG, I am genuinely very happy for them, but then part of me gets really depressed about it too. I hate that.
I did read through majority of these threads though; and it gave me great joy - to the point of tears - to hear that some of you are expecting. Your honesty about MC and CPs are also really helping me re-think our TTC schedule a bit. I cant imagine going through this again.
Anyway, I do have some follow up questions that your threads may have already answered for me, but.. here goes:
I stopped bleeding completely when my numbers hit about 7 (3/27). I was given the ok for sex and excersize at that time (which I did - both). No pain during either. Both activities actually felt great! About a week later (a week ago - 4/6), I started bleeding again. I called the doc and they said to stop sex and excersize until I stopped bleeding and to call them if I soaked a pad or if it happened for longer than 7 days. anyway, neither were the case. But the bleeding was bright red and not heavy, but not as light as the spotting had been towards the end of the MTX. It felt like a period. I asked about that, and she said it could be - but I was doubtful bc it was only the nurse calling (not the doc) and how could I have a P without an O.
Could that have been my P? Is that possible? My levels had just hit 0 earlier that week!
Secondly, I have an appt with my OB/G to discuss TTC again, and talk about that HSG test, etc. Do you think I should also start seeing a RE? I have another child that was conceived with no problem. He is 1. I am just not sure if a RE would do things differently than my OB. I plan to ask my OB when I go in, but wanted to see if you ladies had any feedback on this.
Also.. this is crazy, but I am also considering acupuncture. Is that nuts? I just want to give my body every chance it can at getting PG again. I am almost 35, so I am just feeling like I don't have all the time in the world anymore.
I recently went through an ectopic with MTX in mid-March. My levels fell to under 10 within 2 weeks luckily, so I started taking Folic Acid again right away.
Mentally, I have good days and bad days. Whenever I hear that one of my friends or co-workers is PG, I am genuinely very happy for them, but then part of me gets really depressed about it too. I hate that.
I did read through majority of these threads though; and it gave me great joy - to the point of tears - to hear that some of you are expecting. Your honesty about MC and CPs are also really helping me re-think our TTC schedule a bit. I cant imagine going through this again.
Anyway, I do have some follow up questions that your threads may have already answered for me, but.. here goes:
I stopped bleeding completely when my numbers hit about 7 (3/27). I was given the ok for sex and excersize at that time (which I did - both). No pain during either. Both activities actually felt great! About a week later (a week ago - 4/6), I started bleeding again. I called the doc and they said to stop sex and excersize until I stopped bleeding and to call them if I soaked a pad or if it happened for longer than 7 days. anyway, neither were the case. But the bleeding was bright red and not heavy, but not as light as the spotting had been towards the end of the MTX. It felt like a period. I asked about that, and she said it could be - but I was doubtful bc it was only the nurse calling (not the doc) and how could I have a P without an O.
Could that have been my P? Is that possible? My levels had just hit 0 earlier that week!
Secondly, I have an appt with my OB/G to discuss TTC again, and talk about that HSG test, etc. Do you think I should also start seeing a RE? I have another child that was conceived with no problem. He is 1. I am just not sure if a RE would do things differently than my OB. I plan to ask my OB when I go in, but wanted to see if you ladies had any feedback on this.
Also.. this is crazy, but I am also considering acupuncture. Is that nuts? I just want to give my body every chance it can at getting PG again. I am almost 35, so I am just feeling like I don't have all the time in the world anymore.